
Chapter 978 - SHE SAW RED

Chapter 978 - SHE SAW RED

"I can control you as I like." Purple grabbed Theseus neck firmly, but the dragon lord looked very calm and collected, yet if one looked closely, they could see a tiny flicker of fear that flashed in his eyes. "You shouldn't mess with someone who held your soul, didn't your parents ever taught you this?"

The fae, who always looked very cheerful and would be on a different page from being hostile, looked like she was ready to swipe the entire earth dragon shifter kind off the face of this realm now.

"Tell me where is the phoenix?" Purple asked again, she then glanced at Hope and Raine. "What happened to them?"

"I don't know. They fell unconscious just like that. I did nothing… yet," Theseus said with a smirk on his lips, despite his life was only a crush away from Purple's strong grab, he refused to show any kind of weakness before his people.

"The phoenix," Purple reminded the dragon lord again.

Theseus had been dodging the first question deliberately, trying to buy some time.

"Go ahead. Kill me. And my people will kill your sweet phoenix." Theseus held Purple's wrist and determination swiped his fear, as he realized the value of that mythical bird. "You need that creature to defeat the monster deep in the river, right?" he smirked triumphantly.

When the realization hit those dragon people, a round of jeers echoed in the room.

"You will lose your precious chance to win the war," one of the dragon people inside the room said. He clapped his hands mockingly and pointed his stubby finger at Purple.

"You better put our lord down and beg for us to not chop your bird into pieces," said another in the same mocking tone.

"Right, put me down and dissolve the vow, only then will we release your bird." Theseus laughed along with them, though he could still feel the hand around his neck that was tightening with every second that passed.

However, when Purple heard that, she didn't even budge in the slightest, instead she jeered at them derisively. "You think lightly about what I can do, don't you?"

And right after her words fell, all the dragon people fell to their knees, clutching their chest and wailing in pain, including Theseus, but he could only writhe under Purple's strong hold.

"Didn't I tell you that your soul belong to me?" The fae tilted her head and watched the fear return in to the eyes of the dragon lord in front of her.

Theseus felt the air from his lungs being sucked out painfully before leaving him breathless. He felt like a thousand needles were piercing through his skin.

"What are… you doing?" Theseus gagged on his own words and tried to pry Purple's fingers from his neck with no avail.

It was ridiculous! For a creature that looked as weak as her, she was able to put the dragon people at her mercy.

"I told you to not mess with me," Purple said grimly. "You want to use me or Raphael's baby?" her voice became darker. The baby could be the last of their kind and it was simply maddening for Purple to think that these disgusting dragon people would lay their fingers on the baby.

Meanwhile, Theseus was very certain if he couldn't think of a way to escape this fae, he would die in the very next minute.

"I will… let you… know… about... the phoenix…" Theseus tried to talk, but it was hard when he didn't have much air to support him.

Now, his vision had turned blurry and it was hard for him to even lift his hand and free himself from Purple's stronghold.

However, when those dragon people thought they would die, all of a sudden the pain was gone completely and they breathed the air greedily.

At first they thought the fae finally showed some mercy on them and freed them from her wrath, but when they had regained their composure and felt slightly better, they just realized that was not the case.

Because, they could see the five devils from hell appearing before their eyes.

Belphegor, who was standing beside the bed, staring at Raine with a gleam in his golden eyes.

Mammon, who was holding the fae's hand behind her back while pushing her on to the wall.

Leviathan, who was standing not too far from Asmodeus, who clung onto him with l.u.s.t in her eyes, while staring at Hope, as if the girl was a delicious feast.

And then Lucifer, who was sitting on the sofa lazily. "Are you done here? I am waiting for you to wrap everything up here, but it seems you weren't even capable to do so…" he directed his words at Theseus.

"The fae…" Theseus choked, holding his sore neck.

"I know… I can see how a single fae can beat all of your kind." Lucifer tilted his head.

"If it is not because of the vow, I will have killed her in no time!" Theseus yelled angrily.

"Weak…" Asmodeus sneered.


Even after seeing that she was at disadvantage because those dragon people had outnumbered her, it couldn't make Belinda falter in the slightest.

The witch walked straight, her eyes glued to the door with blue fire circling in her hands that left the dragon shifters hesitant to go after her.

However, it was their duty to stop anyone from entering the room, thus regardless what would happen to them and even knowing the result, they had to stop Belinda at all costs.

It went without saying, the moment the dragon shifters blocked Belinda's way in to the room, their bodies burned because of the blue fire that engulfed them.

A shrill scream rang out, echoing through the whole corridor, prompting several more dragon shifters to come which aggravated the witch even further.

"Block my way and I will burn you all down to nothing but ashes." Belinda's eyes turned red as the fire in her hands coiled around her whole body, like a giant snake.

And this time, all she could see was red.

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