
Chapter 366: The Sun and the North Wind

Chapter 366: The Sun and the North Wind

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama

“Oh? You’re not denying it, I see.”

Even Sakura was having fun with this conversation.

“Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing.”

He responded in a joking manner, no longer hesitating.

“Oh dear, what a terrible person.”

“If I could, I’d like to not only strip your real clothing off, but the clothing you wear in your heart as well.”

“My mistake. You aren’t a terrible person, you’re a sex fiend.”

“I didn’t think you’d say that, but okay.”

“Sure, why not? That’s what I would call someone who seeks to strip someone of the armor worn for years in their heart.”

“I see, maybe you’re right.”

Taiyou said, nodding.

“So, you still haven’t answered my question.”

“You mean the conversation about fantasizing?”


“I have done no such thing.”

Sakura declared.

Taiyou was surprised, because he had not anticipated the answer, nor the way in which it was delivered. She had given such an immediate, direct answer that he was stunned.

“You sure?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Is it okay if I ask why? If there is a reason of course.”

“Alright then…”

This time, she slightly hesitated.

Taiyou waited. There did seem to be a reason, so he intently poised himself to listen.

At length, finally ready to speak, she began her confession.

“I am a fragile woman, you see.”



“I don’t…really get it.”

“I mean that it’s easy to avert my eyes from the truth, but once I begin to face it, I cannot stop myself.”


He somewhat understood what she was trying to say. Even Taiyou himself had experienced something like this. Knowing nothing made him feel at ease, but as soon as he realized the truth, he would constantly fret over it.

“Hence why I always did what I could to not fantasize over it. After all, I would be fine as long as I didn’t let that happen.”


Taiyou nodded with a serious look on his face before asking her a question.

“So that’s all you thought after suppressing your feelings? ‘To think it would like the same man that girl does’?”

“Indeed, that is correct.”

“And that’s a problem of the heart? You weren’t influenced by any outside factors?”

“Well you’re on quite the offense today.”

Sakura said before she looked up at the ceiling. After a moment, she made a lonely face and spoke again.

“Yes, I wonder.”

“You wonder?”

“Well, I did say this earlier. That I did my best to not think about any of that.”


“So I also averted my eyes from the reason. I no longer know anything. Besides—-”

Sakura said, lifting up the corner of her mouth. It was the saddest, loneliest face he had ever seen her make.

“I’m a woman with heavy baggage.”

“Heavy baggage…”

“Indeed. Heavier than any woman in your possession, and heavier than any woman you can imagine.”


“So I’m sure that—-”

“But you know…”

Sakura was about to continue saying something when Taiyou cut her off.

“Is this heavy baggage of yours something that would hurt everyone else?”


“Would it cause you to point a spear at the six wives I have?”


“I’d prefer it if you answered me honestly.”

“…Probably not.”

“It would not?”

“No, it would not. However, stabbing you or slicing off a certain part of your body while you sleep and nuking it in the microwave is completely plausible.”

“Now that’s just scary in and of itself.”

He could feel a shiver run through his lower body.

Taiyou grinned, continuing the conversation.

“Then, no problem.”

“Really now?”

“Not for me at least.”

Taiyou declared.

“Objective and method.”

“Ah, you like using that phrase, don’t you?”

“The objective in this case is to acquire you and to make all of my brides happy. I really don’t care about much else in comparison.”

“That’s so like you.”

“But that’s also the most difficult thing right now. Youran’s existence seems to create a conflict with this situation. We have to figure out how to dispel this conflict.”


“What should we do? What should I do?”

He asked, but Sakura did not answer. Taiyou waited patiently.

Silence filled the room. Nothing could be heard other than their breathing. Taiyou almost felt like it was so silent his ears hurt.

During that time, Taiyou gazed at Sakura, patiently waiting for her to speak again.

“Darling…you’re naive.”


Someone had suddenly intruded on their conversation.

Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw Ruri standing on the veranda.

Taiyou stood up, opening the sliding window frame.

“Why’re you here?”

“I sensed…someone’s hesitation.”


“Because I’m…connected with Darling.”

“Connected? You mean via the heart or whatever?”


Ruri puffed out her chest.

He would have never guessed that this mischievous gesture of hers would look so adorable.

“But what did you mean by naive?”

“Just what I said…you are naive, Darling.”

“No, I’m asking how I’m naive.”

“The sun and…the north wind.”

“…Pretty sure I’ve been the sun my whole life, yes.”

“Darling…you fail as the sun.”



“Are you replacing me as the sun or what?”

He asked, ignoring her previous statement.

“Mhm…just watch me.”

Ruri began glowing, her hair fluttering.

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