
Chapter 367 A Glimpse at the Past 1

Chapter 367 A Glimpse at the Past 1

This time around, Professor Frances made sure that the three people in front of her could hear what she was thinking.

But even when she did this, Alex and the Great TImeMaster still did not pay any attention to her. As for Alina, she was too engrossed on cradling the baby that she seemed deaf on everything that the professor just muttered.

"Once upon a time? Hey, are you telling me that you will narrate your past in this way? Through your words?" Alex suddenly said as he interrupted the Great TimeMaster’s opening line. "Doing it this way is just a waste of time, so please, just tell us your story in a different way."

"You just want to get this over with quickly huh. It seems like you are in a rush, Mr. Alex." The Great TimeMaster replied, as a knowing glint appeared on her eyes. "What could be the reason for your rush now? You’re making me more and more curious..."

"Cut the c**p woman. If you want a chance to hold this baby, you must first show your past to us." Alex barked as he glared at the Great TimeMaster. "And do it in a way that won’t waste our Time. You’re the Great TimeMaster, so surely, you have some kind of ability that can show the past easily..."

"...You’re right, Mr. Alex, I indeed had an ability that I can use now." The Great TimeMaster said as a wry smile appeared on her face. She seemed to be disappointed about something right now, although she did not show what exactly it is. "Sigh... and here I thought you would be satisfied with my words. So you want to see the past with your own eyes? Well, then, allow me to show it to you now!"

"Hey, listen to-"


Professor Frances’s attempt to understand the situation was once more interrupted as the Great TimeMaster suddenly activated a spell.


Kaleidoscopic colors began to appear around Alex, Alina, and Professor Frances, with their bodies stiffening as they all felt the gathering of intense power in their location.

These colors then began to shift around, creating a distorted scenery that made the professor feel a little sick and disoriented.


As she felt the disorientation starting to affect her mind, the professor wasted no time as she immediately tensed herself, instinctively thinking that an attack was about to approach her.

However, this approach of hers seemed to be laughable when she saw the reactions of Alex and Alina.

Both of them seemed to be nonchalant with what was happening, which made the professor feel a little bit ashamed of herself.

"Hey, how dare you two embarrass me like this?" The professor thought to herself angrily as she resisted the urge to just rush at Alex and Alina. "First, you exclude me in your important talk, and now you are making yourselves look cool in front of me? Hmph, you two really are ganging up on me now!"

Whether Alex or Alina noticed the professor’s ire was currently unconfirmed, as it was a different person who responded to the professor’s presence.

"Miss Frances, don’t be so tense right now." The Great TimeMaster, who now noticed the presence of Professor Frances, gave the professor a reassuring smile as she manipulated her fingers.

As the Great TimeMaster did this, the shifting colors all around them started to slow down a little, which allowed the professor to recover from her disoriented feeling.

"Right now, I was just using a spell that will allow you three to view the past." The Great TimeMaster said as she stopped manipulating her fingers. "All of these shifting colors were just the consequence of us breaking through the photonic barrier. Don’t worry, this won’t last that long."

"View the past? How could you- Ah right, you are an effing Chronomancer. Of course you can view the past." Professor Frances mumbled to herself as she tried looking straight at the Great TimeMaster.

Now that the Great TImeMaster has taken the initiative to talk to her, the professor would naturally take this opportunity to obtain info from her!

"So what’s the deal with you and Alex?" Professor Frances asked as she gave a sideways glance at the mentioned guy. "I was confused with everything that you talked about, so I need you to clarify it to me..."

"Shush, Miss Frances. I cannot answer your question now, as I am concentrating on what I am doing." The Great TimeMaster replied in a soft tone, although the professor could hear some irritation laced on it. "If you want some clarification, then just watch the past along with your allies. I assure you that any of your confusion will be all solved later."

"Why you-"

"Okay, we have arrived at the 1st scene. Prepare your eyes, for I can only show this scene once." The Great TimeMaster said as she clapped her hands.


Out of nowhere, the shifting colors around them exploded altogether, creating a rainbow shower that was blasted everywhere.

Their surroundings began to drastically change its appearance, as a scene began to slowly appear around them.

The green grass that should be around them has disappeared, as it was replaced with brown, barren soil.

The cool and refreshing air around them began to turn stale as the sunlight licking their skin earlier has turned uncomfortably hot.

The feeling of moisture in the air has also disappeared, as it was replaced by sore, unbearable dryness.

"What the!"

This was the professor’s initial reaction as she saw and felt the changes around her. She frowned as she realized that whatever the Great TimeMaster was doing was so potent, that it was able to change their surroundings like this!

Even Alex and Alina looked to be worried with what had happened too, with Alex immediately sending a suspicious glare at the Great TimeMaster.

"Hohoho, don’t be so worried. Everything that you see around you is just an illusion that was fueled by my power." The Great TimeMaster said as she placed a finger on her chin. "Just like what I said earlier, this spell of mine will show you the past. In this case, the past that I will be showing you will be in a-"

"Virtual space. Yes, I get it." Alex mumbled as he interrupted the Great TimeMaster. "This is actually a good spell. Even I was almost fooled by it. Are you sure that you can keep this spell working for long?"

"Of course I can. After all, everything that has happened in the past has been recorded in the River of Time." The Great TimeMaster replied smugly as she crossed her arms. "I just have to communicate with the River of Time to view the past, and everything after that will be a piece of cake."

"The River of Time?" Alina, who did not speak a single word since earlier, suddenly spoke up, as her eyes glinted with interest. "What is this River of Time that you are talking about?"

"Hohoho Miss Alina, if you want to know more about the River of Time, I advice that you should become a high-ranked Chronomancer first." The Great TimeMaster said as she quickly shook her head. "For now, why don’t we focus on the past? The first scene is about to start already, so I advice you three to stay quiet..."

Even when she was already full of anger with everything that has happened, Professor Frances forced her temper to cool down first, as she focused her attention on ’viewing’ the first scene.

Due to the effects of the Great TimeMaster’s [T-MANIFEST: DA CAPO], the professor and her allies found themselves situated in a barren wasteland, which was a contrast to the place that they were in earlier.

There were no signs of life in this barren wasteland, and there was even a faint sense of death that was coming out of the empty holes on the ground.

The current scenery around her was so bleak and realistic that the professor had to continuously convince herself that her current surroundings was just an illusion performed by an overpowered woman.

"This is fake, nothing here is real...."

While she convinced herself on what was real and what was fake, the professor started looking around her furtively, as she tried to see where the ’first scene’ will actually start.

But after a few seconds of looking, the professor saw that nothing has changed in the barren wasteland around her, making her feel a little bit frustrated.

Even Alex and Alina seemed to be frustrated too, as they began to look at the Great TimeMaster with impatience on their face.

"Hahaha sorry about that. It seems like my calculation was off by a few seconds..." The Great TimeMaster unapologetically said as she scratched the back of her head. "Just wait for a few more seconds, and it will all sta-Oh there it is."

The Great TimeMaster suddenly pointed her finger upward, with its aim directed at the sky above them.

Professor Frances, Alex, and Alina all unhesitatingly followed the Great TimeMaster’s finger, as they realized that the real deal was about to start now.


As she looked at the blue sky above her, Professor Frances frowned a little, as she realized that there was nothing remarkable there.

But after a few seconds of staring, this frown changed to slight surprise as out of nowhere, a massive, flaming rock suddenly appeared at the sky!

This rock was falling down from the sky with great velocity and momentum, that the winds around it has began to form a massive turbulence that has affected even the ground below it.


This flaming rock seemed to be indomitable, as everything that collided with it were all disintegrated by the heat emanating out from its body.

Even some unlucky creatures who were unable to move out of the rock’s way all died, as their bodies were unable to resist the sheer momentum and power coming from the descending rock.

"That’s a f**king meteor!" Professor Frances exclaimed as she shielded her eyes from the bright glare coming from the meteor. "What the hell? Out of everything that you can show us, you actually showed us a falling meteor first? Are you a movie director who wants to start a movie with a bang?"

"Hehehehe, this is where the interesting part starts. There’s just no way that I can’t show this to you." The Great TimeMaster said as she began to look at the at the meteor with a nostalgic look on her face. "Hmm... now that I can see this meteor again, I realize that it actually looks a little scary..."

With the speed of this rock’s descent, it only took it a few more seconds before it completely collided with the barren wasteland.


A mighty sound, akin to an explosion, blasted around the area, as the whole ground began to shake from the impact of the collision.

A massive crater then appeared at the site of collision, which was large enough to be mistaken as a dried-up seabed

Large plumes of soil and molten rocks began to fly out everywhere, as the meteor began to transfer its momentum on its surroundings.

Some chunks of these soil and rocks flew at the professor’s direction, who braced herself for the impact.

"Woosh woosh woosh."

Fortunately for her, these rocks were just illusions, which meant that she received no damage from them at all.


The ground around them continued to shake for a few more minutes before it slowly subsided into that of a slow, gentle tremble.

The dust and smoke haze created by the meteor strike did not dissipate at all, making everything look blurry and indistinct.

Even Professor Frances, who prided her eyes for being sharper than any birds of prey, found it hard to see through all the scattered dust around her.

As the professor and her allies looked around the with scrutiny, the Great TimeMaster suddenly let out a small laugh, along with a derisive smirk that seemed to be directed at herself.

"At the year 6783 of the Desolate Era, a massive meteorite suddenly crashed at the Barren Expanses, which was located at the southern portion of the Immortal World." The Great TimeMaster said in a low tone. "The whole Immortal World trembled at the impact made by this meteorite, with each powerhouse taking note of it. Everyone’s interests were piqued by this meteorite, with some even looking at it with greed. After all, this is the first time that a meteorite this large has appeared. Not only that, but it also managed to shake the Immortal World, which was a no small feat for anyone."


"These Immortals immediately thought that this meteorite was a heavenly treasure that was sent by the heavens to them." The Great TimeMaster said, as her voice began to slowly turn mocking and derisive. Her atmosphere has also started to change, as it became more and more oppressive. "But little did they know that this meteorite will be prelude to their disaster."

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