
Chapter 223 Not a Chapter 1

Berri: Can’t you see I’m already suffering just by holding these thick cue cards. *looks the cue cards* Anyway, let’s begin. For the first question... oh... wow, it’s for Lin Qingge.

Xia Meilin: *frowns* I can’t believe that she’s invited here.

Lin Qingge: *she rolls her eyes before she crosses her arms.* I am a character in DSB so deal with it.

Berri: Please don’t start an argument here... we’re in the presence of so many readers so let’s be professional, okay? Don’t make it hard for me... (TTATT)

24 years old Mello: Yes, please be kind to Ms. Berri and don’t make it hard for her.

Berri: Oh my, thank you for being so understanding Mello!

Lin Qingge: Can we get over this so that I can now leave?

Li Bingbing: You mean... so that you can go back to your prison cell? *smirks*

Lin Qingge: *she turned and glared at Li Bingbing*

Berri: *sweats* Alright! Ms. Lin, here is the question for you! *she quickly said* If you are given another chance, are you going to drug Xia Meilin or drug yourself?

Xia Meilin: *she raised a brow* Who asked that question?

Berri: For the sake of privacy and safeties, I can’t let any of you know the readers’ identity since some of the questions are sensitive.

Lin Qingge: *she laughs* Hahahaha! If I have known that it would be Lu Yifeng, I didn’t have to drag myself for him, I would have waited for him in that room!

Xia Meilin: *glares at Lin Qingge*

Lu Yifeng: *holds Xia Meilin’s hand* If it was her, I would not sleep with her, after all, I feel no attraction towards her.

Xia Meilin: Really?

Lin Qingge: Oh please, don’t make me laugh, the incense would have drugged you for me.

Lu Yifeng: If that’s the case, I would have turned away and left you alone there. *he turned to the author* Bring her back to the prison.

Berri: *she gulped nervously as she felt chills run down her spines with Lu Yifeng’s dark look on his face* O... Okay...

Lin Qingge: I’m not going back to prison! No! Never!

Berri: I apologize, Ms. Lin... but your presence is... disturbing others so I have to put you back to your cell. *picks her magic wand and waves it to Lin Qingge* Bibidibabidibo!

*Lin Qingge disappears*

Li Bingbing: What the f*ck?! HAHAHA!!

Mello: *he laughed as well* Hahaha! Do you really have to say that?

Berri: *pouts* Of course, or else she won’t disappear!

Lu Xian Yu: *sighs* Ms. Author, please take this seriously. *turns to Li Bingbing and leans to whisper something in her ear*

Berri: I am! *huffs* Anyway, let’s move on shall we? There are five questions for Xia Meilin! First, One of the readers wanted to know what is the gender of your fourth baby.

Xia Meilin: *smiles as she rubbed her bloated tummy* Well, I actually wanted it to be a surprise that’s why I didn’t ask my doctor about my child’s baI. You see, and my husband is having a bet.

Lu Yifeng: Again. *he chuckles softly, his gaze is gentle while he is staring at his wife*

Berri: Oh! What is your bet about? *eyes sparkle"

Xia Meilin: *she blushes lightly* I’m not going to say it here.

Berri: *turns to Lu Yifeng with hopeful eyes* Please?

Lu Yifeng: If my wife doesn’t want it then my answer will be the same.

Berri: *turns to Mello* Do you know?

Mello: *shakes head* Sadly, no, I don’t know. I’m quite curious about it too.

Berri: *pouts* Hmpf! What a joy killer!

Lu Yifeng: Can continue on with the next question?

Berri: *sighs* FINE... Next question is: Why do you name your kids to food? Is there a hidden meaning to it?

Xia Meilin: Actually... there isn’t. I just think that naming my kids after the food I crave for is unique.

Berri: What kind of food are you craving for your fourth child?

Xia Meilin: I’m craving for mango. *grins*

Berri: Is there a huge possibility that your next child will be named after Mango?

Xia Meilin: Yes! Of co-

Lu Yifeng: Only if our next child will be a boy.

Lu Xian Yu: I bet you’re praying for a girl, aren’t you, brother?

Lu Yifeng: Mm.

Xia Meilin: *pouts* There’s no wrong in naming my children after food name you know.

Li Bingbing: I feel sorry for boss. *turns to Lu Xian Yu* At least I have a better naming sense.

Lu Xian Yu:...

Mello: *feels relieved that his name was changed to Mello*

Berri: *chuckles* Moving on, Mrs. Lu Meilin, what got you into being a pianist?

Xia Meilin: It’s actually one of my hobbies and I have always loved classical music so I decided to pursue it.

Berri: Yes, I wasn’t able to tackle into it that much in DSB but... I might include it when I re-edit the edited chapters.

Xia Meilin: Please do.

Berri: Anyway, two more questions left for you. First, have you tried to seduce hubby with sexy lingerie? Last time you got attacked before you were able to do it, right?

Xia Meilin: *blushes shyly* Omg... I didn’t see that coming...

Lu Yifeng: *he chuckled* Let me answer that for you. Yes, she did, a lot of times. It isn’t just lingerie, whatever she wears can seduce me.

Xia Meilin: *pouts, her face still red* That’s because you’re always so horny!

Lu Yifeng: Aren’t you hornier than me? *snickers*

Mello: *facepalm* I can’t believe that I’m hearing this...

Li Bingbing: *leans and covers Mello’s ears* Please don’t forget that your son is here.

Lu Yifeng: He’s old enough to hear this kind of conversations.

Lu Xian Yu: *turns to Mello* Are you still a virgin?


Berri: Oh! The next question is related to Mr. Xian Yu’s question! *grins* If you become a mother in law, what kind of character are you going to be?

Xia Meilin: *turns to her son* Are you currently dating someone?

Mello: Why am I the one being questioned? It’s not my turn yet!


Xia Meilin: How can I answer Ms. Berri’s question if I don’t know your relationship status?

Mello: Oh come on, mom, you can answer that even if I’m single.

Xia Meilin: So you’re still a virgin? *cries* My son is such a good boy. Whoever you choose, I will support you, sweetheart.

Mello: Argh...

Li Bingbing: *pats Mello’s back* Your future girlfriend is going to be so lucky to have you.


Berri: Well then, let’s not bully our sweet Mello anymore, let’s move on, shall we? *looks at the cue card* Oh... It’s a question for Lu Xingyan and Lu Weichun.

Mello: My sisters have classes today so they can’t attend. *he looks at his wristwatch* Although... it’s currently their lunch break so I can give them a call.

Berri: Please do~

Mello: *calls Lu Xingyan’s phone*

Lu Xingyan: *answers the call after four seconds* Hello?

Mello: Hi Xiao Xi! Are you currently available right now?

Lu Xingyan: Yes... it’s my lunch break so I am.

Xia Meilin: Hi, sweetheart!

Lu Xingyan: Oh... hello, mom.

Mello: Is Xiao Chun with you?

Lu Xingyan: No, she went to buy some additional food in the cafeteria. Why?

Mello: Ms. Berri here has a question for both of you.

Berri: Yes, yes, I have.

Lu Xingyan: What question?

Berri: Well... one of the readers has a question for you and your sister.

Lu Xingyan: Go on.

Berri: Who do you love more, mommy or daddy?

Xia Meilin: What kind of question is that?

Lu Xingyan: Yes, what kind of question is that? We equally love mom and dad.

Berri: Aww~ That’s a wonderful answer.

Lu Xingyan: I can’t waste my time with these pointless things. *ends the call*

Berri: Xiao Xing is so cold!

Mello: *he chuckled* You’ll get used to it.

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