
Chapter 718 Testing the Waters

The Villain’s Wife 718 Testing the Waters

Lily chuckled in response. Disbelief flashed in her eyes. So Zhou Huifang wanted to turn her against her own husband? But wasn’t this too illogical? "And you think, I would just believe you with no proof?" Lily decided to ask more questions. For some reason, she felt this man would come in here and convince her of something so... simplistic.

Was it possible someone was telling him to do this?

"I already told you, there is no way— "

"That is not proof." Lily interrupted him. "That is your opinion. Just like how I believe you are not your father’s son."

"You— "

"Your father was smart enough to cower in front of power. He saved you and your sister from the clutches of the one capable of killing you all." She made a deliberate pause as she gave him a stern look to the face. "And yet you chose to betray all his effort. Tell me... are you dumb or plain stupid?"

Zhou Huifang frowned. He knew convincing her would not be this easy. However, the person he talked to had assured him that once Lily understood the logic behind Zhou Jingren’s actions, she would believe his words and would act against her husband.

"He is only using you," Zhou Huifang uttered. "For the money, for connections, for your brain." This is the exact same thing the man had told him to say. Surely, Lily would be smart enough to start investigating her husband’s past, right? "Whatever it is that he told you... it is not true." He added, his face grim. How could Lily just trust someone like Zhou Jingren?

Businessmen did not act like this. They don’t just give their trust to people they know for less than a year. He frowned. The man had also told him Lily and Zhou Jingren already met a few years back and actually knew each other since they were kids. However, he found this unbelievable.

Why would a rich Facci associate herself with a boy from an orphanage? Moreover, that guy did not give him any concrete evidence about this. He only told him all evidence was wiped clean because of Zhou Jingren. How silly was that? With the current technology we have, there was no way that evidence could just vanish into thin air.

"Now..." Lily drummed her fingers on the table. This is getting interesting, she thought. "Why would you think he will use my brain?"

"Well... your business perspective. You are a very knowledgeable person. Your presence alone is enough to boost his stocks."

"That is true." Lily nodded. "However, it does not tell me anything. Humans would always get attracted to people they think are good for them. Business-wise, marrying him is good for my plans to branch out in Asia. It was like a business deal with sexy abs and lots of sex." She smiled.

"You —"How shameless! He fought the urge to yell at her shamelessness. However, he forced himself to stand his ground. The man had told him Lily was good at reading people. Therefore, she could easily make someone uncomfortable. She could easily use this to her advantage in manipulating their emotions.

But what else could he say? Even Lily was shameless enough to accept that she also married him for business. It wasn’t a union full of love and affection. It was for benefits, for money. Disgust immediately flashed in his eyes. "You married a sociopath." He hissed, irritated at the fact that Lily was so good at making him speechless.

"And you are only fooling yourself, Mr. Zhou. Did you think about your father’s emotion if he lost another son? The reason why your father cowered is because of you and your sister. Just like a true businessman, he was able to weigh his options and choose the one that would not only let him live but will also make him stay under the company that he loved so much for years to come." Ridicule flashed in her eyes. "And yet you —" She shook her head in disappointment.

"My father is a coward! He is not a man!"

"At least he is not stupid, sacrificing his children just for the sake of dead people."

"I can see that I am wasting my time by coming in here." He rose from his seat. He tried his best to talk some sense into this woman. Surely, the man would now help him in his quest for vengeance, right? This is what the man promised.

He already made a mental note to call Qi Xia later and inform him about the deal.

Lily only stared at him with a slight smile on her face. Someone was testing the waters, and she was very interested to know who was trying to make an enemy out of her and Zhou Jingren. "You know... If I were you... I would just live in the mountains and keep my silence. The world is such a horrible place, having a silent and peaceful life is a luxury for people like us."

"I am done with being stupid." Zhou Huifang said. "And I am done with watching Zhou Jingren and his father enjoy the things my father worked so hard to achieve! The Zhou Company is supposed to be ours! I watched my father work so hard only for him to become a VP with a small share under his name! Tell me... isn’t that injustice? Do you think you can just bend justice because you are rich?"

"Mr. Zhou has been a part of this society long enough to know that justice is indeed meant for the rich not for the righteous." Lily answered. At this point, she was already sure someone else was manipulating this man into thinking like this. "When your uncle killed and raped people, you were silent. You watched him bully your father and grandfather because it did not affect you and you were living the extravagant life that you wanted. And now...now that you have lost all the benefits of being an heir apparent, you scream of justice just because of shares? Of your brother’s disappearance? If this is not hypocrisy... then what is?"

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