
Chapter 105 The Doctor Is In 1

Chapter 105 The Doctor Is In 1

A few days after the near self-destruction scare, Zero was skipping along the path excitedly. Hua Tuo told him that they would be arriving at the village by afternoon and Zero simply couldn’t wait! He’d pestered Hua Tuo to tell him stories about the villagers during their breaks.

From what he heard, the village was a very small one with about forty people living in it. Unlike other villages, this village had no name as it was formed by outcasts. However, Hua Tuo gave it a name after he decided to become their doctor. It was now known as Half Moon Village because it usually takes Hua Tuo half a moon to travel there each time. Occasionally, some new villagers ended up joining. They were usually exiled by their original hometown for being different and stumble upon the village by chance. Zero could already see the work of fate behind the scenes for that to happen.

Hua Tuo mentioned that the village chief was a strong female warrior with the mixed heritage of elves and beastmen. Her name was Zenobia and she had white rabbit ears. Hua Tuo mentioned that Zenobia was a fierce warrior who protected the village from enemies. Hua Tuo didn’t mention who the enemies were but from the stories of Zenobia’s many fights, Zero figured that Half Moon village had many enemies.

Other than the village chief, Hua Tuo explained that he was making the trip this time to check on a pregnant villager by the name of Karris. Zero was excited when Hua Tuo explained to Zero about how babies grew and were delivered. Zero was also curious to find out how Karris’ children would turn out. According to his teacher, Karris was human. However, she was chased out of the human village she lived in because she was impregnated by a vampire. When Zero asked what happened to the vampire, Hua Tuo simply shook his head, refusing to answer further. He only said that the child wasn’t one made from love and Zero felt sad. Love was something everyone deserved but for a child to not be made out of love, Zero felt that it was a very pitiful thing.

There were children in the village too and Zero was curious to meet them. Hua Tuo told Zero that he should learn how to play like normal children and Zero couldn’t agree more. Playing sounded like a wonderful thing and he was excited to make new friends too. Truen was a great friend but he never played with Zero. The brunet really wanted to know what it was like to be able to play with someone else. Would they run through the forest finding leaves and mushroom? Or would they simply throw stones into the river to try and hit a fish? Zero couldn’t wait to find out.

Just before the last bend, Hua Tuo pulled Zero to a side.

"Zero, we’re reaching the village soon," he began and Zero hooted in joy. The doctor had to wait for his student to calm down a little before continuing.

"Some ground rules before we enter," he said sternly.

At this point, Zero became equally serious and gave Hua Tuo his full attention.

"One, do not probe further about anyone’s background if they are not comfortable sharing it. I know you are curious but many of them have difficult pasts and it would be rude to demand answers."

Zero nodded. Respect was important and he agreed.

"Two," Hua Tuo held up a second finger. "You must not reveal your real identity. They are usually hostile towards humans and you look very much like one. They know me as an immortal hermit living in Endow Hill and trust me as their doctor. Whatever they ask, you are to answer that you are an apprentice I picked up from Endow Hill and cannot remember much about your past."

Zero nodded again. It wasn’t in his nature to lie but not omission wasn’t lying. If Sedna were here, she would be shocked by Zero’s way of thinking. Luckily for Zero, he didn’t have to explain his sudden matured way of thinking. If it weren’t for a certain someone introducing Zero to the other side of the world, he wouldn’t have known that there were such convenient ways of evading questions.

"Last but not least," Hua Tuo narrowed his eyes. "You are not to go around taking things apart or touching things that do not belong to you. Any wrong move and you’ll become the main course for their next feast. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Zero saluted. He didn’t think that the villagers were capable of turning him into dinner with Hua Tuo around but he didn’t want to test that theory out either. The brunet was determined to be on his best behaviour and create a good impression. After all, they would be back in a few months and Zero wanted to make new friends who would play with him when he returned. Nobody wanted to become friends with someone who made them upset. That much, Zero knew.

Seeing that Zero understood everything, Hua Tuo resumed their travels. In no time, a small village could be spotted in a distance.

Zero forgot how to breathe for a moment. The village was nothing like he’d imagined. According to the books he read on the reading device, villages usually consisted of many huts that looked similar to Hua Tuo’s. Although there were other villages that were built specially, most houses were built on the ground.

This village was built into the trees. The trees were very tall and Zero didn’t know how they got up there. Maybe the villagers had wings to fly up. Then again, Zenobia didn’t have wings. Perhaps there was a secret passage somewhere. Zero couldn’t wait to find out.

"Stop right there!" a young voice shouted and Zero froze. Hua Tuo didn’t seem fazed and halted in his step.

From the branches above, a teenage boy swooped down with a spear in hand. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and Zero marvelled at the feathers protruding from the boy’s arms. They helped slow his fall but didn’t seem to help him fly. Zero noted how the boy didn’t have feet even though he had hands. In place of feet were sharp and scary-looking talons. His eyes were yellow and slit like a snake’s, his teeth sharp like a tiger’s.

"State your business," he growled.

"Stand down, Clowis! He is our doctor."

From behind him, a man who had similar weird feathers landed and smacked Clowis over the head with the back of his hand. The young warrior screeched in pain much to Zero’s amusement.

"I apologise for my nephew’s behaviour, doctor. Please, come on in."

Hua Tuo smiled and followed the man. Zero trailed behind and stayed closer to Hua Tuo when Clowis growled at him. He didn’t know what he did to warrant such a hostile behaviour but he didn’t want to antagonise anyone further.

"Karris has gotten quite huge and has lost a lot of weight. Living arrangements have been prepared as per your letter. However, Zenobia requests to meet your young apprentice."

Zero’s eyes brightened at Zenobia’s name. He became excited at having an opportunity to meet the warrior and beamed. Hua Tuo took a good look at Zero and sighed silently. Although he didn’t think that Zenobia would have anything against Zero, he didn’t know if he should be more worried about the warrior or his student. After all, Zenobia was known to be very fond of children and Zero was very adorable despite his sudden growth.

"Very well, his name is Zero and I’m sure he’s also eager to meet Lady Zenobia after hearing stories about her heroic battles."

The man bowed and smiled at Zero. "Greeting, young Zero. I am Lowis, head warrior of Half Moon Village. Please follow me, I will lead you to see Chieftess Zenobia."

Zero beamed. "I am Zero, a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for leading the way!"

Lowis was slightly surprised by Zero’s good manners in contrast to his childish behaviour but brushed the thought aside. Wordlessly, he bowed and led Zero away. Hua Tuo watched his student go and turned to the sulking Clowis.

"I see you’ve improved yet again. How is your sister?"

The young warrior smiled at the mention of his sister. "Amaraline is getting better. She’s now able to see the shape of plants and can walk through the forest without any walking aid."

Amaraline was Clowis’ blind younger sister. After an accident two years ago when some enemies who attacked the village poured acid over her eyes, the young maiden had to relearn how to see the world again. Thankfully, she was blessed with magic abilities and had a gift for fortune telling. Hua Tuo taught her how to channel magic into reading the life forces of her surroundings to ’see’ again.

Her progress pleased the doctor greatly.

With Amaraline’s accident, Clowis took it upon himself to train harder and become stronger. Currently, Lowis was the village’s head warrior and the teenager was determined to inherit that title. Clowis wasn’t a mean person but he was cautious around strangers. His earnest attitude made Hua Tuo think that he would get along very well with Zero who was equally honest in expressing himself.

"Let’s check on Karris first, shall we? Also, how is everyone else doing? Is Grandma Moppo’s knee still hurting?"

Clowis grinned and begin updating Hua Tuo about everyone’s latest conditions while they walked over to Karris’ abode.


"Chieftess, I brought the guest over!"

From inside her tree hollow home, Zenobia blinked. Hua Tuo sent a letter a few weeks back mentioning about bringing along a talented apprentice and she was eager to meet the young prodigy.

"Let him in," she ordered and put away the map swiftly.

Zero entered and bowed just like how Lowis bowed to Hua Tuo earlier. From deduction, that had to be a sign of respect and Hua Tuo did remind him to be respectful.

"Greetings, Lady Zenobia. My name is Zero and I am Hua Tuo’s apprentice."

Zenobia was everything that Zero imagined. Her long white ears were fluffy and stood tall, giving her the illusion of being taller than she really was. Her legs were long and her body was toned from daily training. Zenobia was a figure who commanded respect and Zero was honoured to be able to finally meet her in person.

At the same time, Zenobia was assessing the runt before her. Hua Tuo mentioned that Zero was twelve in human age but the boy before her looked more like ten. How could such a young boy master medicine in such a short period of time? Also, Hua Tuo mentioned that Zero was gifted in magic even though he hadn’t trained in it. Zenobia had reservations but because the person claiming it was Hua Tuo, she didn’t question it. That didn’t mean she believed it entirely. The warrior’s motto had always been to see the world with her own eyes and discover all facets of the truth.

"Zero, I heard that you haven’t been Hua Tuo’s apprentice for long. Could you tell me how far you’ve progressed?"

Zero blinked. Of all the questions he expected the cautious chieftess to ask, his medical knowledge wasn’t one of them.

"Apart from actual surgery and acupuncture, master has pounded all the basics of medicine making, concocting and diagnosis into my head."

Zenobia was doubtful. However, she had no real ability to verify what Zero was saying so she filed that information away for later. "You’re also talented in magic? I understand that you haven’t had official magic training but it should be alright for this simple test. We have a crystal here that tests a person’s magic affinity and capacity. Would you like to try it out?"

Zero jumped at the opportunity immediately and thanked Zenobia. The warrior chieftess looked at the overly excited boy and mentally compared him to a dog with its tail wagging behind.

The crystal was small and Zenobia instructed Zero to channel mana into the crystal as much as he could. Zero was slightly doubtful. How will such a dull looking piece of rock determine his talent? Then again, the world was a wide place and Zero trusted Zenobia.

Closing his eyes, Zero pumped mana into the crystal and waited for the results.

Two seconds later, the crystal exploded in Zero’s hands, the shards cutting deeply into his palm. Zenobia panicked and rushed over to examine the injury.

To her utter surprise, the wound was already closing at an astonishing rate and the crystal shards were being pushed out from the closing wound. Zenobia looked at Zero with both shock and amazement. Zero only blinked, unsure of what to think. He didn’t mean to destroy anyone’s property and didn’t intend to do so. He hoped that Zenobia wouldn’t decide to make him the main course for their feast.

Zero didn’t have much time to think when Zenobia crushed him in her arms and squashed his face against her chest.

"Zero you’re amazing! I’ve never seen such powerful magic. Hua Tuo was right, you’re a gem. Who knew that there could be a child as cute as he was talented? Say, do you like this village? Do you want to live here with us? Forget that boring old teacher of yours, this village will treat cuties like you much better!"

Speechless, Zero could only let Zenobia chatter on. Silently, he sent a telepathic message to his teacher somewhere in the village as Zenobia dragged him further into her home to ’make him feel comfortable’.

"Please save me from Lady Zenobia... she’s trying to imprison me in her room and feed me weird looking bug cakes!"

Hua Tuo who received the desperate plea froze. He checked on Karris earlier and was making his way around the village when he made a sharp turn.


Hua Tuo smiled stiffly. "Sorry, Clowis. It looks like my apprentice is in need of saving from Lady Zenobia."

Clowis grimaced. It was no secret that the chieftess loved cute children and would go as far as kidnapping to pamper them. Almost every child in the village had been a victim to her ’cuteness recharging activities’ at least once and the teenager pitied Zero.

"Let’s go save him," Clowis agreed and led Hua Tuo through the secret maze of passages.

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