
Chapter 507 - THE CITY OF SPIRIT

Chapter 507 - THE CITY OF SPIRIT

Lana's body turned stiff, she was clueless that Kace would talk about it in this situation. Well, actually there wasn't a good topic for this condition too.

"I think I am too harsh with my reaction," he admitted. After all, Lana had been there during the time when he was not able to be with Hope and kept her safe.

Though, his beast couldn't accept what Lana had done, but his human side, the side where his emotion and feeling made everything became more complicated, realized his reaction was too crude.

"I can understand," Lana mumbled. "Actually I don't have intention to let you know about my feeling for you… it's just…" She lost her words, hesitated to explain herself.

Cold wind blew and they clutched their jacket even tighter around their body.

"… it's just I was too carried away." Lana admitted, she didn't really want Kace to hear this and wished the wind would bring her confession away.

"Understand." Kace nodded.

"Thank you," Lana bit her lips. "I know my place." She added.

"But, I hope we will not tangle in this matter anymore," Kace held Lana's elbow when she was about to fall again, "Because one day, you will find your own mate. Someone who you could claim as yours."

"I hope so." Lana meant her words, maybe only by finding her own mate, she could stop torturing herself with her feeling for Kace. She was afraid jealousy and envy would eat her alive.

With the mention of 'Hope', Kace could feel his heart ached, he missed his little mate already. Why he had to leave her alone again when he could see her every day since he arrived in this village and decided to stay?

If this wasn't because of these troublesome wounds, he would be next to Hope and teased the girl to no end. Maybe went on a date again to watch a movie or two, and shopping, and romantic dinner… there were hundreds of plan that roamed around Kace's mind and all of that included Hope in it.

He wondered what she was doing now? He had to come back before the festival.

"Where we will go now?" Kace asked against the howling wind.

"We will enter the vampire territory behind this mountain," Lana shook her head from the snow that rested on top of her hair.

It was fortunate enough for them to have this kind of body, because if they were only human, they would have froze to death by now in this harsh and cold environment.

"Is it the only way?" Kace asked again, this time he was walking in front of Lana, so she could be protected from the cold wind and was easier to walk by following Kace's footsteps.

"This is the only way that I know," Lana replied.

"Who we will meet after this? A vampire?" Kace didn't like the idea. Vampire and wolf were a sworn enemy since centuries ago.

The only things that held them back from biting off each other neck every time they met was a treaty of peace between th'e two leaders.

Yet, even though both parties had agreed for almost every points of the agreement, but the hostility between them were still something that should be questioned.

"No, we will not meet with the vampire." Apparently Lana also didn't like the idea as well, her tone dropped when she thought about the vampire, after all that creature was responsible for the damage to her Pack before.

"So, who will we meet?" Kace glanced at Lana behind his body, slightly worried that she wouldn't be able to keep up with his pace, but relieved when she was only one foot away from him.

"A candlemaiden," Lana answered almost immediately, as if she had predicted this question from Kace.

"A candlemaiden?" Kace slightly raised his eyebrows. "I have never heard of such a creature." He roamed his memories, but couldn't find anything that ring the bell about that name.

"A candlemaiden is human with great spiritual strength," Lana explained.

"So, why we have to see this candlemaide when we are supposed to find the priestess?" Kace shook his head to get rid the snow from his head.

"Because…" Lana tightened the jacket around her body, she felt slightly cold. "By finding her, we will be able to find the priestess sooner."

"What a tiresome journey," Kace grumbled.

"I thought the northern coven only filled with witches and vampires."

"There are a lot more creatures here that outside world don't know about them."

It was clear to see, during Lana's searching for her mother, Serefina had assigned her to go back and forth this realm, it came out surprising as her knowledge became very handy at time like this.

"Where we could find this candlemaiden?" Kace asked impatiently.

This journey, this uncertainty, this unknown creatures and this foreign land, made him restless. Maximus sure knew how to give him trouble after trouble.

"I heard she lives in the city nearby this mountain," Lana answered, but when she received a glare from Kace because of her indecisive answer, she hurriedly added. "Serefina had confirmed it, the candlemaiden lives there."

Kace clicked his tongue, he always thought, only if Serefina willing to bow her head slightly and came here herself rather than asked Lana to do all the job in this northern coven, half of their issues should have been solved this time around.

It took them longer than Lana predicted to reach the city nearby with the snow slowed down their paces. It was called City of spirit. What a name…

The moment they reached the city of spirit, the sun had raised above their head and illuminated the city bellow the hill.

The houses were all snug up against each other, each doorframe a riot of color that mirrored the whole street. Magenta leaned against azure, which pushed against orange, which clashed with deep green of its neighbor. The rooftops were staggered, some jutting above others.

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