
Chapter 615: Blocking stones and real opponents

Chapter 615: Blocking stones and real opponents

Song Xiao said in surprise, "Ms. Wei, are you really planning to... do that?"

Wei Sheng smiled, "I'm not already doing it."

Song Xiao couldn't help sighing. Indeed, the counterattack had started a year ago. New products entered the research and development process, but most of what they did was just the preliminary preparation process.

With the limited level of Rebirth International, Song Xiao finds it difficult to truly achieve it.

But now it seems that Wei Sheng has even set her sights on a world summit like the AD Conference. Obviously, she is not joking.

Let’s not talk about whether Rebirth International can do it here, just talk about the AD summit. Song Xiao always feels that Wei Sheng imagined it too simple. He used to work in country M and naturally knew what kind of summit it was. With the eyes of the big cows in the world, only world big cows are allowed to participate in the absolutely authoritative world technology summit.

That is by no means qualified to participate in Rebirth International. Perhaps after ten years of precipitation, no, sooner or eight years, Rebirth International may be able to obtain the recognition of the BI Association.

What's more, even if you really get the BI certification license now and enter this summit, you simply don't have the qualifications to walk in front of those big cows with the qualifications of Rebirth International, which will undoubtedly become a joke.


Wei Sheng entered the communications industry without knowing the AD summit, which was originally very far away for her, but now she has used her brains at this summit.

When Tang Mingshan called to ask Wei Sheng if he had a chance to come back, Wei Sheng's answer was to wait.

She is waiting for this summit.

Because of the escalating incidents such as the burning of warehouses and the destruction of counters, coupled with the guidance of public opinion on the Internet and the media, Wei Sheng now feels that it is not enough to simply take out a product for Rebirth International, and it is even difficult to make those unpleasant. The effect of the sound stopped abruptly.

She must block those voices, and must use a fair and honest contest to prove the absolute status of Rebirth International in the Z country market. As for those who wear vests to guide the trend of public opinion, or hire'patriotic youth' to direct and perform themselves The dirty drama of the victim will surely be crushed to perfection in the face-to-face contest.

If Wei Sheng really intends to use some despicable methods on the domestic turf, and expose his opponents to some pressures and difficulties, I believe that even if it is not easy to do, it will definitely not take much effort, but this kind of petty play is obviously not true. Make the opponent hurt.

Only companies with shallow foundations like themselves can be hurt by this method.

So what she has to do now is to make the Rebirth International stand in a position that rivals it, so that it can be regarded as an opponent by the other party, rather than being a blocker.

It is even more important for the people to realize that Rebirth International is by no means technical enough to speculate.

Can you do it yourself?


Wei Sheng arrived at the company less than 7 o'clock in the morning, but it was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon after the day’s meeting. Except for casual meals nearby at noon, she spent almost all day with the senior executives of the branches. Finalize R&D matters and confidentiality procedures.

Part of the details are discussed and finalized in the meeting, and it is obviously not a day's work to complete all of them.

But now that the purpose is clear, you can do it freely.

Driving out of the company in the dilapidated Jetta, Wei Sheng once again saw his new neighbor, Mr. Sun Mei’s husband, Liu Qin at the station across the road from the company.

I planned to ask if he should take him back by the way, but in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Wei Sheng still drove in front of him with the accelerator pedal, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble again, and even said how he was driving without a license at his age.


Liu Qin was waiting at the bus stop with a briefcase, his eyes never leaving his vamp. Originally, when he went to work the first day after the new year, the leaders should talk to him, but the company leaders held a full day of meetings today. , Which also caused Liu Qin to not even see the leader.

But this also made him take a long breath.

The company lost its competition with foreign brands a year ago, and generated a lot of negative news. The company's overall sales fell sharply. It was at this time that Song Xiao, the chief president of the headquarters, came to the Chaonan City branch.

Then Song Xiao called the staff for a meeting. He heard that he almost didn't lift the table at the meeting. He denounced the quality level of the salesperson in Chaonan City. It turned out that Song Xiao was caught by the salesperson for being lazy while visiting the mall. .

As a result, Song Xiaole ordered the Chaonan branch to strengthen training. Every employee must be trained before taking up the job, which means more costs. At this moment, sales are declining, and all funds on the books are attributable. Not having more funds to rectify the training problem also means increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Open source is uncontrollable, so we have to start with cutting expenditures. The plan unanimously adopted by the middle and senior leaders of the Chaonan branch is to lay off unnecessary people who have not made outstanding contributions.

In terms of the entire company, the four most important R&D departments—industrial design, structural design, hardware design, and software design—are basically as stable as Mount Tai. These four departments had little effect in Chaonan City earlier because the headquarters moved to S Hai, I even heard that the four major departments of the branch will be abolished. After all, the function of the branch is only in inventory, sales, and maintenance.

However, at the moment, it may be because of the ‘not enough technology to join in’. The company’s leaders seem to value the technical department very much, and eventually concentrate the layoffs in their project management, resource development, and quality supervision departments.

Liu Qin is a member of the project management department. He is recognized by the deputy manager of the department for his solid work. Although the deputy manager is nominally the second-in-chief of the department, he actually holds real power because the manager is lazy all year round, and goes up and down in the department. All have regarded the deputy manager as their immediate boss.

But this time Xu is the head of the headquarters, Song Xiao, who is in front of the south. The manager who steals and rapes and shows up facelessly is very active this time. He ran to the company when he saw the sky, and even took the initiative to take the layoffs. All the active gift-giving activities are in a stable position, and Liu Qin and other people who disdain to walk receive the'critical illness notice'.

The deputy manager even mentioned Liu Qin privately when he walked around the manager’s house during the Chinese New Year. Liu Qin did so, but he didn’t get a good face. Perhaps the gift he gave was too light. The effect was not optimistic anyway.

In this way, he has been nervously waiting to go to work after the new year, and then he will become the first group of victims of the company's throttling.

Looking at the 202 bus that was already heading to the station, Liu Qin couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. It was a real leader who moved his mouth and the employee broke his leg. Then the leader of S Sea headquarters had to run southward.

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