
Chapter 602: Sisters at Arms

Chapter 602: Sisters at Arms

To attend my LIVE Q & A for the end of this book, or to more easily access links and enter the daily giveaway draws, add me as a friend on Facebook ( go to bit.ly/aimeelynnfb ) I will be going LIVE on Facebook on December 12th to celebrate (and grieve) the end of KoB!!!



Suhle stared at him, her eyes wide. Her throat bobbed with nerves, but when she answered it was only one word. "Okay."

"Will you hold this secret for me until I return?" he asked her quickly. "I need to know that this knowledge isn\'t lost if something happens to me."

She nodded slowly. "But what if something happens to me, also?"

Gahrye raked a hand through his hair. "I just pray that one of us survives until I can find more to join us," he murmured.

"I will pray that for you also." They were both for another moment, lost in their own thoughts. Gahrye wondered if she really believed him, or if she was just humoring him. But she didn\'t seem the type. Despite her kindness, there was a spine of strength within her. He could smell it.

But then he learned her thoughts had taken a turn he didn\'t anticipate.

"If I were to… to leave the Tree City… this would allow me to take another with me?" she asked carefully.

Gahrye looked a warning at her. "Don\'t take this lightly, Suhle. Don\'t believe that this gift gives you an easy passing through the traverse. It is currently closed because of Reth\'s agreement with the Bears. But… but if it should ever open, you cannot cross with any kind of selfish goal, or malice in your heart. If you lose to the voices, you lose everything—and anyone with you."

She paled and her face dropped like she was disappointed. Gahrye was glad he\'d warned her. He hadn\'t thought about her deciding to try to use it!

"I know it\'s scary," he said quietly, "but we were made for this, Suhle, I\'m certain of it."

She nodded. "Us, I agree. But who else?"

"I don\'t know yet. But I\'m certain there are more. If you meet any you believe have the purity of heart and the strength, bring them to me."

She nodded, but she looked sad again. "Thank you for trusting me with this," she said quietly.

"Thank you for listening."

They were both quiet, then Gahrye pushed to his feet. "We\'ll speak again I\'m sure. In a couple of days, perhaps."

"Perhaps," she said, then she blinked and looked up at him. "Are you well, Gahrye? This is a big purpose to carry, especially alone. I\'m sorry I can\'t be of greater support to you just now. Are you okay? Is anyone watching over you?"

Gahrye snorted. "You know how it is."

Her face fell. "Yes, I do," she said quietly. Then she stepped forward and took his hand. "I will watch for you," she said. "Whenever I am in a place to do so. And I will lift you to the Creator—you and your purpose—when I am not. If you need anything… always speak with me if I am there. I can either help you, or assist in finding someone who can."

"Thank you," he said, oddly touched. "And you can call on me, as well."

She took a deep breath, then caught it and her eyes widened. "You are mated?" she asked quietly.

Gahrye nodded, pride swelling his chest.

"But she\'s not here with you? You smell… lonely."

Gahrye\'s pride deflated like a popped bladder. He huffed. "She\'s human."

Suhle\'s brows rose. "Why not bring her here? In this way? Reth would understand—is this not what he has done also?"

"He is bound by the agreement with the bears," Gahrye said, trying not to let his resentment bleed through. "And she has other responsibilities that would keep her from taking the traverse, with or without me," he said sadly.

"That is deeply painful. I understand the bond that cannot be fulfilled, Gahrye. My heart goes to you."

Gahrye tested her scent, then blinked, surprised. "Your scent—"

"The bond was never completed."

"Is that even possible?"

"I pray it cannot be denied for much longer. I pray it is only a matter of time."

"Me too, Suhle. Me too."



Elia woke from her dream of everyone dead, sucking at the air and sitting almost upright before Reth caught her up in his arms.

"Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, Love, it\'s okay. It was a dream. It\'s okay. Don\'t be scared."

It took a moment to be sure what was real. The images of those hanging bodies, that blackened face, shimmered over her sight of the furs, the bed, Reth\'s legs extended next to her own.

There were tears in her eyes, but she blinked them back. She needed to see clearly, to think clearly, to know what was real.

Her hands had automatically gone to her stomach and she gripped it now, testing it. The pain that hit her in the dream when those bullets were fired had seemed real. But now, with her eyes open and blinking, it was as if her body only echoed a pain she\'d once felt.

Was it a dream? Had it all been a dream? Just a dream?

She sat there for a long moment, her chest rising and falling too quickly, Reth\'s arms around her. She blinked and blinked, felt all over her own stomach, checking and checking and checking. But there was no pain beyond the dull ache in her back, and none of the clenched muscles she\'d had after the last contractions.

"Oh, Reth," she breathed, her heart pounding so that she was sweating again.

"What was it? Tell me. Get it out. It helps."

She shook her head. "No. I will not speak that into the world. It was a lie. I will not let that be real," she said through her teeth, then she turned her head to meet his eyes. He\'d sat up as well, looming over her even when they sat. His hair, falling from its tie, brushed around his face and shoulders.

He was so precious.

Elia swallowed more tears and lifted a hand to push his hair back off his face, then cupped his stubbled cheek. "I\'m so, so grateful you\'re here," she whispered.

"Me too, Love," he croaked, pulling her into his chest and resting his temple on the crown of her head. "Me too."

*** THE END IS NEAR - Got Questions? ***

I\'m putting together a reader Q & A for the end of BEAST. If you have any burning questions about the characters, my writing, the process of telling the story, or me as an author, please ask them in the comments and I will add them to my list!

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