
Chapter 359 If you are going in a battle, what would you use as a battle song?

Chapter 359 If you are going in a battle, what would you use as a battle song?

Kiera’s grandpa was totally surprised with the revelation that the ugly man just gave him, although this old man’s proximity with Alex before has allowed him to hide his emotions well.

Kiera’s grandpa only took a slight, one second pause before he recovered himself.

"From the way that you have talked about Annie, you are making it look like she has committed a sin." Kiera’s grandpa commented as he remembered the strange relationship between these two. "How does her identity as the soul of this planet correlates to that?"

"A sin? Hehehehe, you just gave out a proper term..." After Kiera’s grandpa asked this question, a fire seemed to have blazed on the ugly man’s eyes, making him look angry rather than happy. "You want to know what her sin was? Well, well, well, let me tell you everything!"

[Amon, you might be happy with the way things are going, but you must remember that we still have to wait for some time before we can start the ritual.] Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly interrupted the conversation between Kiera’s grandpa and the ugly man.

This voice seemed to come out of a speaker, which was affixed on the upper right corner portion of the room.

Upon hearing this ’reminder’ to him, the ugly man, who was duly named as Amon, only let out a grimace as he glared at the speaker.

"Come on man, give me a break." Amon said as he waved his hands at Kiera and her grandpa. "It will only take me a few minutes to finish my talk with these two. Once I finish here, I will go there at the control center! So just wait for me, ok?"

[A few minutes? Amon, don’t you dare say those things to us.] Instead of agreeing with what Amon said, the voice from the speaker seemed to become more enraged. [If you want to waste time with them, just do it after we succeed with our plans!]


[No buts, Mr. Amon.] The voice from the speaker suddenly turned dangerous, making everyone inside the room feel chills from hearing it. [We want you to go here at the command center right now. Fail to follow this directive, and you will be demoted to that of a lower assistant. Now, if you don’t want that happening to you, you should get moving already!]

"Hmph, what a spoilsport. Fine, I’ll go there already" Amon looked like he was about to continue arguing, but he seemed to change his mind as he obeyed the order.

After saying these, Amon then placed the still depressed Annie on his shoulders, treating her like a sack of potato.

He then turned his back on Kiera and her grandpa, as he started walking away.

"Hey! How about your story?" Seeing that his source of important information was starting to go away, Kiera’s grandpa was unable to stop himself from calling out to Amon. "You still did not tell us the full truth!"

"Just wait for me old man. Once the ritual was done, I will go back here and tell everything to you." Amon nonchalantly replied, not even looking back at the old man as he talked. "If you have any problems with it, then just suck it up and wait for me."


Kiera’s grandpa’s words were then cut-off as the door of their room closed again, leaving Kiera and her grandpa sealed back in their room once more.

"..." The old man had to closed his mouth, as the awkwardness that just happened right now was too much even for him to bear.

He could only sit back on his bed with an irritated expression on his face, quietly cursing Amon and his hasty exit.

"You started talking about all of these fancy stuff about the truth, but in the end, you did not even tell the main story to us! What a f**king cheap guy!" Kiera’s grandpa thought to himself sullenly as he observed Kiera, who seemed to be in a state of surprise after hearing about Annie’s true form. "Hmph, if Alex was here, he will surely do something about this bastard Amon! Ah! Why did I even think of Alex again? He’s also pissing me off right now!"


A few minutes has passed by since Marcus witnessed all the changes in the Mountain of Enlightenment.

During these few minutes, he had already witnessed some things that were enough to rattle his body.

He saw a large gathering of TImeMasters, who all decided to appear near the Mountain of Enlightenment.

For Marcus, who knew the power of the TImeMasters, especially those in groups, the sight of many TimeMasters was enough to make him panicked.

But before Marcus could fully adjust himself to the sudden appearance of these TimeMasters, another even suddenly happened around him.

Blood-red miasma started to flow out of the cracks on the mountain’s surface, which then proceeded to SWALLOW ALMOST ALL OF THE TIMEMASTERS AND BRING THEM TO GOD KNOWS WHERE.

When he saw th miasma around him, Marcus naturally was rendered scared by this, but to his relief, there was nothing bad that the miasma did to him.

This miasma seemed to be even friendly to him, which served to confirm Marcus that the whole Mountain of Enlightenment was truly a property by the rebel Immortals.

"Damn it. I’m happy that you rebels have managed to take out these many TImeMasters... But why did you do it here? Can’t you just do this somewhere else?" Marcus muttered himself sullenly as he gritted his teeth. "I am just a bystander looking for my sister here. I don’t want to be involved in any of this!"

"You’re looking for your sister? Boy, do you think I will just believe that excuse of yours?" Marcus’ self contemplation was cut off as out of nowhere, a condescending voice started to intrude his mind.

"What? Where the hell are you?" After hearing this new voice in his mind, Marcus started to look around him. To his surprise and slight fear, he found no person or even a creature near him. It was as if the one talking to him was not even here at this place.

"Don’t bother looking for me boy. I am here inside a safe place, talking to you through my divine sense." The condescending voice replied, which ticked off Marcus.

"Fine, so you are hiding inside the mountain. Good for you then." Marcus replied sarcastically as he narrowed his mouth. "So why are you talking to me again?"

"Boy, just like what I told you earlier, we do not believe that you went here to just look for your ’missing’ sister." The condescending voice snapped back angrily, as its speaker seemed to be irritated with Marcus’ words. "You must have been here for a different agenda?"

"Hah? You think I’m lying? F**k you and your stupid superiors!" The stress of everything that happened today has brought Marcus to his limit, and this accusation from the condescending voice has pushed him beyond that limit. "I. AM. JUST. LOOKING. FOR. MY. SISTER. THAT’S. IT. IF. YOU DON’T. BELIEVE. IT. THEN. DO. NOT. BELIEVE IT!"

"Hah? Boy, your actions today look plain suspicious? Looking for you sister? That’s more like an excuse for you..."


"Out of all days that you can choose, you chose to go the Mountain of Enlightenment on this day, which is the day that will mark the downfall of the Immortals." The condescending voice quickly said, which made Marcus gnash his teeth. "Tell me boy, doesn’t that sound suspicious even to you?"

"I am a cultivator who’s an expert in divination." Marcus said in a plain voice as he did his best to stay calm. He knew that he was talking to a big shot cultivator right now, which meant that he must do his best to convince this big shot that he was just genuinely looking for his sister right now.

If he doesn’t do this right, there’s a possibly that Marcus will be kicked off the mountain, which is something that he cannot allow to happen!

"Divination? Are you serious?"

"I’m not joking." Marcus replied, ignoring the sudden sly tone of condescending speaker. "I have been using divination to look for my sister, and the latest divination that I did showed me that I will find my sister here at the Mountain of Enlightenment, right at this day!"


Marcus could barely suppress his smile from the silence of the condescending speaker, as he knew that he just got all of his attention.

"Aside from my sister, my divination also showed me that a monster will also appear in this place. I don’t know why that monster will appear here. I just knew that it will be here later." Marcus muttered as he placed his hands on his back. "That divination was the reason that I am here. I don’t know why, but my sister will appear here later! Because she will be here, the only thing that I can do is to stay here and find her!"


"Hmph, even if you rebels control this mountain, I will never yield to your demands!" Marcus shouted out as he looked at the mountain peak defiantly. "You can hurt me, attack me, or even shame me. I will accept all of that. However, you cannot make me leave this place! As long as my sister does not appear here, I will never leave!"


"What? Why are you not talking anymore?"


"S**t, did I just break this guy with my passionate speech?" Marcus knew that he was not a good talker, but maybe his emotions and quick thinking today allowed him to transcend the limits of a great orator.





At this point, Marcus started to worry about the mental condition of this conversation partner.

Luckily for him, the condescending voice only went silent for 10 more seconds before it started talking again.

"You said that you are an expert in divination. So does that mean that your ’divined events’ are all accurate?" Instead of criticizing Marcus, the condescending voice asked this question in a calm tone, which made Marcus feel slightly strange.

"Well, you can say that my accuracy is around 50%" Marcus replied carefully as he realized that the was in no more danger in getting kicked off. "Why are you asking that?"

"Well, there was one thing that you said about your divination that has caught our attention." The condescending voice said quickly. "More specifically, that bit about the monster."

"what about

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