
Chapter 48 The Synthesizer

Chapter 48 The Synthesizer

Even though Lord Gallius was surprised by the speed of Alina’s attack, it seemed like he was not worried at all for himself.

The air, no, the space all around Lord Gallius started to tremble, as if Lord Gallius was forcing the very fabric of space itself to vibrate.

"As expected, he really can vibrate space itself." Alex thought to himself as he saw what Lord Gallius did. "Now that is just freaky."

"This guy is not vibrating the space around him." Asteria suddenly interjected as she watched Lord Gallius casually brushing off the attacks on him.

"This guy is vibrating the strings of the Universe itself." Asteria said with solemnity. "Heh, he must have some knowledge of string theory then."



In Alex’s world, there is a prevalent theory about the whole universe itself which is quite confusing, even for the modern scholars in Alex’s time.

This theory is the String Theory.

According to this theory, the whole universe is not made up of fundamental particles, but rather excitations of one-dimensional strings.

The vibrations within these strings will determine what kind of particles will be present, which will also set the properties of a certain part of the universe.

If Asteria said was right, then it seems like Lord Gallius has the ability to detect these dimensional strings and forcefully vibrate them on his whim!

Of course Alex found it to be unbelievable, since String Theory is a controversial theory in his world and that much debate had already been done for it.

There was also the fact that the string theory, quantum theory and the Theory of Relativity are not yet fully integrated with each other.

For some abilities related to quantum theory and Theory of Relativity to exist is acceptable for Alex since some aspects for these two theories have already been proven.

As for String Theory, most of its important aspects were still unproven up to this day. In fact, there are still no practical evidence that can prove its existence, although scientists were sure that the current experimental methods were only lacking the right materials to find the right evidences.

Alex thought that since this theory is not yet proven, then there might be no Esper Ability in this world that can manipulate it.

But from the looks of it, Lord Gallius actually had a way to access it for himself.

"Oh this really is not good..." Alex thought to himself as he watched Lord Gallius giving them a wide smirk. "He can do a lot of bad stuff with that strings..."

By following Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2, it is easy to assume that there will be a relationship between the frequency of the string’s vibration and the mass of the particle produced by the vibration.

Lord Gallius must have been using these relationships for to his advantage, as he can just easily create countless fundamental particles with vibration alone, and he uses these particles as a way to defend himself and attack his enemies.


"What Lord Gallius did earlier was to produce gravitons from the string vibrations." Asteria said as she watched Lord Gallius’ movements with great interest.

"These particles are said to carry gravitational force, and once they accumulate in massive numbers, they will be enough to create a gravitational force that can force any space-related attacks to get deflected." Asteria commented as she pointed above Lord Gallius’ head. "Honestly, this guy’s ingenuity is up to the peak of creativity."

"I see." Alex thought to himself as he remembered that instead of hitting Lord Gallius, all the space slashes that Alina made all got deflected upwards, as if they were attracted to something in that location.

From the looks of it, Lord Gallius had conjured gravitons above him to forcefully deflect Alina’s space slashes.

Alex knew the difficulty of producing gravitons, as from what he knew, the very existence of gravitons themselves contradicts with the Theory of General Relativity, which states that gravity is a consequence of curved spacetime, and not by some kind of particle.

For Lord Gallius to create something that contradicts a familiar conception of spacetime just proves on the power of his Esper Ability.

"From the looks of it, it seems like you have already realized what I just did." Lord Gallius said as he looked at Alex and Alina with a calm look.

"With my control of the string’s vibrations all around me, there is no way that your attacks can reach me. And as for my offense, I can just vibrate both your bodies right in front of me! Hehehehe, this is already my win!"

"So instead of wasting your lives fighting me right now, you can just surrender so that you two can survive." Lord Gallius concluded as he seemed to be not in a rush. "Just take your time..."

"..." Alex slowly narrowed his eyes, as he suddenly realized that something was weird with Lord Gallius right now.

Even though Lord Gallius can just attack Alex and Alina already, he did not do it.

Instead, he started to talk and taunt them like the usual villain on television shows.

This is a very inefficient way to fight, as this will just allow Alex and Alina to find a way to win.

"Tsk, so what if it is weird?" Alex thought to himself as he ignored the weirdness of the situation at the back of his mind. "What we should do now is to defeat Lord Gallius, and since Lord Gallius is giving us the chance to talk, then we shall gladly power ourselves up!"

"Alina, let’s do it." Alex suddenly said as he tightened his hold on Alina’s hand. "This may be the first time that we do it, but I promise that I will be gentle."

"But if we get too rough, our bodies might get broken!" Alina replied hastily as she shook her head quickly. "We still have not practiced doing this stuff, so I think we should take it slow."

"Don’t worry, I trust you, and I know that you trust me." Alex said as he gazed at Alina with a soft look. "We... can reach the peak together!"

"Ok..." Alina replied as she took a deep breath. "Let’s do it here then!"

"Hey, you two, what are you planning to do!" Lord Gallius shouted out after he heard what Alex and Alina just said. "I already gave you two the chance to surrender, and yet you still have the gall to copulate in this place? Tsk, how barbaric and shameless of you two!"

"I did not say anything about copulation." Alex replied as his body began to glow red. "You are just misinterpreting our words."

"Alex is right." Alina said as she began to glow blue. "It’s just your dirty mind that is a work here."

"You two!" Aside from anger and exasperation, Lord Gallius also felt trepidation on what Alex and Alina was about to do.

Right now, his danger sense was telling him that what Alex and Alina will do next must be stopped at all costs.

But Lord Gallius was already too late, as Alex and Alina both shouted,

"Power Synthesis, start!"

"Boom!" Lord Gallius had to close his eyes as the glow covering Alex and Alina’s body intensified to extremely strong levels.

Lord Gallius tried to attack them, but to his horror, he found out that even his vibration cannot penetrate through the glow.

Because of that, Lord Gallius was left with no choice but to just wait until what Alex and Alina were doing was done.

Aside from the bright glare, Lord Gallius could also hear shouts of pain coming from both Alina and Alex, as if they were experiencing an extremely gruesome thing right now.


It was at that moment that Lord Gallius saw Lord Ergo’s very vulnerable state.

Seeing that Lord Ergo was currently defenseless right now, Lord Gallius started to have the thought of attacking him already.

But before he could do so, the glow covering Alex and Alina shattered, showing Lord Gallius something that he had never seen before.

Lord Gallius could see that both Alex and Alina looked just like before, with nothing changed in their external appearances.

In terms of mental power and Esper Ability however, Lord Gallius felt that both Alex and Alina experience massive changes in these categories.

With him being a Star Esper, Lord Gallius was able to see the flow of Mental Power in every Esper that he sees.

He can still see both of Alex’s and Alina’s Mental Power right now, but what Lord Gallius saw made him greatly shocked.

Instead of just existing strictly on their bodies, the Mental Power of Alex and Alina were currently fused together as one.

Lord Gallius saw the combined Mental Power hovering on both Alina and Alex, as if this mental power came from just one individual.

Not only that, but Lord Gallius also have the feeling that Alex and Alina’s Esper Abilities has changed after what they did.

"What the hell... did you two just do?" Lord Gallius mumbled out as he stared at Alex and Alina with wariness. "You two seem so different now."

"You want an answer, then I shall give you one right now!" Alex let out a laugh as he threw a light beam towards Lord Gallius.

"Hmph, petty tricks again. I won’t fall for that anymore!" Lord Gallius once more created countless gravitons instantly in order to deflect the light beam.

But the light beam ignored the pulling force from the gravitons as it struck Lord Gallius’ shoulder.

"Ack!" Lord Gallius let out a shout of pain as he saw a massive wound forming in his shoulder.

Lord Gallius looked at the blood leaking out of his wound as he muttered to himself,

"This is extremely weird!"

Lord Gallius knew that there is no way a light beam can just ignore the gravitational force placed on it.

Not only that, but it was also pretty impossible for that light beam to create such a massive wound on his shoulder.

Lord Gallius knew that using conventional explanation to explain what just happened will be hard.

Because of that, Lord Gallius knew that there is only one reason that can explain what happened.

And that is that Alex’s Esper Ability has somewhat changed.

Not only that, but it seems like even Alina’s Esper Ability had changed too.

"S**t, just what kind of change could have happened that allowed Alex’s paltry light beam to penetrate my defense?" Lord Gallius complained as he glared at Alex, who was giving him a smug smile right now.

Blood was continuing to drip from Lord Gallius’ wounded shoulder as he looked at both Alex and Alina intently.

"Ah, I get it now." Lord Gallius said after a minute of intense staredown.

"This should be impossible, but it seems like you two have done it! Hahahaha!" Lord Gallius said as he started to laugh hard.

Lord Gallius seemed to be full of mirth as he looked like he was going crazy from laughter.

Alex and Alina only watched in silence as they waited for Lord Gallius to calm down.

After a minute of nonstop laughing, Lord Gallius then started to wipe some tears away from his eyes as he said,

"You two managed to fuse your Mental Power and your Esper Abilities, right?"

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