
Chapter 438: The Blessings

Chapter 438: The Blessings

MY BLESSINGS TO YOU! This chapter is dedicated to reader, Jayah_Bookworm. Jayah, I am blown away! I don\'t even know what to say. Your incredibly generous gifts AND all those Golden Tickets... "Thank you" isn\'t enough. I\'m stunned. I\'m going to write your name on my mirror and ask God to bless you every morning this month. Seriously, thank you. That\'s going above and beyond. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I wish I could offer something more!



Reth hadn\'t thought about what this day would be like and the steps it would take.

The night before, once they\'d made preparations to keep the people safe in the event of a deception from the wolves, he hadn\'t thought much beyond the challenge itself. And there was no preparation there beyond discussion of likely strategies. Lerrin was a formidable fighter. But so was Reth.

If it had not been his own life on the line, Reth would have been fascinated to see the outcome.

But as the wise women ended their keening and urged him to dress to meet the day, there was a sick, hollow pit in his stomach.

He had to win this. He had to. He couldn\'t leave his mate—his child. He couldn\'t leave the people in the hands of the wolves. No matter if Lerrin had had a change of heart. There was darkness in that tribe. A darkness he refused to deliver the rest of his people into.

So he dressed with purpose, reminding himself of the battles he\'d won already. The strength of his beast, and of his resolve. He was King. He was Clan Leader. He was Alpha of all—including Lerrin and his wolves—and he would prevail. There was no other choice.

"Creator, go with me," he murmured under his breath as he followed the females out of the bedchamber to get some breakfast. But to his surprise, when he reached the Great Room the cave wasn\'t empty.

Reth swallowed a sudden surge of emotion to find his dining table spread with a veritable feast of fruit, dried meats, breads, spreads, and grains. And around it, the Brotherhood milled, each of them tense and somber, along with Brant and Tobe.

Reth took a deep breath. "Welcome, brothers," he said, including Brant and Tobe.

The nine males all nodded and murmured greetings to him. But it was Behryn who spoke. "Eat, Reth. Gather your strength. We\'re here to see you safe."

There was something in his best friend\'s face that Reth didn\'t like—a level of grief or fear that shouldn\'t have been present. Not yet. When Reth ran headlong into danger, heedless of his own safety, it was Behryn to called him back, who worked to balance him.

But where the challenge was measured, expected, and met head-on, Behryn\'s confidence in Reth usually exceeded his own. Which was saying something.

Reth wasn\'t accustomed to the questions in his own mind that morning. And even less comfortable seeing them in his best friend.

But he pulled out a chair and bid the males all join him. He put aside his fear and questions, and instead, let himself stay in the moment with these males who\'d stood at his side for so much of his life. Who\'d vowed to protect himself and his kin. And who did not shy away from this day that might end him.

For half an hour they ate, and teased, and cut each other down. And Reth smiled.

But then they were finished, and the time had come. Reth had to travel. The males had roles, responsibilities to fulfill in this. And all of them faced the potential of an entirely new future to begin that afternoon.

There was a pregnant pause where each of them stared at the empty plate in front of him and realized that the time for goodbyes had come. Then Brant cleared his throat and stood and everyone looked at him.

"Reth, you go with our blessing, and the blessing of the people. Our belief is in you and your strength. I trust the Creator will show your heart true and bring you back to us. But in the event we have been deceived, or there is a plan we have not anticipated, we gather this morning to be certain you understand that you are loved, you are appreciated, and you go with our hearts riding with you."

Struck speechless, Reth just nodded as Brant urged him to stand, then walked around the table to kneel before him, fist to his chest in salute.

"Brant, that isn\'t—"

"I submit to you as King, Reth," the older male said, his voice ringing with the depth and strength of a boulder bouncing down the mountain. "I ask the Creator\'s blessing on you. And acknowledge your power and strength above all others. You are King of the Anima. Carry my strength with you."

Then Brant got to his feet, clasped Reth\'s arm and smiled. "The Council watch your back today. Do not fear for your safe travel. I\'ll see you at the Grounds."

Reth nodded, squeezing his friend and confidante and bidding him goodbye.

As Brant turned away and started for the door, Reth\'s jaw dropped because the others all stood and, one by one, each came to kneel before him and gave the same vow—in essence, willing the Creator to send their strength with him, rather than hold it with themselves. It was a gesture, but one of great dignity and impact. The males essentially offered themselves as tools for Reth\'s use.

Then they bid him farewell and left.

By the time Behryn stood before him, the last of the males, Reth was swallowing tears.

"If you turn into a pussy now I will have to withhold my blessing," Behryn said, his voice oddly shaky, despite the teasing grin.

Reth shook his head. "Brother, I—"

"Don\'t do it, Reth. I see the fear in you and you cannot give space to it. You know you have the strength and the character for victory today. You know you have the will—you will take the wolf, and you will return the Anima to the City. You will bring peace. And you will return your mate to her throne, and your cub to safety. You know this."

Reth took a deep breath, nodding, though he felt no such certainty.

What had happened to him in these weeks and months? He had never in his life found such a wavering sense of self-belief.

Of course, he\'d also never had more to lose.

He stared at Behryn, his mind turning over every step they\'d taken together, from their adolescent days, to the early days of Reth\'s rule, to Behryn\'s rise to Captain, to the recent years…

Behryn nodded at him. "I will not be on the battlefield with you, Reth, but my heart will be with you. And my strength. I pray the Creator give everything I have to your safety, to your strength, to your will."

Reth\'s breath caught. But Behryn wasn\'t done.

"And I pray brother… I beg you… come home. Come home safe. Return victorious. Come home with your people—and then we will bring your mate."

Reth grunted and, shaking, offered his arm. But Behryn pulled him into a full embrace.

Reth was startled, but returned the hug, both of them squeezing and slapping each other\'s backs.

"You\'ve got this, Reth," Behryn muttered as they pulled apart, both of their eyes shining. "Don\'t doubt it. You were made for this."

"I really, really hope so," Reth croaked. "Because if I wasn\'t, you\'ll have to pick up the mantle. And you have an entirely different kind of mane. Not to mention, what are you going to do when you kill that motherfucker for me? Neigh? It just doesn\'t have the same ring to it, I\'m afraid."

They both laughed until there were tears in their eyes. And they both cleared their throats and wiped their eyes more than once before turning for the door and walking into this day that would change everything.

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