
Chapter 90: Nagi and His Sister Aine Gather Information And Aine’s Battle Begins

Chapter 90: Nagi and His Sister Aine Gather Information And Aine’s Battle Begins

It was the evening of the next day when we left the cave and returned to our villa in the Resort Town Mishlira.

The journey back was peaceful and we did not encounter any enemies.

We saw monsters a few times, but they were all lying flat in the distance.

Rather than approaching us, it was more like watching over us.

I asked Rita, who had been out scouting last night, if anything had happened, but she didn’t answer.

The moment I spoke to her, she turned red, turned down, and ran away saying, “Whoa!”.

… After what happened yesterday, I couldn’t force myself to ask again.

But I was pretty sure it was because of Rita.

The enemy didn’t come, which was good for us, and we made our way back to the villa smoothly.

Perhaps it was because we were forced to stay in the field after the quest, but we were all exhausted by the time we arrived at the villa.

We ate some rice I bought at a food stall and decided to go to sleep.

But before that…

“Tomorrow, I’ll put a 24-hour work ban on you all.”

I told everyone as we finished our meal.

“We are supposed to be on a vacation, but we haven’t been able to take any time off at all.”

So I forced everyone to take a day off.

My slaves were basically always working, so I had to force them to rest.

Except for me, of course.

I myself had a lot of things to do, like gather information.

I was planning to go around town by myself and find out about the Countess and the Prince.

“…, but, Nagi.”

“I will not tolerate any rebuttal. I invoke my Master’s authority.”

“… Ugh.”

Cecile and the others looked like they wanted to say something.

But in order to establish the “right vacation” in this world, that was non-negotiable.

“Everyone, what is your reply?”

““““““… Yes! ””””””

That’s why for 24 hours, the next day became a day that none of my slave could work.

However, if one wanted to go out as a reward, it wasn’t restricted.

“Then we’re going out together, Na-kun.”

It was decided that Aine and I were going out together.

I promised Rita and Aine that I would give them “time to spend with me” when we conquered the Valley of Mist.

I wanted to ask Rita what she wanted, but she was still too shy to come out of her room.

‘… She is still wondering about what happened that night.

‘No, I remember it, too. I’m not going to forget.’

“Rita, what do we do? Do you want to come with me?”

“Wow. … still can’t …”

I knocked on the door of her room, and a faint voice replied.

It couldn’t be helped.

It was her day off. I couldn’t force her to do anything.

That’s why Aine was given priority for the reward - and we decided to go out together.


“Aine, you do realize that today is a ‘No work’ day, right?”

“I know. This is my reward.”

“My plan is to go to the Adventurer’s Guild to gather information, go around the town to check out the best-selling products, and then go to … see the surrounding geography.”

“It’s okay. I will just go along with you.”

I wondered if it was okay.

Even the cursed sword, Reggie, was absent, and I was equipped with a spare shortsword.

“Aine, you don’t have any of your old workaholic-self left, do you? Like, do you have to work to feel comfortable?”

“You’ve got it all wrong.”

Aine then held the chest of her maid’s uniform.

“Being with Na-kun is a ‘Soul Vacation’ for me.”

‘… This is the first time I’ve heard that word.”

“Just by walking and talking with you, my soul will be at ease. So, it’s okay.”

“Soul Vacation?”

It was a nice word, but it seemed like a prime target to be abused by black companies.

But Aine smiled serenely.

She seemed to be happy with it, and I was there to make sure that Aine didn’t work.

Besides, spending the vacations with you is a treat for everyone, right?

Aine then pointed to the other side of the hallway.


Living room, kitchen, top of the stairs.

The figure that had been peeking at us quickly disappeared.

Silver, green and pink hair. And a golden tail and red twin tails.

It was just a faint glimpse.

“You don’t have to worry about them.”

Aine whispered quietly in my ear.

“Because today I will try not to work at all. I must obey my Master’s orders.”


We first went to the Adventurer’s Guild in the Resort Town Mishlira.

It was a place with a lot of foot traffic, so it was a perfect place for gathering information.

First, we ordered drinks at the bar and took our seats.

Aine and I pretended to be discussing a quest, but we were listening carefully to the voices around us.

“… It’s crowded.”

“Yeah, it really is.”

The place looked completely different from the last time I was there.

There was a line at the reception desk and a crowd of people in front of the quest board.

I couldn’t even look at the quests that were posted from my position.

“Aine, have you noticed anything?”

“This tea hasn’t been steeped long enough. The leaves haven’t fully opened.”

Aine sipped at her cup and looked reluctant.

“I can’t let Na-kun drink this stuff. I am going to reheat it.

“It doesn’t matter. I mean, it’s your day off work, right?”

“… mmm.”

Aine had almost stood up, but reluctantly sat back down.

“Anything else you’ve noticed?”

“They’re all saying, ‘Here’s your chance for full-time employment’.”

‘I knew Aine was stuck there, too.’

Everyone was talking so loudly that I could hear them just fine.

On the quest board, the quests requested by the Royal Family were posted, and it seemed that in addition to the usual rewards, there was something about being promoted to a regular soldier.

“Requested by His Highness Prince Kravis of the Eighth. Depending on the results, you may be officially hired as a member of the Imperial Guard.

“It might even open the door for you to become a Magician under the direct control of the Royal Family.

“We are looking for people who are motivated.”

“It may never happen again, mass recruitment.”

“Don’t miss this opportunity!”

…I got goosebumps because of my experience in my previous world.

Whenever I saw conditions like that, the word “suspicious” would come to my mind immediately. Especially the words “official employment,” “motivated,” and “may never happen again” gave me a suspicious feeling.

‘But I guess it’s different in this world.’

Everyone was in panic, and they were inquiring about it with the Guild.

“So you’re saying there’s a quest Prince Kravis issued to hire a bunch of adventurers?”

Since everyone around me was talking loudly, I could get a lot of information just by sitting like that.

Everyone seemed to know that the attack on the Valley of Mist had been canceled.

Aine was holding a cup in her hand and nodding her head.

“… This just sounds like it’s coming to me on its own. It’s not intelligence gathering, it’s a natural phenomenon.”

“Well, it can’t be helped.”

Zuzu, zuzu.

As we sipped our thin cups of tea, we listened to the voices that filled the Guild.

According to what we heard, the Valley of Mist collapsed naturally.

The Countess, who “happened to check” the valley found out and told Prince Kravis about it.

But Prince Kravis was preparing another quest, “as if he knew it was coming”.

The quest required a large number of adventurers, and the Guild was crowded with adventurers looking into it.

I wanted more information, but I couldn’t get near the quest board. The Guild’s staff had their hands full dealing with other adventurers.

I was looking for anyone who looked like they could help…

Watto Wachi


Suddenly, a thin object hit my leg.

“I’m sorry, sir customer.” “We were cleaning.”

Two little girls were mopping the floor of the bar.

They were girls no taller than my chest, and they were both holding one mop.


Aine said.

They didn’t have a beard. I used to think that dwarves were supposed to have beards, even girls, but apparently not in this world. They were small, stocky demi-humans.

‘I think I’ve seen these kids before. … I see.

‘They are the slaves who were on the front lines in the Valley of Mist.

‘They don’t have a collar now. It looks like they are freed from the Master-Slave Contract. That’s good.’

“Are you … new employees here?”

“I am Sheela.” “I am Leela.”

The two dwarf girls answered in unison.

Maybe they were twins, but their faces looked exactly alike. One of them had a ponytail and the other had a side-tail. The one with the slightly upturned eyes was Sheela, and the one with the sleepy eyes was Leela.

“The kind Countess introduced us.” “So, we are working here.”

“”Please take care of us.””


The two dwarf girls bowed their heads simultaneously.

‘I see.’

If they were in the service of the Countess, they might have had some information.

The area around the quest board was still very crowded.

The Guild staff were rushing around accepting quests.

I decided to ask the girls what I wanted to know.

“Excuse me. Do you mind if I have a word with these girls?”

When a waitress came around, I asked permission to talk to the dwarf girls. I tipped the waitress and the dwarf girls an Arsha each.

“They are new to the Guild, you know? I don’t think they know anything?”

“It’s customary in my hometown to talk to the Guild staff before accepting a quest, to get a feel for the place.”

I made up a suitable story to avoid her.

“You know, I’d feel weird if I didn’t do these things. Do you mind?”

The waitress gave me a weird look, but allowed me to talk with the girls for a short time.

“Did you serve Countess Carmina?”


I turned my attention to the dwarf girls, Sheela and Leela.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve heard the Countess is a cruel person.”

“”No, she’s not!””

The girls shouted in unison.

“Countess Carmina introduced us to this work.” “She even paid us for that quest we did.”

“”Countess Carmina has changed for the better!””

When I probed, I got an unexpected response.

It seemed that the Contract I made with the Countess was working.

“I’m sorry. I’ve heard bad things about the Count’s family in the town I was in before.”

It was not a lie.

The Countess Carmilla’s father, Count Rigilta, had been giving Aine a hard time.

“If Countess Carmina has changed for the better, then what about what she did until now…?”

“Until now, Countess Carmina had only been in a hurry.” “For the Nobles have been fighting for the Prince’s favor.”

The dwarf girls began to speak in hushed tones.

The Prince of the Kingdom would have a different status and territory after he came of age, depending on how much he accomplished.

For that reason, each Prince had a patron, a Noble, who provided various kinds of support. The Nobles hoped that the Prince they supported would achieve success and receive good territory.

Prince Kravis’s goal of conquering the Valley of Mist was also for his achievements.

Countess Carmina was supporting the Prince for the sake of her house.

She was in a hurry to succeed for that reason, but she seemed to be turning into a good person.

“Is the good Countess funding this quest too? If so, I think it’ll be safe.”

“It’s funded, but that’s all. The quest itself was issued by the Prince.”

“Do you know what kind of quest this is?”

“I saw it during my morning soiree.” “It’s a quest for justice.”

The dwarf girls puffed out their chests.

“Demons have gathered in an abandoned fort.” “To reclaim the fort.”

“”Adventurers are needed!””

‘You mean the Demon Lord took the old fort…

‘If the Demon Lord is involved, it’s not safe. I knew it.

‘But it’s a very decent thing that the Prince is trying to get it back.’

Capturing a fort required manpower, and I could see why adventurers who were experienced in killing monsters were being called upon.

It was a surprisingly normal quest.

“That’s why it is a ‘mass recruitment’.” “And an opportunity for ‘full-time employment’.”

“First, the adventurers will kill the monsters outside the fort.” “And the best ones among them will be selected to become regular soldiers and enter the fort.”

“What about the adventurers who aren’t selected?”

“They will be assisting in the extermination of monsters outside, and only regular soldiers will be allowed to enter the fort.”

‘… Could it be that the Prince is a very decent man?

‘This quest makes sense.’

In other words, the Prince wanted to sort the adventurers who accepted the quest according to their abilities.

He would recruit the best ones as regular soldiers to attack the dangerous interior of the fort.

For those who were not so fortunate, they would assist in the fortification from the outside.

It’s a fantasy world, so can they take the discarded fort? There’s a Demon Lord on the other side of the ocean, and he’s leading his army monsters in war. It wouldn’t be surprising if they sent an army here.

“If you’re a good adventurer, it’s a chance to make a name for yourself.”

“And you customers?” “Are you good?”

The next thing I knew, the dwarf girls Leela and Sheela were looking at me with bright eyes.

“No, not at all.”

“Is that so?” “You look strong to me.”


“My instinct is telling me.” “It’s your aura.”

“If I were any good, I’d be in line by now.”

There was still a crowd of people in front of the quest board.

The 8th Prince Kravis’s name held weight and the adventurers’ didn’t doubt for a second that if they were to perform wee in the chest, they would be a regular soldier or a Magician who would report directly to the Prince.

Even if they didn’t get hired full-time, they could still say that they had participated in a quest commissioned by the Royal Family, which would increase their prestige.

It was no wonder that people wanted to participate in it.

“… Am I just being cynical?”

I got goosebumps. I definitely didn’t want to participate in it.

“The start date of the quest is still unknown.” “The quest will only start after gathering up the required number of adventurers.”

“The quest is going to last for 14 days, at the least.” “If the fort capture fails the first time, they would retreat and plan another strategy.”

“The reward is 4800 Arsha.” “During the quest, you will be provided with food, a place to sleep, and weapons.”

““Priests are present for healing.”

Waving their arms, twirling their bodies around,

The two dwarf girls explained carefully.

“All right. Thank you. I’m sorry to take up so much of your time.”

“Can I ask you something as well?”

Aine, who had been listening in silence, called out to them.

“You know, Leela, Sheela. Is the Guildmaster here an old man? Or is he young?”

In response to Aine’s question, the two dwarf girls shook their heads.

““A young man””

“Yes. Thank you. This is for you.”

Aine then handed two Copper coins to the dwarf girls. {Note: Silver Coin is 1 Arsha. Copper is 0.1.)

“If you need anything else.” “Please don’t hesitate to call on us.”

The girls bowed their heads and then went back to cleaning.

“Aine, why did you ask that?”

I asked.

“My grandfather had once told me I was in the Commoners’ Guild.””

Aine drank a thin cup of tea, frowned, and set the cup down.

“The Adventurer’s Guild Guildmaster at the Resort Town Mishlira was an old man, a respectable man with ties to the Royal Family.”

“Ties with the Royal Family? Maybe because the Royal Family members come here to rest?”

“That’s right. He received requests from the Royal Family members who came to take a rest here.”

There was a connection between the Commoner’s Guild in Metekal and the Commoner’s Guild in Mishlira. That was how Aine had that information and we were able to see the materials about the Valley of Mist.

“When I met the old man, he said, ‘If you were my child, our Guild would be in safe hands.’”

‘That means that the Guild is not in safe hands right now?”

“… So does that mean you’re worried about the second generation?”

Aine nodded her head in response to my question.

“He’s a nice guy, but he always wants to look good, whether it’s to customers, adventurers, or Guild staff. And no matter what they say, he always says, ‘Yes, I understand’.”

“There are people like that…”

“When things get out of hand, he says he’s sorry and throws it to his subordinates. Basically, he’s a good person.”

“He is not suitable to be a boss.”

“Of course, that was a long time ago. I don’t know what he is like now.”

Looking around the Guild, Aine sighed.

Even though she had already quit, Aine was still a former Guildmaster apprentice, so she was concerned about the state of the Guild.

“But he doesn’t seem to be here even when there’s such a big commotion in the Guild.”

“… I see.”

We were not registered there.

We were neither their business partner nor a concerned citizen.

We didn’t have any right to interfere in any way, but…

“I don’t think that a quest officially requested by the Royal Family would go terribly wrong …”

Aine had a stern look on her face.

‘That’s not good.’

Aine showing such an expression during her vacation, disqualified me as being her good Master.

She wasn’t supposed to be thinking about work today.

‘…I can only bite the bullet.’

“Aine, come with me to see swimsuits.”


Aine looked up and looked at me curiously.

“We promised to go swimming during the vacation, right? Then you need a swimsuit, right?”

“But Iris’s father sent us a lot of swimsuits.”

“Yeah. That’s right as well.”

The Lord of Ilgafa sent a dozen swimsuits to Iris and Rafilia after we saved him from the Golem.

“But they are tailored to Iris and Rafilia’s body types.”

Cecile and Reggie could wear swimsuits made for Iris.

And even Rita could wear Rafilia’s.

But Aine’s body type was somewhere in between - in other words, she didn’t fit in either.

The ones for Iris were too small for her and the ones for Rafilia were too big.

That’s why Aine had to buy her swimsuit separately.

It was for that reason that I decided to accompany Aine.

“While coming to the Guild, I found a store that sold swimsuits. I think we should buy a swimsuit for you while we are here.”

“… You know what, Na-kun?”

As I finished my explanation, Aine was staring at me across the table.

“Are you observing my body?”

“… Ah!”

‘No, I know because I restructured your skills and we’re bathing together.

‘Besides, you are surprisingly close to me, so I couldn’t help myself.’

“I’m not looking that closely, am I?”

“But you’re at least looking at it enough to get an idea of my size, right?”

“… Yeah. That’s because I am your Master.”

“Oh yeah… good.”

Aine held her chest and smiled softly.

Then, after some time, I tilted my head.

“Huh? It’s good? Isn’t this the part where you are supposed to get angry and say ‘Na-kun no ecchi’? And tell me that I shouldn’t look at you like that? But you… are happy?”

For some reason, Aine’s forehead was sweating and she began to fidget, flailing her arms around.

“Wait a minute. I need some time. I will stay like this for a while…”

Aine held her head and turned her face away from me.

I looked to the side and saw that the quest board was free.

Everyone was finished with their quests and were gathering in front of the Guild staff.

I had already heard most of the things about the dwarf girls, but I wanted to see it for myself.

“Aine, please watch over my stuff.”

“No problem. I am very upset, so I want to drink this light tea to calm down. I want you to leave me for a while. …”

“All right. I’ll be right back.”

With that, I left my seat.

‘I hope you’re okay, Aine.’


“… I’m in trouble.”

Aine let out a long sigh. Then she relaxed her body.

Her face instantly turned red.

She had been able to fake it until a while ago, but the timing of Nagi getting up from his seat was her limit.

‘I can’t, I can’t. I am the big sister.’

“…But, Na-kun, you’ve been watching me…”

The moment she said it out loud, her heart skipped a beat.

‘What should I do? Will I be okay? I don’t know if I can make it back to the villa.

‘We are going to buy a swimsuit now, which means Na-kun will see me in a swimsuit.

‘Na-kun, you shouldn’t have thought about mer and then not shown it to me.

‘I wonder if I can keep up the excitement. I wonder if my face will turn red…’

“It’s all right. I am the big sister and Na-kun is my brother.”

Telling herself that, Aine took a deep breath.

And then… she realized.

Before she knew it, Aine had to tell herself that to believe it.

‘When did I start thinking like that?

‘Was it when I heard Na-kun and Rita talk about ‘Soul Engagement’?’

“I thought … I didn’t need to rush that kind of … thing.”

‘I can’t do this.

‘I wonder if I am disqualified… to be the big sister.’

Aine was also the “big sister” of the party, so she didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

‘Everyone’s encouragement is more important. I can take care of myself later.

‘Cecile, Rita, Iris, and Rafilia all love Na-kun.

‘All of my fellow slaves are important to me.

‘I thought I was going to support everyone and … at the end of the day.’

“… Aine, when did you become so weak …?”

‘If Leticia had been here, what would she have said?’

“You’ve just found out?” Aine wondered if she’d laugh.

‘Or maybe she’ll pat me on the back and say, ‘I’m good’.

‘I want to talk with someone…

‘But I am everyone’s big sister, so…’

“… Huh?”

Aine heard a sound on the chair that Nagi was sitting on.

The leather bag that held his wallet and other small items was moving.

It was as if it was trying to chase after Nagi.

“No, it’s going to fall.”

Aine picked up the bag. When she touched it, she felt that there was something round inside.

It was the Heavenly Dragon Egg.

‘Oh, Na-kun did say that the Heavenly Dragon Egg had taken a liking to him and wanted to follow him everywhere. I guess that’s why he brought this here.’

“Na-kun will be back soon, so just be quiet, okay?”

Aine mumbled, and as if it understood her words, the Heavenly Dragon Egg stopped moving.

Aine could see through the bag and felt warmth that reassured her.

The Heavenly Dragon was humanity’s friend of man, and its wings were the protector of travelers.

‘He must have been a kind Dragon.’

“Will you listen to my story?”

Aine found herself pursing her lips against the leather bag, mumbling inaudibly.

She could feel faint trembling, like the Egg was nodding.

“I am Na-kun’s big sister. But there is a part of me who wants something different.”

When she put it into words, it was clear to her.

For Aine, Nagi was her Master and a younger brother, someone who guides Aine and her fellow slaves.

Someone she wants to be with forever, no matter what form she takes.

‘I am Na-kun’s slave.’

But it was not the Contract that held Aine together, it was her “feelings” for him.

It was warm, lonely and comfortable…

Her feelings were getting bigger and bigger, and before she knew it, they were about to step out of the “big sister” box she had made.

“… I had no idea how selfish I was.”

Aine was the one who wanted to be Nagi’s “big sister”.

She thought she was happy with that.

… But before she knew it, she was thinking that it was not enough.

‘I can still pretend that I don’t know today, but tomorrow… the day after tomorrow, I don’t know anymore.”

Aine’s heart was burning and she couldn’t stop its throbbing. She didn’t know what to do… but…

“… Still, it’s better to be happy than to not know this feeling.”

A busy Adventurer’s Guild bar

Aine pretended to hug Nagi’s bag so that no one could see her.

She didn’t speak loudly, as if she were talking to herself.

“You’ll live much longer than us. But remember that I, Aine Kurnet, love my Master, Souma Nagi.”

The bar was noisy.

But strangely Aine could easily recognize the sound of Nagi’s footsteps.

Aine immediately put on her big sister’s face and offered the bag to Nagi.

“Oh! There’s something in this bag.”

Nagi made a sorry face.


‘Na-kun is a smart, strong, and amazing person, but he can be dangerous sometimes.

‘Or maybe it’s just that he have too much faith in his slaves…?’

‘Yeah. After all, Na-kun needs a big sister.’

“… The Egg is here… and it’s trembling. Aine, what did you do?”

When Nagi received the package, he looked at Aine strangely.

“… I saw you hugging this bag.”

‘I didn’t say it out loud. There’s no need to worry.’

“It’s just happy to be back in your hands.”

“I don’t think so.”

“If it were me, I’d say “hooray.””

Aine wasn’t lying. When she met after being away from Nagi for some time, she started dancing.

‘I’m sure my feelings will overflow.

‘So I have to keep it as close to me as possible.

‘So that I can be a proper big sister to Na-kun.’

“Well, we are going to buy a swimsuit. I’m going to ask Na-kun to pick out a swimsuit that will suit me perfectly.”

Holding her throbbing heart, Aine stood up.

Aine handed the bag to Nagi and took his free hand.

‘Because today is a day when I am not allowed to work…

‘Aine, the big sister is also taking a short break. That’s all.

‘Because either way, I’ll still be happy.

‘Well, well.

‘It’s not fair that I am the only one who’s nervous.

‘I want you to choose the most beautiful swimsuit for me that will make your heart beat faster.’

Thinking about this, Aine pulled Nagi’s hand and started walking.

The big sister maid, Aine’s fight, had only just begun.

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