
Chapter 1070: This will be over soon

Chapter 1070: This will be over soon

"Are you all right?" Lilac asked while crouching down in front of Jedrek, she had been trying to wake Jedrek up from whatever illusion that he was trapped in since a few minutes ago.

Lilac didn't know what he was seeing, but the way he screamed the words 'forgive me' with so much repentance, made Lilac feel like crying...

Who was Jedrek asking forgiveness from?

Was he sorry for Serefina? For not being able to save the witch? That could be the case... since Lilac had witnessed how much he yearned for her...

"Jedrek..." Lilac was about to ask him again, whether he had regained his conscious or not, but the king grabbed her body and pulled her closer to him, and in a split second, she was being hugged fiercely. "Jedrek, what happened? What did you see?"

Lilac was flabbergasted when she noticed that Jedrek was actually crying. He was crying on her shoulder while hugging her very tightly, almost crushing her with his beastly strength.

But, from his trembling body, Lilac could tell that he was feeling despaired beyond words... he was scared. But, what made him feel so scared like this?

Jedrek literally crushed Lilac's body by the way he held his mate, as if she was the last thread that could keep him sane and Lilac had never seen Jedrek being so scared to this extent...

Not even when he lost Serefina.

The king looked like he lost his control and forgot about his surroundings completely, and Lilac didn't know what to do to calm the turmoil inside his heart.

"I am sorry..." Jedrek grinded the words out of his lips, yet no matter how many times he asked for forgiveness, it couldn't reduce the regret in his heart and shake off the image of the dead baby or Lilac's expression when he broke her arm from his thoughts...

Her tears, the way her brows scrunched painfully and how she hugged herself on the cold ground of the dungeon cell...

How could he send her to a place like that? How could he make her life so miserable when all she gave him in return was love and faith? To a monster like him...

The memory lane didn't stop there...

Even though Jedrek was sure that he had returned to the current time and felt the spark that erupted between them when he touched Lilac, and knew that he had her in his arms, but the images from his shameful past, kept repeating behind his closed eyes.

When Lilac looked at him with sadness, the way she turned her back, or how she told him to reject her that she was ready to let him go, for choosing Serefina over herself.

However, what Jedrek did was refuse all of that and was very stubborn to have her with the thought that he would be able to go on with his destined mate while completely ignoring his past love with Serefina.

Yet, the reality told him otherwise...

The twist in the decision that he made was way too complicated...

He hurt everyone involved...

Could he be forgiven?

Was there anything or something that he could do to make up for his mistakes? His wrongdoings?

"Jedrek... what happened?" Lilac asked, she could feel her tears almost falling on her cheeks, upon seeing how Jedrek was breaking down now.

"I am sorry... I am sorry Lilac..." Jedrek buried his face against Lilac's stomach, as he knelt down in front of her and hugged her slender waist, while Lilac caressed his back gently, in order to soothe the pain away.

"What are you sorry for?" Lilac was confused... her brows pinched together tightly, she bit her lip, as she stared at the man who bent his knees before her...

The proud king seemed to no longer care about his pride, as he was too shameful to raise his head at the moment, as all the memories of what he had done to Lilac flashed before him.

"Everything..." Jedrek breathed out that single word, trembling as if he was in so much pain...

Meanwhile, Lilac still couldn't understand, why Jedrek was acting like this all of a sudden. What was he seeing earlier that made him this vulnerable?

Lilac didn't know how to respond to his apology either, thus she kept silent and listened to him.

They stayed in the same position for a few more minutes, because Jedrek didn't look like he could continue their journey for the meantime and Lilac could only keep holding him, so he wouldn't break down even further.

Her mate was in deep sorrow and despite not knowing what he had seen, still Lilac knew in her tender heart that seeing Jedrek like this was hurting her as well...


"They are coming..." Raine said as she noticed the black smoke that marred the perfect blue sky above them spread rather quickly.

The humans and their armed vehicles rushed toward them, very eager to wipe them off of this world, as they saw the supernatural creatures existence as a danger to their own, without even considering that they had been living side by side for centuries.

Beside Raine, Torak shifted into his white beast, his red eyes glared at the fortress wall that Lilac had created to keep them safe, but because the guardian angel was no longer around, the fortress wouldn't stand for very long, it would collapse within a few minutes from now, giving how much the force that it had been receiving so far...

Raine shifted her attention toward the white beast and climbed on its body, and secured herself in a sitting position, while on her right side was the brown beast, Calleb's beast. He too was ready to fight off those humans, the creatures that had killed his mate.

Raine stretched out her hand and caressed the brown beast gently.

Calleb's beast tilted its big head and nudged Raine's hand, assuring that he was fine and she didn't need to worry.

[Let's end this...] Raine said through the mind link to Torak and Calleb.

Right after that, the walls of the fortress collapsed as they could see countless armed vehicles zooming forward and infiltrating their safe place.

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