
Chapter 49

Spiritual realm

On the peaceful night of the Nesela Day, the sky was full of serene bright lights, just as if the moon had fallen from the heavens and had been sprinkled over the city of Sailou.

However the small glowing balls which had danced in the wind like fireflies on the streets, gradually faded and disappeared one after another. This represented the end of this year’s Nesela Festival.

In the hotel room, the two adults and the cub lying on the same bed were now soundly asleep. Apart from the occasional movement of the little tail fin belonging to the mermaid cub nestled in the arms of the youth, there was no other movement.

Later into the night, the mild luster of the moonstone became more prominent. The oval gem tucked into Xie Tao’s pocket was showing a faint light at this time, which seemed to echo the warm yet cold moonlight outside the window.

Legend in the mermaid race has it that when gifted to a lover as a token of love, the moonstone would have an unimaginable effect.

Xie Tao had heard this rumor, but like others, he only regarded it as folklore meant to give the gemstone a beautiful meaning. But now he seemed to actually be experiencing the unimaginable effects talked about.

When Xie Tao opened his eyes again after he fell asleep, he did not see the familiar environment of his original world, but a very broken and overgrown scene.

All around him were broken walls and ruins. The buildings were damaged to such a degree that you couldn’t even see a trace of their original appearance.

The sky was so grey that you couldn’t see a trace of blue. The wind blowing through the city rouse sand and dust. The desolate scenery was endless.... The planet was dead.

Faced with this dilapidated scene, Xie Tao stayed still where he stood. He did not know what was going on until he saw a small white egg lying alone in the ruins.

Xie Tao recognized the egg.

Although the egg was white, different from the color in his memory, he could still recognize it.

And it was exactly because he had recognized it that Xie Tao now had some clues regarding his current situation.

Xie Tao walked closer to the egg, however he was not able to touch it. He could only stand there as a bystander.

But the moment he approached it, Xie Tao’s heart was suddenly filled with a strange feeling, not belonging to him, but to this small egg.

Just like sharing his perception of the world, Xie Tao could now indirectly feel all that the cub inside the egg was feeling, including the icy heart piecing loneliness from being the only one left in these desolate ruins.... It was a very difficult feeling to describe.

The cub inside the egg had been able to perceive the outside world. Although he had not yet hatched, the cub was already conscious and his perception of the outside world was very clear.

The dozens of layers of defensive devices protecting the egg had completely failed after the severe impact. Next to the egg laid a silver colored necklace of unknown material. Xie Tao lowered his head and happen to see that there was a ring strung on the necklace. On the ring, the words “Ya Yi” were engraved.

The outside world was still in a state of ignorance. The cub could only stay among these damaged ruins and quietly wait.

Wait for the shell to crack open, or for someone to come to this place and pick him up.

Xie Tao had not known that the cub had had a clear sense of the outside world at this time, while still inside the egg. He wanted nothing more than to pick up the lonely egg and pat it, but he could not do it.

This place should be the Knox’s spiritual realm, Xie Tao had come to this conclusion based on various conditions.

As for why he came here, Xie Tao thought about it, but at present could only think of the legend about the moonstone.

The egg spent a day in these deserted ruins, then two... Quietly waiting for a long time, for someone to find him. The planet which had turned into a relic finally received visitors, it was a Star Alliance unit sent to search through the ruins. The one who had later found the egg.

It should have been a good thing, but from the moment the egg was found, Xie Tao started to feel more and more negative emotions though the shared perception.

Heavy, like a shadow clinging to his heart, weighing it down.

The other’s negative feelings gradually transformed into an extremely cold thing. With the accumulation of such negative feelings, Xie Tao saw that the shell of the egg slowly changed from white to black.

The time flow accelerated unwittingly. Xie Tao watched the cub’s life unfold before his eyes almost like a slideshow, but he could not see the end.

Because while looking at it, the world before Xie Tao’s eyes had been darkening and then finally completely sunk into darkness.

This dark was the darkness in Ya Yi’s heart.

“——” At the moment his vision was completely plunged into darkness, just as if having had a long dream, Xie Tao at last returned to his original world when he opened his eyes again.

Lightly releasing a breath, Xie Tao sat up from the bed.

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The rest coming soon~

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