


"What's your name, you haven't told me yet." Hope was trying to buy some time for her to think about any idea to control the situation, as it was quite tricky. If this witch realized it, then Hope didn't have any other choice but to obey to her demand.

"Oh, how rude I am," That woman looked apologetic, but if one took a closer look, it was only someinsincere empty words that she said to them. "I am Lidya."

As expected, Hope never heard Serefina mentioned her name at all. But, it was also true that Serefina had never mentioned anyone at all.

"Well, Lidya." Hope cleared her throat to hide her nervousness. "All you want is my blood, right?"

"That you have to give me, WILLINGLY." She emphasized this part. It would be useless if she took it by force.

"NO!" Ian roared, he stepped forward and glowered at Hope. "Don't be stupid!" he hissed viciously, his eyes turned black, the same color as Kace's eyes when his beast came to the surface that one time he lost his patience.

Ignoring Ian's protest, Hope focused her attention to the witch and said, "Alright, I will give you my blood willingly, only if you'd take me to where Kace and Lana are. And you have to keep me save until I meet them." Hope crossed her arms, "Do we have our deal?"

"Deal," Lidya said without hesitation. But, without her knowing it, she had fallen into Hope's cunningness.

"How much blood that you will draw from me?" Hope asked suspiciously, she didn't want to be sucked dry by this witch.

"A small bottle of this," Lidya conjured a bottle out of thin air.

"No, smaller than that." Hope shook her head, dissaproved it.

Sullenly, Lidya made the bottle, which was floating in the air, smaller. However, Hope kept shaking her head until the size of the bottle was no bigger than Lidya's thumb. Only then, the girl nodded.

"This includes protecting me from any harm." Hope wanted to make sure that she was safe with Lidya.

"Okay," Lidya agreed quickly, she waved her hand and conjured a dim blue light, which turned into a rope made of smoke.

Lidya held the end of it while the other end of this smoke-like-rope, circled Hope's wrist and tied them together before it disappeared magically.

It was the way witches made vows, as if it was a way of reminderfor them to keep their own words.

Ian and Ethan witnessed what the witch did, their eyes widened in disbelieve. They were trying to stop it but that translucent thing couldn't be touched. The smoke was a symbol of a deal that was made between Lidya and Hope.

On the other hand, there was a slight smirk on Hope's lips. Thanked to the lack of light on her surroundings, no one noticed that.

"Alright, let's go." Hope was about to go with Lidya when Ian stopped her.

"Hope, you are not serious about this, right?" Ian narrowed his eyes dangerously, he was upset because of her decision. "You will go out of nowhere with that woman? You don't even know her!" he shouted in frustration, struggling to make his point clear to her.

Ian was right about this, but Hope knew better about the witches' vow.

Witches' vow was not a trivial thing and the consequences would be dreadful when one failed to keep their words, that's why Hope emphasized her other demands of condition was that she wanted to be protected.

"I will be fine, I know what I'm doing." Hope leaned over, as she tiptoed, she whispered something to Ian's ear. "I have a plan, you don't have to worry about me."

Ian couldn't be happy that Hope had her own plan and that she was aware about this whole situation, yet he couldn't help but became restless.

"Hope, I promised Kace to keep you save." Ian's expression froze as he gritted his teeth. "My father is coming here to look for you, there was a commotion inside the house when we realized that you were not at home."

Ian's words made Hope felt guilty. "I am sorry for causing so much trouble for your family." Hope frowned, "But, I have to do this. I can't wait any longer in this absolute uncertainty."

They shared a tacit understanding, but for Ian, letting her go just like that, was beyond complicated.

"I will go with you." Ian nodded his head as if he was trying to convince himself for saying that. "Ethan and I will go with you."

"Did I say something that I want to go?" Ethan protested.

However, Hope was so excited to know that the twins wanted to go with her, "Really? Of course I would love to have both of you join me on this journey!"

"What? No!" Lidya disliked the idea too. "Did I say I want to bring extra baggage with me?"

"Why? You don't want to bring them with us?" Hope snapped her head at Lidya. "They are strong and reliable, they could help you more than what I could offer."

"They are shapeshifters," Lidya pointed the fact. "And shapeshifters are not welcomed in this realm we're about to go."

"Kace and Lana went there." Hope didn't want to let go of the opportunity of bringing the twins with her.

"That is a different case!" Lidya was upset. She looked like someone who would stomp her feet out of deep vexation. But, seeing the determination on her face, she relented. "Fine! But, if something happened to them, I refuse to take responsibility at all. They could come with us, but I can't guarantee their safety."

Hope was unsure if what's ahead of them would be dangerous for them or not, since Lidya refused to protect them. Hence, she glanced at Ian.

"Fine." He said resolutely. "We can protect ourselves."

Ethan, who was standing behind Hope and his twin, could only shake his head as he took steps forward. "Aside from protecting her, it is because you are also curious about Northern Coven Realm, right?"

He could read his twin's true intention like an open book. This adventurous side of Ian was on the same energy as the girl. There was no chance for Ethan to talk him out of what was decided.

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