


"The soft- hearted Kace…" Janus clicked his tongue. "He is a useless son who had caused this to your mother. I will not lost anything if I lost him."

For some reason, Diana's health depleted when she gave birth to Kace. This fact made Janus very worried. However, he wouldn't say something like that when he was in his right mind.

Therefore, the man before Jedrek, was no more than a tainted soul with deranged mind. Because of the deal that Janus had made, Even though Jedrek had killed him, his soul was still alive, asking for a sacrifice to sustain his fake life.

"The Alpha and father that I know will never say that." Jedrek narrowed his eyes. His memories about his father that he admired almost as blurry as Janus's entire being right now.

"Then, you don't know about me well enough." Janus smirked like a madman.

"I will end it today," Jedrek said curtly. He was very calm right now, almost as if not himself.

"You will never be able to do it again, why bother to try?" Janus crossed his arms in front of his chest as he watched Jedrek walked past him to the door where Diana was fast asleep since centuries ago. "Did you forget? The last time you tried it, you incurred the wrath of your mate because you killed her lover?"

Janus mocked him, yet Jedrek didn't even spare him a glance when he marched toward the door.

"You should thanks Asmodeous to bring your little mate together with the man who cared for her since you don't want a mate in your life." Janus followed Jedrek's movement with his eyes.

Jedrek closed the door behind him, efficiently shut Janus's voice. He walked toward the bed and leaned over to kiss Diana's temple.

"I am sorry, mother," he whispered.


"What will happen if Jedrek killed Diana?" Lilac narrowed her eyes at Eaton.

"Catastrophe," answered Eaton. "We don't know what Janus offered the devil in exchange for Diana's life. Jedrek still hasn't managed to figure this out."

"What drink that Maximus gave to Jedrek?" Lilac loosened up the bound around Eaton's body, so he could catch his breath and became more relax.

"I am not really sure." Eaton looked hesitant to speak.

"What is it?" Lilac took a chair and sat down in front of Eaton, she was willing to give Eaton the time that she needed, as long as this lycan was telling her the truth. This was the last chance that Lilac willing to give to understand Jedrek and his reason.

"I am not sure if I should say this." Eaton felt uncomfortable and it had nothing to do with his current state.

"I am waiting," Lilac said impassively.

Sighing deeply, Eaton decided to come clean with Lilac, since she was willing to hear this, despite everything that Jedrek had put her through, she deserved the truth. Jedrek had proved it that hiding something from the people who were willing to help, didn't bring any benefit. "Jedrek almost went feral when Serefina left him." Eaton stopped to observe Lilac's reaction.

Lilac knew who was Serefina. The last pure blood witch. Another creature that had been resurrected by the moon goddess besides herself.

Jedrek's first love.

Lilac scoffed internally with that thought.

"So?" If Lilac felt something when she heard Serefina's name, she didn't show it on her face.

"It supposed to relieve Jedrek's pain, but later, Jedrek figured out that it was not only to relieve the pain, but also prevented him from making the right decision."

"Do you want to say that every wrong thing that he had done was because he drank that?" Lilac jeered at that statement, she would laugh if Eaton said 'yes', but he didn't.

"No, once Jedrek realized it, he stopped drinking it." Eaton looked at the fierce girl in front of him. Her black eyes showed hatred, but also sadness. "What I want to say is; Jedrek has been living with his pain and not allowed to show it, until it becomes a habit of him to hide away his true feeling."

"That didn't justify for what he had done." Lilac stood her ground.

"No. I am not on his side, especially when he ordered to kill you and the other guardian angel, only because he thought it was the right thing to do to have all of you killed before the devil could get to you first."

"That was stupid," Lilac spoke through gritted teeth.

"I agree." Eaton nodded. "Yet…"

Lilac raised her hand to stop Eaton from talking, her passive expression turned serious as her brows furrowed tightly.

"What happened?" Eaton frowned when he watched Lilac crouched down on the floor with her palms were facing the ground, as though she was feeling something.

"Can't you feel that?" Lilac asked in low tone, as she concentrated to whatever things that she felt beneath the ground.

"No, I don't. If it is something on the ground, I will not be able to feel it since my feet don't step on it." Eaton was stuck on the wall, wrapped tightly by roots with his feet hung a few inches away from the ground.

Lilac ignored what Eaton said as she focused on what she felt on the ground.

"Earthquake?" Lilac mumbled, but then she shook her head. It was not an earthquake, but she could feel it the ground was shaking, as if there was something emerged from inside.

"What do you feel?" Eaton frowned when he watched how serious Lilac was. Her face contorted in concentration.

"Something is happening. The ground is shaking, but this does not happen naturally, as if some foreign forces are forcing this to happen."

Eaton fell silent for a moment before he spoke rigidly. "Release me."

Lilac raised her head and gave Eaton a look.

The lycan groaned when he felt her distrust toward him. "I think it's happening now."

And with that, the understanding dawn on her, as she realized what was about to happen.

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