
Chapter 404: The Start of Suhle

Chapter 404: The Start of Suhle


Despite Suhle\'s beauty—which she mostly kept hidden under the white hood of a Devotee—Reth had never seen her take a flirtatious stance with a male, or use her looks to manipulate, invite, or encourage, the demonstrations of males. She was the least coy female he\'d ever met. She seemed to have little interest at all in males outside of her own family, which came to include Reth, Behryn, Tarkyn, and a couple other of the leaders that trained their spies.

Reth had known her for years, though only closely in the more recent ones. He had initially taken an interest in Suhle\'s training. But as he\'d watched her thrive and strengthen, he\'d become actively involved.

He had always admired her fortitude and strength in the face of what he often speculated must be overwhelming fear given the way she froze up occasionally. Yet, she handled herself with an honesty and authenticity that, at times, could be quite disturbing.

Her courage at times stole his breath. And yet, it was that very courage that he knew meant he would never be able to completely control her. She had truly given her heart to the Creator. So he would only ever ask Suhle for her help, never demand.

Reth blinked back to the present, and the two very disturbed looking wolves in front of him. Charyn\'s scent wavering between indignation and a desire to please. Suhle\'s was hard and prickly. He\'s rarely seen her truly angry, she had the patience of a saint. But even Behryn stepped carefully around her when she did get heated.

"You dishonor us, Reth," she said through her teeth.

He shook his head. "I do not ask lightly. I ask because I believe without this knowledge it is possible the wolves might take hundreds of lives—more if we\'re unsuccessful in stopping them."

"How will you not succeed?" she asked. "You have the locations of all the—"

"War is an ugly business, Suhle," he said, meeting her eyes earnestly. Even if we\'re able to take Lerrin before the others become aware, there are those among his ranks that will likely try to attack anyway. And once the bloodlust begins—especially among the wolves—there is little stopping it. If their discipline has not improved since they left—"

Suhle shook her head. "It has… eroded further."

Reth sighed. "Then it is even more imperative that I know. How many can speak at once? Can everyone hear everything, or—"

"Reth, would we be traitors to our entire tribe—not just Lerrin\'s wolves, but everyone—if we were to speak of this. To even confirm that it exists!" Charyn broke in, his eyes pleading. "My cousin has only just returned. Please don\'t ask her to do this after everything she has already given."

Suhle looked at him like she wanted to say something, but didn\'t open her mouth.

Reth opened his hands. "I know. I do. But I want you to understand, that all I seek is answers about what we face in trying to overcome the larger group. And do we have any tools without our ranks that could perhaps help in deceiving them, or throwing them off the scent?"

Both Suhle and Charyn shook their heads. That much, at least, they were willing to share.

Reth sighed. He\'d hoped… well, he didn\'t know what he\'d hoped. Perhaps that there was a way for a wolf to speak with the others without being identified? But if there were no tools available to them within the Tree City…

"Not even you, Suhle?" he asked, desperate.

She shook her head. But she did not open her mouth.

"Please," Reth began, "if there is a way to find out when they approach, when they will break—whether they have changed their plans in the field, anything!"

She shook her head, and Charyn, watching her, did as well.

Reth wanted to grow, but he\'d given his word that he wouldn\'t hold it against them if they didn\'t answer. He knew to speak with him about it would break vows they had kept since they were pups. He didn\'t like asking, but dammit!

"I cannot—will not—speak of anything that is private to the wolf tribe, that I have sworn to protect," Suhle said quietly. "But I can tell you that the plans you\'ve been given are legitimate. I listened when it as was not known—even by Lerrin—that I was hearing their plans. When he brought them to me individually, he relayed exactly what they\'d discussed as a council. You have every true word on their plans that is known by their Alpha himself, Reth. If anything else were to occur, it has been planned outside of Lerrin\'s knowledge. He desires to speak to you. Truly. I did not push him to this—he came to me. He will not allow the plan to change in a way that would risk that."

Reth wasn\'t as sure, but he also had no evidence by which to know she was wrong. He ran a hand through his hair. "I just wish I had one more safeguard. One more check to ensure I do not send my people into battle—into death—because of deceit."

"I can tell you that Lerrin is not deceptive," Suhle insisted. "However, when I return to the encampment I am already set to follow and listen to a faction among them that may be deceiving Lerrin—"

"Wait, Suhle," Reth said quickly. "What do you mean, when you return?"

"I am returning, before first light," Suhle said as if it were something Reth should know.

"Absolutely not!" Reth spat. "You are not walking through a battleground on the eve of war!"

"I will not be seen, Reth, I know the route to take—"

"That isn\'t the point. The resources are here to keep you safe. If this goes wrong, that camp will be chaos. I cannot in good conscience let you take the risk."

"But I must! I told Lerrin I would return. I have to hunt down those that are planning to work against him if he does not take things in the direction they desire—and I assure you, aligning with you and negotiating peace is not on their list of demands!"

"Suhle, no," Reth said. "I speak to you as you friend and as your King. I am still your King, am I not?"

She looked offended at the question. "Of course!"

"Then you will listen to me, and you will obey," he said, allowing himself to feel his power, his strength. Charyn began to squirm with the desire to submit. "You will remain in the Tree City. You will take your place among the citizens and help protect the young ones. It is the safest place I can offer you."

"If you truly believe this may go badly, I would be safer in the forest!"

"No, Suhle, hear me," Reth said, his tone on the edge of a snarl. "You are not returning to the encampment. Whatever will happen to end this war, one way or the other, occurs in the next two days. I will not see you separated from we who would protect you and in the hands of those who may scent your subterfuge. I will not. No matter what goes on here, you are safer with us. There is no further discussion on that point."

Suhle\'s mouth dropped open as Charyn rolled his shoulders forward and submitted.

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