
Chapter 386: Arena Seat

Chapter 386: Arena Seat

Translator: Reflet

Editor: ryunakama

Nighttime, Taiyou was dozing off in his room. Drowsiness had assaulted him after dinner, so for once he actually went straight to his room. But for some reason he felt very lonely. Despite being asleep, it felt as if his head were awake, and that sensation continued. He wanted to be with someone, opening his eyes.


He could see Sakura in front of him. She had her hair in a bun and was wearing a tight suit/skirt combination. And yet she had a calm expression on her face. The Sakura that Taiyou had grown accustomed to was staring at him.

“Oh dear, it seems that I woke you up.”

“No, I was already like this when you came. Actually, when did you come over here?”

“Thirty minutes ago, I suppose.”

Sakura replied, looking at her watch.

“That long ago? Someone really should have woken me up then.”

“I entered in secret, so I doubt anyone noticed…Well, other than one person.”

She must mean Ruri. Ruri had the ability to detect anyone’s presence. She probably noticed Sakura before she even entered the room.

“I see you got right to using the spare key. But why did you have to be secretive?”

“…It was just so embarrassing, you know. Coming over this late, it almost makes it seem like some one-night stand.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

Taiyou grinned. His chest heated up. Just the thought of Sakura sneaking into his bedroom filled him with arousal.



“Would you mind coming over here?”


Sakura nodded a moment later. Once she had made her way over, he embraced her from behind.

“You’re warm.”

“Am I?”

“You’re soft, too.”

“I don’t recall having much of a strappy body build.”

“It’s plenty enough in my opinion.”

“I am quite astonished to hear such a—-”



“I like you.”


Sakura made a slightly concerned expression.

“You certainly don’t beat around the bush.”

“Well, we’re alone right now, after all.”

“No, that must be against the rules. What happened to all the silent understanding between us?”

“Just thought it’d be best to give it to you straight at times like this.”


“Are you opposed to the idea?”

“I’m not sure what to say.”

Still, Sakura didn’t express repulsion. Taiyou felt this hesitant side of her was appealing, but he purposely said nothing. He felt that if he did point that out—-if she realized how she was acting, she would try and cover it up. So rather than approach the topic, he decided to secretly enjoy it.

Knock, knock. Someone was at the door.


Sakura immediately stiffened up.

“Taiyou-san, can I come in?”

“Kazane? Yeah, sure.”

As soon as he said that, the door opened with a click. When she came in, Kazane was momentarily surprised by what she saw.

“Oh, you were here, Sakura-san?”

“G-Good evening.”

“Good evening.”

“What is it, Kazane?”

“Yes, I just wanted to let you know that we’re all done with the bath and it’s available now.”

“The bath, huh…”

Taiyou briefly thought about it. It certainly was tempting to whisper into Sakura’s ears and take her in with him…


Before he even tried that, though, he could see an embarrassed look on her face. Sakura had snuck in with the spare key, all to just be discovered by Kazane. This reaction of hers was cute, unbelievably cute.



“Everyone here?”

“Yes, they are in their own rooms, but everyone is here.”

“Sorry, could you call them all here?”

“Yes, will do.”

Kazane left the room without asking any questions.

“W-What are you planning on doing, exactly?”

“Hm? Same as always.”

“Same as always?”

“Yep, same as always.”

He rested his head on her shoulder, rubbing his cheek against hers. Just some skinship. It was quite unusual for Taiyou to hold back this much.

“We’ll just do this.”

“ ‘Just’ do this…?”

Sakura asked perplexedly. As they were talking, the brides showed up one by one. First came the three sisters, one in both mind and body. They were followed by Aoba and Akiha, who were wearing matching pajamas. Then came Kohaku, with a pleased expression on her face wearing a negligee, followed by Ruri, who was for some reason carrying her katana with her. Lastly, Youran entered the room. Finally, they were all gathered. Taiyou addressed all of them at once.

“Sorry for suddenly calling you here. Feel free to relax wherever.”

Kohaku, who seemed to immediately understand the situation, said “mm” and found a place to sit. The other brides followed suit. But ultimately, all of their gazes converged on Taiyou, who was in an embrace with Sakura. The performers and the audience; it was almost like they were in a live house.

“U-Umm, what exactly…”

“Sakura-san, have you been exercising lately?”

“Eh, no, not really.”

“Plus you’re just so beautiful and graceful. Wow.”

As he complimented her, he hugged her tighter, massaging her all over. Sakura fidgeted. In a sense, this was typical of her, but her face was different, wearing an expression he had rarely ever seen. She looked as if she would spew fire from her mouth from just how embarrassed she was. So in front of everyone, he whispered into her ear, flirting with all his might. As a result, he got to see her in this manner, but later on she pouted profusely and he had to seriously work to bring her back to a good mood.

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