


The phoenix was a very loyal creature, so once it recognized someone as it's master, then it would serve that particular person, it's master for the rest of its life.

Thus, it was not in the question that the majestic bird would seek for the fae's whereabouts and needless to say, it would find her eventually. The bird itself was a magical being.

"We need to go to Rieka," Torak said.

"I can go to Rieka," Raphael interrupted. In his opinion, there was no need for Torak to go there all by himself, moreover, if he did left, the Beta wasn't sure he could trust Kace fully on running this Kingdom.

The youngest Donovan was already doing everything half-heartedly, coming to this realm to the training, then taking the responsibility to command over the other warriors like what he had done centuries ago, yet excepting him to run the kingdom would be a little bit farfetched outlook.

He would either dump all the responsibility or mess up everything in the kingdom entirely.

"No, you should stay here," Torak rejected his idea, because he had some other person in his mind that he thought was best for dealing this situation.

"If you leave everything behind, who was capable of taking charge here?" Raphael voiced out his concern.

Kace immediately raised both of his hands and glared at Torak viciously. "Don't tell me you will leave this responsibility on me! I'm not going to bear it no matter what you say!"Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-love-of-a-lycan_13952362506619705/display-of-affection_50351816176627502 for visiting.

"No, you are coming with me," Torak said calmly. He really wanted to knock some sense into Kace's head, so he could see how silly his reaction was just now.

Torak was aware about Kace's reluctance to take charge over things, but they didn't have time to deal with it now. Whether he was willing or not, they had to do something that they must have done in order to handle the upcoming trouble.

Actually, it wasn't that Kace couldn't do it, he just kept dodging the responsibility only because he thought he couldn't.

It didn't matter whether he liked it or not, there would come a day when he had to put aside his childishness and face the reality.

"Why would I go with you?" Kace frowned.

"Then who was going to take charge here?" Raphael asked, the two of them blurted out their dilemma almost simultaneously.

"Because I need you to find the fae in Rieka," Torak said simply, as if Kace should have known about that and there was no need to ask about it.

"What? I don't even know this fae," Kace said matter of factly, yet Torak didn't have time to argue with him on this.

"We have to move fast and I have to see the earth dragon shifter," Torak explained about his plan curtly.

Those dragon shifters had tried to defy him even before the war had started.

And, he could only think of dealing with them with the most primitive method that came to his mind right now, just like how Jedrek dealt with the people from the eastern region; if they couldn't be your ally, then it was best to destroy them entirely, in case they strengthen your enemy behind your back.

Moreover, those dragon shifters had crossed Torak's bottom line, by ignoring his call.

"I am sorry, but I don't understand it even a bit," Hope chimed in. "Why should we find this fae and get this phoenix? The monster is in the frozen river. Whether that creature is alive or not, shouldn't we go there and kill it before it could harm us?"

"Hydra is a monster with nine heads, it was very hard to kill that creature, because every time we cut one of its heads, it would grow one back again," Kace explained to Hope.

Hope's eyes widened in disbelief. "I thought that kind of things only exist in movies," she gasped. "D*mn. I didn't know that those monsters are real."

"Watch your words, girl!" Kace flicked her forehead lightly because she was cursing. It had been a while since she did that, but actually it sounded nice in Kace's ears. It felt like there was someone, who still found the existence of supernatural creatures was fascinating in her own way.

Kace knew that Hope was mesmerized by the fact that those creatures were alive in real life. However, she just didn't know yet, how terrifying to face them.

"Does kraken also exists?" Hope crept closer toward Kace and whispered, though it was only Raine inside this room, who was not able to hear her.

"You can't leave this place without appointing someone capable in charge Torak," Raphael voiced out his own thought. It was not that he wanted to drag behind the Alpha's plan, but who would take charge if both Donovans were out of the realm?

"You will stay here with Calleb," Torak said as he nodded at Calleb.

"Torak, no." Raphael raised both of his hands and looked at Torak incredulously. "You will not give me this kind of task, this is too much. Those hot headed Alphas would flare up within seconds if a Beta gives them a command."

"Supreme Beta," Torak emphasized.

Yet, Raphael kept shaking his head. Those Alphas only listen to him just because he was under Torak, but if Raphael agreed to take charge on all of them, he would be doomed to face those eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"You can do it," Torak said firmly. "Calleb will be here to help you."

"He will only add to my stress," Raphael grumbled.

"What do you mean by that?" Calleb hit Raphael's shoulder, annoyed. The Gamma was grateful that he was left behind, because he felt reluctant to leave Rosie.

For God sake! He had never spent some proper time with his mate since the first time they met! It was either Sterling, her twin brothers, Bree or Raphael, who would always find something to ruin his perfect dates with her.

However, despite his relief, Calleb was also worried about Raine.

"You will take Jack with you, right?" Calleb asked Torak. Jack was the first person that was tasked to protect Raine when she was separated from Torak for the first time.

Raine's anxious gaze softened as she realized what Calleb was thinking and she teased him. "Why? Do you worry about me?" she chuckled lightly to make the atmosphere less tensed. "Don't worry, my hubby will protect me well," she snuggled into Torak's arms beside her.

"Your public display of affection doesn't affect me anymore, I have my own mate now," he said proudly.


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