
Chapter 412 Interlude: Asterias typical day as a student part 11

Chapter 412 Interlude: Asteria“s typical day as a student part 11


[Kuro]: The three of you. Stop making noise and just listen to me. I know that like the others, you’re also agitated by your exam results. But don’t just be focused on that exam. You still have a lot of things to learn, so don’t measure your worth with this exam.

[Asteria]: Wow, and you say that when all of us have failed... I wonder what would you say if someone from us passed? Maybe you will be pissed.

[Kuro]: Asteria, did I ask you to talk?

[Asteria]: Um, no Teaceher...

[Kuro]: Then do 10 flying squats right now.

[Asteria]: What? But teacher....

[Kuro]: if you don’t do it, then I will tell your parents about the misbehavior that you had for the last week. I’m sure they will reduce your allowance once I tell them everything...

[Asteria]: Okay! I’ll do it already! I-It’s just 10 flying squats, right?

[[[Asteria then proceeded to perform the well-feared ’flying squats’ with an expression of dread on her face. Even though she sounded confident that she can do it, it was obvious from the strain and exhaustion on her face that doing even just one flying squat was already taking everything away from her.]]]

[Asteria]: Ha, ha, ha, ha...

[Kuro]: Good... so you still have some stamina in you even when you waste your time gorging on honey. Tsk, your genes must be really good...

[Asteria]: Ha, ha, ha, ha...

[Kuro]: Okay, while we are having Asteria perform her punishment, I shall talk about our next activity already. So we will-

[Celeste]: Teacher! We’re talking about a new activity already? But how about the analysis of our test results? shouldn’t you do that first?

[Kuro]: that’s what I am supposed to do now. But I suddenly received a new memo from the Dean, which forced me to change our schedules.

[Celeste]: Change schedules? Then that means...

[Kuro]: The analysis of the test results will happen after our new activity. So if you want to know how you got your dismal results from the test earlier, you must wait until we finish our next activity.

[Asteria]: Ha, ha, ha, ha....

[Celeste]: Ok teacher... So what is our next activity then?

[Kuro]: Hehe....

[The whole class]: !!!!

[[[At this point, Kuro began to smile in excitement, as if Celeste’s words had spurned her to do so. Everyone inside the class began to shiver as they saw Kuro’s smile, as that smile made them feel fear. Of course this fear was only faint, but it was still enough to hold the whole class into a collective silcence.]]]

[Kuro]: Hey kids, how would you like it if you and your friends were to be brought into a field trip? Would you be excited to join one?

[[The whole class]]: ....

[[[Even though what Kuro said sounded like a question, the whole class knew that it doesn’t even matter if they answer it. If Kuro asked a question in this manner, then that question was already deemed to be answerable by ’yes’. Answering it at this point... will just earn more ire from the teacher.]]]

[Kuro]: Hoho... I am not hearing any rejections here... Then that means that you are all okay with having a field trip! Good! Now go back to your rooms and pack your things! We shall leave 4 hours from now!

[Asteria]: Yes! I’m done! Hahaha! Now what do you think teacher? Aren’t I strong?

[Kuro]: Yes, you are strong already. Now go back to your room and pack your things.

[Asteria]: Hah? What do you mean by that?

[Kuro]: Aren’t you listening while I am talking earlier? Don’t tell me you didn’t hear about the new activity?

[Asteria]: A new activity? Um well uh...

[Kuro] Go on, tell me what the new activity is.

[Asteria]: Um... well.....

[Kuro]: ....

[The whole class]: ....

[Kuro]: ...Class, what is one of my rules in this classroom again?

[The whole class]: Always listen to Teacher Kuro no matter what you do!

[Kuro] So that means that even if Asteria was doing her flying squats, she must still listen to me. Now, did she do that? Did she listen to me?

[The whole class]: No!

[Kuro]: So that means that Asteria violated my class rules again! Now, what punishment does she get for violating this rule?

[The whole class]: 30 flying squats!

[Kuro]: Exactly! So Asteria, go and perform 30 flying squats. You can only start prepping your things once you finish that. I will be watching you, so don’t cheat, ok? If you cheat, I will double your punishment.

[Asteria]: Argh!!!!

[Kuro]: Great! That’s a powerful warcry that you have right there! Hehehe, you seem to be really pumped up with the squats! Do you want to do more?

[Asteria]: No teacher! Please no more!"

[Kuro]: Oh... I guess you have to make do with 30 then. Good luck, little fairy.

[Asteria]: ...

[The whole class]: ...



[[[The whole class, including Asteria, Celeste, and Kibou were now all riding a massive spaceship. This spaceship was hurtling through the space with such an insane speed that almost nothing was able to catch up to it. Only light itself was the one barely keeping up with the spaceship, and even that small lead was already slowly disappearing]]]

[[[This spaceship was built for both speed and comfort, as its streamlined body was complemented by a cozy and comfortable interior. Anyone riding this ship will only feel comfort and relaxation, although someone from the current riders was feeling anything but comfort.]]]

[Asteria]: Ow! My whole body f**ing hurts! Ow! I can’t even move my wings properly! Huhuhu... Why is this happening to me...

[Celeste]: That’s because you are always pompous and rebellious. That makes a lot of your classmates dislike you, which leads to you getting the brunt of the punishments...

[Asteria]: Pompous and rebellious? Hmph, I am just showing those people how a Fairy Queen should act- Ow ow ow ow! Hey Celeste! Don’t press my wing joints! Its’s f**king sore!

[Celeste]: Just do me a favor and keep quiet, ok? I’m massaging your wing joints to alleviate your pain. Now, I can’t afford to be distracted here, so keep your noise at the minimum, ok?

[Asteria]: Ok...

[Kibou]: Ki ki!

[Celeste]: Kibou, you should be quiet too.

[Kibou]: Ki...

[Asteria]: Hey Celeste, where are we having the field trip anyway? I forgot what teacher said about the location...

[Celeste]: Why don’t you ask teacher by yourself? She’s at the navigation room, steering this spaceship towards our destination.

[Asteria]: And what? Make her angry again? You know that teacher is also a manic space pilot. Once she drives her own spaceship, nobody can bother her unless it’s any emergency. If you call her for just useless things, she will be throwing a fit of rage!

[Celeste]: Oh really?

[Asteria]: Yes! I even heard that teacher had once threw out a passenger of her spaceship just because that passenger bothered her!

[Celeste]: Teacher actually did that? Why haven’t I heard of that?

[Asteria]; Because it’s just a rumor.

[Celeste]: A rumor. So it could be not true then.

[Asteria]: Then why don’t you try proving it now? Surely you’re courageous enough to do something like this, right?

{Celeste]: Tsk, why don’t you just keep quiet? Didn’t I tell you to not be noisy?

[Asteria]: Ok, I will close my mouth already...

[Celeste]: ...

[Asteria]: Oh yeah! That’s the spot! Celeste! Press that more! Oh yeah!

[Celeste]: Hey! Why are you shouting out in a lewd tone! What if the others can hear us?

[Asteria]: Oh yeah! Celeste! You really are the best! Yes! Move your hands faster! Aang~

[Celeste]: You jerk! Go and deal with your wing pain alone then!


[[[Celeste then flew out of the room with her face blushing crazily. She flew so fast that she almost collided with an overhanging sign, but she managed to dodge it by a hairbreadth. At her departure, the one thing that can be heard was Asteria’s loud giggle, which sounded like her typical prankster giggle.]]]

[Kibou]: Ki ki ki! KI! Ki...

[Asteria]: Hm? You said that I should apologize to her? Yes, I shall do that later. But for now, why don’t you continue massaging my wings? It still hurts a little...

[Kibou]: Ki....

[Asteria]: Don’t worry Kibou. I won’t moan like earlier. Nobody would even believe me if I moan from your massages. You’re just a robot, so your kind usually are not even fit for lewd matters.

[Kibou] Ki! KI ki Ki! KI!

[Asteria]: W-what? S*x dolls? Um....

[Kibou]: Ki! Ki! Ki! KI! Ki!!!! Ki ki, ki kiki kik ki kkki kiiik, kiek, kek, kik, kikikiiiki, kiik, kik, kk! Kik, kik, kkikikiki!~

[Asteria]: Okay okay... I get it already. You robots can also have a sexy time....

[Kibou]: Ki!

[Asteria]: Okay... can you ... give me some space first? I need to recover myself from what I just heard from you.

[KIbou]: Ki...

[[[Kibou then left the room too, with a somewhat triumphant expression on his face. The shaken Asteria did not notice this expression, as she was still preoccupied with what Kibou just told her.]]]

[Asteria]: So by connecting a bunch of sensors together, a robot can create its own rudimentary s*x organ? And the more sensors are connected together, the better it will feel for them? Ugh, I think I should stop imagining about these things already...

[[[Asteria then slapped herself in order to rouse herself, as she realized that she must not be worried about how robots can have a ’good time’. Instead, she must worry about the site of their field trip.]]]

[Asteria]: Tsk, why did I not try to remember teacher’s reminders to us earlier? Oh right, I was too tired to even care. Sigh, so what I should do now? Just wait for this ship to reach its destination? Ugh, I don’t want to wait any longer! I must know our destination already!

[[[Asteria then stood up as she decided to ask her classmates about their destination. But before she could leave the room, a sheet of paper fell out from her bag. This sheet of paper caught Asteria’s attention, making her stretch her hand to grab the paper from mid-air. She then observed the paper for a second, which led to her realizing what this paper actually was.]]]

[Asteria]: Hey! I remember it now! Teacher told us that there’s a map about our destination inside our bags! So that’s why I grabbed this paper earlier. This is actually a map!

[[[Asteria then wasted no time as she started reading the map. With her expertise in pranks, Asteria naturally had a high talent in reading maps, as she knew that doing a great prank requires expertise in map-reading. After all, properly reading a map will allow Asteria to place her pranks in their proper positions. Aside from that, her map-reading also allows her to plan her escape routes if her pranks go south.]]]

[[[But instead of becoming more excited after reading the map, Asteria actually turned angry and fearful after she scanned the map’s contents.]]]

[Asteria]: What the f**k!

[[[The map fell out of her hands as Asteria backed away from it, with her face already as pale as Kibou’s skin.]]]

[[[This expression just turned worse as time passed by, as Asteria began to realize more and more implications of what she had just discovered.]]]

[Asteria]: F**k! Out of all the places that we can go, teacher is actually bringing us to the Abyss Realm! F**k! I am fine with going to any other place, but not on the Abyss Realm! Teacher! Are you trying to have me killed! You know that if I go to the Abyss Realm, a lot of the devils there will try to kill me! Huhuhu, teacher, are you really that angry to me..."

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