
Chapter 382 - My Bone! - Part 3

Chapter 382 - My Bone! - Part 3

When the original four Grims were created by Crane through the forbidden magic, Winston who was the next Hawvert also wanted to create something similar to the original Grims. But the old death reaper didn't have the same powers as Crane did. He didn't have the ability to make use of the forbidden magic and the little magic that was used by him it was spells that could be used by the mortals.

Winston was never happy with it. The Hawvert wanted to be the one in the higher position. Even though he was in the higher compared to other creatures of the dead, he wasn't the one standing at the top but it was Crane. By using the little magic, and the powers he had, he pulled out a bone from his own skeleton body to create the set of Grims. These were called the second set of the Grims who came to existence, the reapers who once were mortals in the land of the living before they came to pass in the land of the dead.

The bone was a precious part of Winston which held great power and abilities, but a few years ago, it went missing. Since from that time, he had been looking for it but he was not able to find it.

Now that Gorron mentioned about it, he gritted his teeth as he stomped on the ground, making his way towards the lowly reaper who had dared to take his bone!

He pushed the lowly death reapers out of his way as he walked through the pillars to step out of the tower. Winston's head snapped back and forth, searching for the reaper who had stolen his bone, the smell was faint in here and he tried to follow the scent but it disappeared in the air.

"Fucking damn reaper!" Winston growled that had other death reapers who were walking nearby move away from him. He wanted to get the bone back before the reaper would know how it worked and its power. How did the reaper put the bone into its body when he himself could not do it?!

"Level two, assemble!" he shouted and the death reapers who were around, came to stand in front of him, "I need the list of the new reapers who joined in the last twenty-four hours! Now! Where is the list!"

Two death reapers quickly ran towards the tower, disappearing for a couple of minutes before one of them returned back with a file in its boney fingers.

Winston snatched the file from the reaper's hand. He opened and started to move the parchments before looking up at the reapers,

"What is this?" asked Winston with gritted teeth.

The death reaper looked startled at the question. It opened its mouth with a scratchy voice to answer, "Sir, they are parchments with the list of newbie list."

"Who filed the names?" asked Winston.

The death reaper who was an associate in the tower answered, "I was the one who filled in the names, Sir," Winston used the file to hit on its boney head.

"This fucking plain empty parchments. I want the list, right now!" Winston threw the empty file for the reaper to catch hold of it, "Go get Edgar and Moore to me. Foolish things don't know how to maintain files!"

While someone had gone to retrieve the ninth and the eleventh Grim reapers, Winston continued to smell the air, trying to catch at least a whiff but there was nothing in here and he growled in anger. He should have known that something was odd about the reaper when he had stopped it.

Some of the death reapers came to surround him, seeing how Winston who was a high standing Hawvert looked to be in a rage. Every now and then, fire lit up in the empty sockets of his eyes. If he would get hold of the reaper he would reap the lowly thing for even daring to turn his bone part of its body!

Gorron stood at the top of the tower, looking down at the little commotion that had taken place in front of the entrance of the high tower, "Winston looks unhappy. When did he lose it?" he asked Crane who had seated himself in the chair.

"Who knows," answered Crane lacklustre of anything. His movements had always been the slowest compared to the other two Hawverts, "It was his decision to create something from his own bone."

"Are we not going to catch hold of the reaper who has it? It would be difficult if the reaper finds out what it is," commented Gorron, turning around and walking towards the free seat.

"No hurry for now. I am sure Winston will find the culprit," Crane waved his hand. At the same time, one of the death servants arrived.

"Sirs," the lowly death servant bowed his head, "T-there is something that needs to be informed."

"What is it?" asked Crane, his head slowly turning in the direction of the reaper who arrived at the door.

"W-we have an issue in the informational rooms," the death servant fidgeted to continue, "Some of the items have gone missing."

Gorron's eyebrows furrowed and he questioned, "What do you mean by missing?"

The death servant answered, "The books and the files which were there are missing in the room. It's like they disappeared when we returned back after the assembly."

The two Hawverts stared at the death servant who had its head bowed, "Go have the others assemble. Have them ask if someone is fooling around with it. What books have gone missing?" asked Crane.

"Some of the architectural designs of the land of the dead. The book of different creatures along with the death entry," Crane narrowed his eyes before getting up, "Send out a search right now to bring back the books as well as the reaper who tried to steal it from the tower."

"Do you think it is the same newbie reaper who stole it?" asked Gorron to Crane who had a serious expression on his face.

"A newbie doesn't know where the informational room is," replied Crane, "It was done by someone who knows the insides of the tower."


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