
Chapter 512 - ASKING FOR HELP

Chapter 512 - ASKING FOR HELP

"What is happening here?" a hoarse voice stopped the commotion that Kace and Lana had created and from behind an antique cabinet a woman stepped in.

The two shape shifters were flabbergasted when they saw this woman, especially when the girl, who was splayed on the floor, quickly stood up and sprinted toward the second woman.

"Christal!" she screeched, hiding behind the woman named christal's back.

Kace furrowed his brows as he shot the woman before his eyes a puzzle look. If this woman was the candlemaiden, then she was far from what he imagined.

Since the title of candlemaiden sounded like a call to a girl, thus Kace thought he would meet with someone as young as Hope, or at least just the same age like the girl, who he had pushed away from the door before.

However, his expectation didn't meet the reality when he watched the candlemaiden named christal, even Lana couldn't hide her surprised as well, it was clear to see this was her first time to see her.

Christal was not a young delicate girl and didn't seem like someone who has a strong spirit whatover. She was a wrinkled old woman who walked with a limp and hair that had turned all white. Her eyes were hazy as if there was fog that covered her vision.

At first Kace thought she was blind until her grey eyes shot him a hard stare. Christal didn't talk and resumed that way until she opened her mouth.

"Both of you are shifters. What are shifters doing in the land of the witch?" her voice slightly shaky and crude, but she spoke with power and confidence, as if by provoking the two predators there, she wouldn't endanger her own life and the little girl behind her back.

"We are here to look for the candlemaiden," Lana spoke, broke the staring contest between Christal and Kace, apparently both of them engrossed to analyze one another. "And if you are the person that we are looking for, then we need you to tell us where the priestess is." Lana didn't have time to beat around the bush as she blurted out what their intention.

"The priestess?" Christal sneered as she raised her eyebrows, staring at Lana as if she grew three heads now. The kind of look that Kace despised the most.

The way Christal was looking at Lana was the similar way how the vampire looked down on the shape shifter.

Kace disliked this old woman in an instant.

"Why do you think I will let you meet with the priestess?" Christal crossed her arms in front of her chest, despite her fragile figure she looked imperious and overbearing.

"How about this?" Lana fished out a candle from her backpack. This was an ordinary candle that Serefina had given to her, which Kace had seen it too.

In Kace opinion, there was nothing special with this, but Christal's reaction showed them otherwise. Her arrogance's attitude started to fade away as both of her arms dropped beside her body.

Christal's body was shaking, as if she was about to cry. "How can you get that?!" her long finger pointed at the candle in Lana's hand. She looked very shock to say the least.

However, before Lana could answer that, Christal had already known the answer.

"This must be Serefina, right?!" she talked trough gritted teeth. "That witch!" Christal screamed in exasperation. Her breathing became erratic and the girl behind her back took initiative to get a chair for her.

"Calm down, my lady." The girl was panic, but she still found a chance to shoot Lana a dagger look. It was because of her that the lady she was served became like this.

Meanwhile, Lana could only pout her lips, frowning. She did nothing, but why she was the one who received this old woman's hostility?

From the look of it, Kace and Lana were very certain that Serefina had tricked this poor Christal, so the witch could gain her candle, which was very important to her.

Knowing the nature of Serefina was likely that their guess was correct. The witch was indeed a double dealer with a sharp tongue.

"That witch said she would borrow the candle for only a moment! But, it has been fifty years!" Christal bristled. "If she didn't help me back then, there was no way I will give the candle to her!"

Long story short, the young Christal almost died because of her encounter with those wasted creatures near the border between two worlds.

Kace and Lana concluded that must be the same creature that they met in the same place before they entered this realm.

Out of gratitude, Christal allowed the witch to borrow her candle for a few days, yet this candle only returned to her just now.

"So, what do you want?" The candlemaiden crossed her legs and resumed her arrogance attitude as she looked at the two shape shifters in disdain.

Regardless the way she treated both of them, the fact she asked and willing to help was enough for Kace, he didn't want to waste another moment here.

Found the priestess, healed his wounds and then he could go back to his little mate. Period.

Kace took the candle form Lana's hand, he took to step closer before he stretched his arm, offered the candle to the rightful owner.

"We want to meet with the priestess, how can we find her?" Kace kept his voice as polite as possible.

Christal looked at the candle in Kace's hand for a brief moment before her old eyes traced back to the Lycan's face.

Instead of taking her candle, she grabbed Kace's wrist while furrowing her eyebrows. Her voice came out as a whisper.

"Your spirit is asking for help."

With that was being said, the candle in Kace's hand lit up and its flames turned its surrounding into a pitch dark rapidly.

All of this happened very fast and when Kace realized, he had turned into his beast.

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