
Chapter 214 - Bite- Part 1

Chapter 214 - Bite- Part 1

When Belle had raised her head, she had expected to see her face and not the reflection of the reaper who stood behind her right now, holding a scythe in his hand. She looked scared right now and just when she turned around to look at the reaper who was there, the reaper tried to use its scythe on her and she fell down. The scythe crashed against the sink, breaking it and Belle ran out of her bathroom.

But she couldn't go too far as the reaper appeared in front of her suddenly, and Belle took a couple of steps behind to keep distance between her and the reaper.

"Lucas!" Belle called his name for attention.

It was early in the morning to be dealing with the reapers. Why was it even here? The reaper didn't wait for her thoughts or for Lucas to come. Instead, it started to use its scythe on her, attacking her relentlessly as if it had come to kill her. With every second the scythe touched either the ground, an object to break or leave dents on the wall.

Belle didn't know how to deflect it, except for stopping it physically that would end up with her losing her hands.

Noticing how Lucas was not here yet, Belle knew something must be wrong. Obviously, this wasn't a dream and she was actually getting attacked in reality. She moved from one spot to another and when she stepped out near her patio did she realize where she was.

The sky was cloudy but it wasn't white or grey but it had a mixed colour of brown and dirty green that turned the atmosphere with the same tone. This wasn't the realm of the living but the realm of the dead. She jumped down from the patio to notice the colour of the mansion change, showing its true colours where the building had turned to ruins that were broken and dull.

So it wasn't entirely true that she was awake but why did she end up in the land of the dead?

The death reaper must have smelled her presence here and had come in search of her, to feed on her. With what she had learned, some reapers took the souls to the land, where Rower would help pass the souls while some of the reapers would feed on the souls that would linger longer in here.

"What do you want from me?" Belle asked.

She fell on the disadvantageous side with this sudden attack and with no weapon in her hand, unlike the reaper who had the long scythe that was covered in dried blood.

The reaper made some garbling sound but Belle couldn't understand a word that it spoke. Without wasting another minute, the reaper continued to attack her. Its scythe moving in all direction to get hold of her and have her killed. Belle had learned the minimalist amount of defence from Lucas. Who knew that she had to be ready to fight a creature from the dead.

Clapping both her hands together, she pulled away to bring out the lightning-like electric blue shock and it was then that she came to realize why she was able to use an ability like this. Her ability came from Lucas and within herself.

"You are hereee," she heard a slurred voice not too far away from where she stood, "Me was searching for you all this while," the creature spoke and somewhere deep in her mind Belle felt she had met this creature before.

God, not only did she have a reaper who wanted to feed on her but now there was another creature similar to a reaper who could talk in broken language.

Belle didn't know if it was wise to leave the grounds but with the reaper and this other deranged creepy creature who was talking to her, she had no other choice but to use the electric sparks on the reaper that turned to smoke. The same electric shocks didn't work on this talking creature and she started to get away from it but it was hard to get rid of it.

"Where you going? Come back here?" asked the creature and Belle ran away, except that the creature was faster than her.

When Belle turned around, she saw the robe that the creature was wearing was discarded to show its boney structure and the skull holding a scarce amount of blond hair.

And as she was trying to get away from it, she noticed someone standing at the corner of the street. Her footsteps almost stopped on seeing a reflection of herself who looked broken. Tattered clothes that covered the girl's body and her face incomplete as it was made partly with just skull and no flesh to cover it. The girl though stood afar from her, Belle could feel the connection, a feeling of familiarity sink in her body, after all, the mirror reflection was part of her that had come to the land of the dead.

The girl didn't react and instead stared at her-

"Finally, me caught you!" came the voice that was a few steps away from her and Belle realized she was being chased by this creepy creature. Not waiting for other half of herself who was in here, Belle continued to make her way through the streets while trying to get away from the creature who was ardently following her, "Me food!" cried the creature and as it cried, the other creatures around them who had sunk into sleep woke up. Sniffing the air where a fresh soul had stepped into the land of the dead.

Hungry for the soul, the creatures started to move and step out of the shadows and Belle could only curse at her current situation.

"Go eat someone else!" Belle cried back, not liking the fact that this creature was adamant in killing her, "I am not dead," she muttered under her breath as she ran in the streets to have more shadows starting to accumulate and follow her trail.

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