
Chapter 606: The Other Part of Me

Chapter 606: The Other Part of Me


The threat that Reth might say no had kept Elia on the edge of tears. She felt vulnerable and frightened in an entirely new way… as if being apart from him meant something was broken. She\'d always wanted him, always had passion for him—and missed him, ached for him when they weren\'t close. But this was something different. A need for him born not of the heat of desire, or even love, but of connection.

He was the other piece of her and without him she had been incomplete.

Knowing what she faced and how easily it could all go wrong—acknowledging that they might have only days left together, that she might die having never been with him again—panicked her. It wasn\'t her body that needed him, as much as her soul.

"…I don\'t want to go without having you close. I don\'t want to walk into whatever is coming without being close to you again. Please. Please?" She held his face in her hands and he searched her eyes, fear warring with desire and yearning in his gaze.


She was begging, and the only thing she cared about was if he said no.

"Please, Reth." She tugged him closer, heard his breath give in a sigh as he inched closer.

Then suddenly, he stopped resisting. Still on one elbow and leaned over her, he groaned and took her mouth, his hand coming around to hold her at her lower back and pull her into his chest.

The kiss was deep and desperate and her heart sang a hallelujah that almost brought her to tears again. But she knew… she knew this was the last time. That whatever they faced was coming and that she would be strong enough to meet it if she only had him this once, if she could take this memory with her.

With a whimper of joy, she sank into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, gripping his back, pulling him tight.

"Oh, Elia," he breathed, but didn\'t wait for her to answer, just took her lips again, the groan of the mating call vibrating in his chest.

The hand at her back slid down, first to cup her ass and squeeze, still holding her as close as her huge belly would allow, then down the back of her thigh, his fingertip dancing along the seam of her, making her shiver even as he stroked further down her leg, cupping her thigh and lifting her leg to pull it over his own.

They were plastered together under the furs, their twin breaths already panting, Elia literally shaking with need for him. But Reth wasn\'t to be denied.

When she tried to arch, seeking him, he dropped his kiss to her neck, slowly, slowly, with soft lips and a flat tongue, tasting his way from her ear to her shoulder.

"Patience, beautiful," he chuckled when she tried to arch into him, but her belly, already pressed hard against his stomach, wouldn\'t let her.

"Reth, I\'m not playing. I want you so badly."

"I know, Love. I know. Me too. But let me take my time," he whispered, leaning up again to meet her eyes. "Let me savor you."

Elia\'s breath rushed out. She wanted to be savored. She wanted to feel every inch of him. To wallow in him. She wanted to build memories that wouldn\'t leave her even in the next life.

"Reth, I love you so much."

His brows pinched together over his nose as he traced her face with a gentle finger. "I love you too, Elia. You are the most precious thing in the world to me."

Neither of them spoke of the precious bundle growing inside her, because this was a moment for them. But she knew his thoughts turned to Elreth, just as hers had.

But then there was no more talking. With a tormented groan, Reth kissed her, desperately, his breathing ragged. His hands played over all of her skin—her thighs, her belly, her back, her breasts. He had her pulled so close and her belly was so big, she could barely move. It was wonderful to be in his arms and pinned by his strength—though he lay alongside her, unwilling to put any pressure on her stomach. So she curled as close to him as she could, tracing the lines of his back, those thick, rippled muscles, and that long dip that followed his spine.

And when he found her warmest, most sensitive skin with his talented fingers, she gasped and turned to liquid in his hands.

Her body was a marvel, as if all the pain and destruction this pregnancy has wrought on it had also, impossibly, opened her further to him. When he touched her she felt it to the soles of her feet. And within seconds, as he played and pressed, stroked and stimulated, she found herself shuddering, gasping, crying his name.

"Oh, fuck, Elia," he rasped when she came apart in his arms. His arousal pressed against her side and he rocked against her, just once, then groaned.

Elia, still gasping, pulled him closer. "Please—"

"Perhaps that\'s enough," he gasped, though his voice sounded tortured. "It\'s safer—"

"No!" she cried and, with hands that still trembled, gripped his face again and forced him to see her. "Reth, I need you. I need to be with you. Please!"

He groaned and his kiss became erratic as he pushed a knee between her thighs and, already so sensitive, she gasped again at the pressure.

But her belly… her huge stomach was in the way and for a moment he was at a loss. His breath tore in and out of his throat, and his kiss didn\'t stop, but she felt him shift once, then again, aborting any attempt to mount her because he was afraid that his weight might hurt her or Elreth.

Then suddenly, he rolled away and Elia grabbed for him. "Reth! No! Please!"

"Shhhhhh, it\'s okay. I\'m not leaving you. I have an idea," he whispered, sitting up and straightening his long legs in front of him.

Then he turned his head and grinned down at her wickedly. "Come up here." He patted his thighs, and his eyes twinkled.

Elia blinked, but smiled and pushed herself to all fours. Her back ached, but she pushed the pain away. She didn\'t care. She just needed her mate. Her husband. Her Pair.

But as she leaned on his shoulders and began to lift a leg, he shook his head.

"No, not that way," he said, his voice so deep it seemed to vibrate from the stones below. "Turn around, Elia. Trust me."

It was awkward for a moment. She was heavy and unused to her unwieldy body. But Reth\'s hands were gentle, guiding her to turn and face his feet, then he helped her lift a leg over his thighs.

"Kneel for a second, Love. Grip my legs, use them to hold onto," he whispered, stroking her back and buttocks, his voice hoarse.

She did as he\'d said, a little uncertain, and felt him moving behind her. "You\'re too far away," she said in a pathetic voice.

"Not for long," he rasped. Then, leaning over her back, he took himself in hand and found the center of her, where she ached. He stroked with his fingers once, twice, and she shivered as her skin tingled all over.. Then, with a gentle hand between her breasts, he pulled her slowly, slowly back onto him, entering her in one, long, slow slide that widened Elia\'s eyes and dropped her jaw.

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