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Chapter 171

Each step looked as if he was stepping on a hard ground, he would appear in an area and vanish in less than second . His speed was simply inconceivable .

’So this is the speed of a God . ’

As he walked on air and chased after Vyncent, Arthur used exactly fifteen seconds, no more, no less, to locate Vyncent by his sense . However, he didn’t attack immediately, instead, he followed closely behind as he wanted to know why Vyncent took Alina with him despite how dangerous it was .

Hiding from an Immortal was an easy thing for him so he just passed unnoticeable by Vyncent, who was a bit relieved after sensing no one chasing him .

With the unconscious Alina in his arms, Vyncent would melt into the earth with the girl and cross a large distance then come out for a few seconds to recuperate and at the same time gulp a few pills .

Even Arthur was a bit shocked as he witnessed Vyncent’s speed . Even a mid-Grade Divine Realm or even a peak one may not be able to match his speed, such a technique is definitely out of the ordinary .

’Still, it’s insufficient . ’

Arthur’s evolution is completely different from all the rest, this breakthrough brought a lot of new things to him aside from the rise in stats .

One of them was something similar to the Sense . Adding his Sixth Sense which evolved, a new feature was added to it which was a ’map’ .

Just like a game map, it stretched as far as his Sixth Sense could and recorded every area he crossed . With such a thing, getting lost would be near impossible .

As he followed after Vyncent, Arthur stood a mile away from the young man and gazed at him with a calm look, devoid of anger or rage . His new state was something Curtis once had and was one of the main factors that helped him rise in ranks . Not only did it make him much calmer, his process of thinking was actually divided, a bit like multiple personalities but every one of them was ruled by the same . Normally, even Gods wouldn’t be able to think of multiple things at the same time without suffering . The brain of a God is the same as a mortal’s brain, it’s extremely vulnerable and easily burdened .

If he didn’t gain this state, Arthur wouldn’t have been able to think like this .

. . . .

As he stood there, Arthur’s figure black robe fluttered for a bit before calming down . Undiscernable to the eye, Arthur threw a small black object which glued on Vyncent without the latter realizing it .

Upon a closer look, it was an electronic thing, similar to the small capsule used to find the locations of enemies in those Holywood films . Using his augmented Creation attribute and the Lost Magic, Arthur created this capsule which gave him a more detailed location of Vyncent .

He wrapped it with his Nether Energy as to keep it unnoticed and as long as Vyncent’s Nether Energy is weaker than his, he won’t even be able to find it unless he stripped and checked every inch of his body and even in that case, it is still glued to his skin .

For ten more minutes Arthur followed Vyncent until the young man reached an ancient tower in a large mountain gorge . The tower was thirty feet tall and seemed to be deserted .

Seeing a yellow dot on the map, Arthur didn’t even need to spread his sense to know that someone was in there . A yellow dot means that it’s a neutral entity, neither an enemy nor an ally, red is enemy and green means it’s an ally .

’Finally, the prey reached its den . ’

Arthur chuckled and vanished from his position .

Vyncent came out of the ground, he spread his sense and once he detected no one but the figure sitting in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief .

"Why so cautious, I already checked this place and its surroundings . "

Vyncent put the demon princess on the ground and looked at the young man in front of him with an expressionless face, his eyes contained a hint of anger but he didn’t show it .

The white-robbed youth in front of him didn’t notice the look of Vyncent, he glanced at Alina and nodded continuously as he was very satisfied . He looked back at Vyncent and added

"I have to give it to you, you sneaked into their prison and got her out, it’s really an amazing feat . Although these savages are weakling, there are still some annoying dogs amongst them . "

Vyncent’s usually friendly smiled was absent this time, he kept his expressionless face and spoke with a calm tone

"The task is done, let’s go back to the sect . "

Hearing Vyncent, the youth waved his hand and laughed

"Hahaha! Are you so afraid that you want to go back now? We’ll have to wait for an Elder Tian to retrieve us . Furthermore, I found another candidate in the Gargoyle Tribe and already sent the Dun brothers . We’ll wait for them and then go meet with Elder Tian . "

Then, without minding Vyncent, the youth leaned on the bed and closed his eyes .

The two of them minded their own business as they sat in the dusty room . Vyncent sat cross-legged and seemed to be cultivating, as for the youth, from his breathing, it could be seen that he was sleeping .

The silence didn’t last for long, a small rustle broke it and forced the sleeping youth’s ears to twitch for a second . He calmly looked at the wall in front of him and spoke with a hint of coldness

"Who’s there? You better show up or else you’ll end up more miserable . "

Despite saying that, nothing occurred . He looked at the wall and spread his Sense but he found nothing . The youth glanced at Vyncent and said:

"You brought unwelcomed guests! How could you not notice them!"

Although it was just a noise, the youth was sure that it was not the wind or some rogue beast . However, unlike the youth, Vyncent was sure he was not followed and only thought of it as a hiding snake .

Vyncent shrugged his shoulders and retorted

"Why would I be followed? How about you?"

"Nonsense! I came here three days ago yet nothing happened but the moment you came, something happens!"

At this point, the youth was panicking a bit . His Realm was high and he wasn’t able to notice the opponent, which only meant the enemy was stronger than him and good at hiding . If he were to be sneak-attacked, he would only die miserably .

In a fit of fear, the youth punched the wall in front of him shattering it and creating a huge whole, even the whole tower shook as it suffered a strong shock .

Seeing nothing but huge boulders belonging to the mountain, the youth calmed down but the panic didn’t vanish yet .

"We need to leave this place immediately, we’ll meet with Elder Tian and the Dun brothers will catch up . "

As he said that, he prepared to jump from the building but the rustling noise entered his ears again . The youth felt chills run down his spines and before he could speak again, an explosion rang from behind him and at the same time, held felt at the lower part of his body .

As he looked down, the youth saw a dark green vine as thick as a thigh penetrating him from his back and coming out of his chest . Blood leaked out of his mouth as he stared dumbfoundedly at the hole creating by the vine, which already retracted from his chest .

Vyncent was as shocked as the youth, however, he didn’t linger for an extra second, the moment he saw the vine strike the youth, he used his secret technique and melted in the earth along with Alina, who was just next to him, still unconscious .

Unfortunately, when he melted on the ground and was preparing to start fleeing again, a cool and calm voice rang in his ears and his body was forcefully ejected from the ground and rolled two times before he was able to stabilize it .

Vyncent’s hands were involuntarily shaking as he immediately recognized that voice, it was rooted in his memory the moment Arthur appeared in the prison and was further deepened when he saw how strong were his Golem and the weird book but what’s scarier is that red-haired youth .

Raising his head, Vyncent saw the black-robed man with long gray-hair and two deep gray eyes that looked at him calmly .

"Y,you . . . . . how did you find me?"

When he was asking that, he heard rustling noise near him and subconsciously trembled, he then saw Alina’s body being enveloped by a thick dark green vine then disappeared into the hole at the center of the tower .

"If I’m not wrong, you are not in a position to ask me, am I right?"

Clenching his trembling hands, Vyncent’s mouth opened but he couldn’t utter any word, he knew that begging for his life is useless . After spending a few seconds in fear and thinking of a solution, he sighed and spoke:

"Fine, I give up, what do you want from me?"

Arthur clapped his hands and comfortably sat on the hard bed, his eyes never left Vyncent .

"Now that is wise, it’s unnecessary to cause pointless bloodshed . . . . "

He stopped there for a second as he glanced at the pool of blood near the youth, who had already died from the lethal poison of the vine .

" . . . of course, some people need to die but some can be spared . . . . if they are useful and first and foremost, honest . "

Nodding his head in approval to Arthur, Vyncent lifted his hands and replied with a somewhat forced laugh

"Hahahaha . . . . you are correct . If I may, what does Mr . Arthur want from me?"

Arthur sat on the bed with a pondering expression and a hand on his chin, after a few seconds passed, he lifted his hand and pointed a finger at Vyncent whilst saying

"First, eat this . "

As he said that, a strange fireball the size of a thumb appeared from his finger, it had a creepy looking eyes and some kind of crone merged on the top of its head, it slowly floated toward Vyncent, who stared it with complete fear .

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