
Chapter 14: As You Wish

Chapter 14:As You Wish

Adeline had a restless night. She had managed to doze off, only to be startled awake again by her night terrors. This time, instead of walking through a dark hallway, she was walking through ruins.

Crumbled marble was everywhere she glanced, and puffs of storm clouds surrounded her. It was as if she was walking beyond the ground and above the skies. All was fine, until thunder struck the ground she walked on and blood appeared on her hands.

Even though Adeline was in the ballroom, she couldn't stop thinking about the dream.

"Why the long face?" Aunt Eleanor questioned with a frown. "You look exhausted. Did you sleep at all last night?"

Adeline shakily nodded her head. They were in the ballroom already, but looking at the beautiful floor and scenery made her nauseous. What was that strange dream about from this morning? She had woken up with a tear stained face, as if the sight of her dream was the most depressing thing in the world.

"Yes, I did—"

"Then act like it," Aunt Eleanor chided. "I put you in this lovely jade-color dress, so the least you can do is wear a smile and find a suitor."

Adjacent to them, Asher stiffened.

Adeline tiredly nodded again. She couldn't think straight with her clammy hands and thrashing heart. She felt the inquisitive stare of Asher boring a hole through her skull. He would not stop gawking at her.

"Can… I get some fresh air?" she hesitatingly asked her Aunt.

"No, absolutely not!" Aunt Eleanor hissed. She yanked the wrist of her niece and stepped closer. "I let you run off yesterday and you were gone the entire night, putting your expensive dress to waste."

Adeline shifted her eyes to Aunt Eleanor. There was festive music in the background, reeking of elegance and prestige. Everyone was all smiles and laughter, while they exchanged conversation with each other, whether it was about their conglomerate, or their high position in the world.

All this joy, and she was unhappy.

"I didn't go anywhere, I was dancing with a man, Aunt Eleanor," Adeline stressed. She couldn't hold it in any longer. "Yesterday, I was on the dance floor with a Pure-Bred. Didn't you see me?"

Aunt Eleanor recoiled, dumbstruck. "What are you talking about, Adeline? I saw no such thing!" she whisper-yelled. It would be problematic if people overheard their bickering.

They'd assume Adeline was an unagreeable woman. She was already unpopular with the suitors. Adding another mark to her slate would not do her any good.

"But I really was dancing—"

"Enough, I will not tolerate your lies," Aunt Eleanor growled. "I was looking for you the entire night. I would've known if my niece was on the dance floor."

Adeline suppressed a groan. She looked away, obviously irritated. Did Aunt Eleanor despise Vampires to the extent that she refused to acknowledge the dance?

Suddenly, she perked up. There was an eyewitness right beside her! She hurriedly whirled to her bodyguard and friend.

"Asher, you saw me dance with that man, right?" Adeline queried. She had faith he would not lie. He had never done so before. She trusted him with her life for a reason.

"Asher?" Aunt Eleanor piqued. She raised an expectant brow and threw him an incredulous expression.

Asher glanced from the Madam to his little Adeline. What was he supposed to say?

"I believe—"

"When I came back from the dance, you asked, 'who was that man' and I told you I didn't know," Adeline interjected. "Do you remember?"

Aunt Eleanor's brow lifted even higher. Really now?

Unable to let Adeline down, Asher slowly agreed. "Yes, Lady Adeline was dancing with a man."

Aunt Eleanor was astonished. She placed a hand upon her chest and tilted her head. Did her vision deceive her? It wasn't like she was growing old and senile. She was only in her mid-forties. Surely, she would have seen Adeline on the dance floor?

"Both of your jokes are horrible," Aunt Eleanor finally concluded. "Don't bring your bodyguard into this discussion, Adeline. And next time, don't get him to lie for you, too."

Adeline's jaw dropped. She really was dancing with someone! Before Adeline could say anything else, Aunt Eleanor gave her a disappointed shake of her head.

Adeline's shoulders dropped. Why didn't Aunt Eleanor believe her? "But Asher has never lied…"

"Enough," Aunt Eleanor loudly sighed. "I will be on the other side of the room, but watching you, so don't you dare sneak off again."

Adeline reluctantly bobbed her head.

Aunt Eleanor gave Adeline a pat on the back of her arm, then walked off with a disapproving glare on her face.

Once the Madam was conversing with the other women her age, Adeline spun to Asher. "Why doesn't she believe me?" she exasperated in a low, sullen voice.

"I've never lied to Aunt Eleanor, either. Do you think—"

"Don't worry too much," Asher gently reassured her. He lifted a hand, causing her to flinch back. His gaze softened further. He placed a finger upon her creased forehead, and smoothed her brows.

"I wasn't going to hit you, Adeline," he said. "I'd never hurt you."

And you never protected me, either.

Adeline kept her mouth shut. Where was her bodyguard when Viscount Marden would cane the back of her legs? Either for stuttering, or reading too much. Every little mistake was deserving of a punishment. He surmised that the harder the lesson, the more she would learn.

Fiddling with her fingers, she lowered her visage to the ground. The ballroom was absolutely stunning with the polished floor displaying intricate designs of swirling gold. There were enormous windows that reached the ceiling, with royal curtains drawn back to reveal the glamorous gardens surrounding the castle.

"You're upset," Asher pointed out.

Adeline languidly shook her head. "It's nothing."


"I'm hungry," she admitted at last.

Raising her head, Adeline gave him a wry smile. She could tell Aunt Eleanor was fully occupied. The Madam was distracted by her friends as they gossiped about the latest scandal, or traded information about their children.

"What would you like to eat?" Asher instantly asked. He was eager to make sure she received? one bite of food at the very least. That morning, she had drunk a single cup of tea paired with a single scone. For lunch, it was a luxurious salad of nothing but vegetables. She ate the amount of a small bird.

It was unhealthy. He needed her to eat more. With Aunt Eleanor watching over Adeline's weight like a hawk, it was impossible. The maids brought Adeline her plate of food and everything was carefully monitored. It wasn't like she had the guts to request for more.

Aunt Eleanor's comments were harmful. "Eat less," "You're developing a double chin," and "I would be the happiest if you skipped dinner," were some of her kinder opinions. The rest had already tarnished Adeline's self-esteem.

"I... " Adeline trailed off.

Asher saw the guilt flicker in her eyes. She was hesitant to eat, as if the idea repulsed her. He sighed. "I think I saw lemon meringue tart near the dessert table. How about I grab you a slice?"

"No, thank you."

"Adeline," he warned sternly. "You must eat it."

Adeline withdrew from him. Her shoulders shrank back and she rapidly shook her head. "I can barely breathe in this dress, the corset is digging into my waist. If I eat something, the corset might burst. How embarrassing would that be?"

Asher balked at her. She was wearing a corset? Her waist was already so thin! He narrowed his eyes upon her dress. It was a beautiful shade of spring green, like the plushness of grass in a meadow. The color brought out the beauty of her breathtaking eyes.

But that was not important. "I can wrap my hand around your waist and my fingers would overlap," he deadpanned.

Adeline shook her head. "Asher, please… I'm fine."

Asher raised a brow. "If you eat the tart, the next time I leave the estate, I will buy you more books."

Adeline instantly perked up. A small, hesitant smile spread on her dainty lips. "You mean it?"

Asher immediately nodded. "Cross my heart and swear to die."

Adeline's smile widened. She shyly tucked strands of hair behind her ears. Half of it was left down, whereas the other half was twisted into a bun.

"Then… if… if it's not too much trouble, please bring me a lemon tart."

Asher grinned. "As you wish, Adeline."

Adeline was giddy with excitement. A book and her favorite food! She couldn't have asked for more. In her excitement, she did not notice the three pairs of eyes intently watching her. Nor did she notice the curious stares and quiet whispers.

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