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Chapter 299

Arthur joked as he sensed the presence of Usui, who was heading in this direction . In response to his joke, Lucy snorted flirtatiously and went for a kiss, not letting him speak another word .

By the time Usui arrived at the alley, there was nothing but dust remaining there . Arthur teleported himself along with Lucy high-up in the air, where no one can see them or sense their presence .

The kiss continued for a whole minute before Lucy finally let go . She appeared very reluctant to part her lips with his after such a short kiss, however, they still have much time to spend together, so she wasn’t absurdly selfish but it’s not like Arthur minded such things, he actually liked kissing her, to say the least .

"You’ve become even more beautiful . "

Arthur ran his fingers through her silky silver hair as she leaned on his chest, enjoying this moment of peacefulness . It was only after a period of time did this quietness stop .

After gazing at her man’s face for who knows how long, she caressed the long scar across his face with a bit of guilt and sadness, it’s as if it was her fault that this scar appeared .

Seeing her reaction, Arthur chuckled lightly and said:

"It’s from the White Tiger . I need special materials to be able to heal it . "

Lucy remained silent for a few more seconds before she spoke her first words, unlike her usually cold and indifferent tone, she let out a worried voice yet you could feel a bit of excitement mixed in it:

"How are you?"

"Don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine . "

Lucy shook her had as she heard his reply and added:

"No, I meant how were you in the past five years, you seem . . . different . "

Obviously, Lucy didn’t mean it in a bad way, the aura around him was drastically different . This was mainly due to the long time he passed inside the ARK and all the thing he has been through, it kind of changed his character into the better . All of this should be attributed to his copy though, who forced him to experience Hell itself to know what Heaven truly is .

Right now, Arthur couldn’t feel happier, to have finally gone to Earth and met his dear wife . To be able to hold her in his arms, listen to her voice and embrace her, those are things he yearned for since the second they separated five years ago .

The soul Bond between them made it even harder to spend his days alone, without being able to see his wife . His copy was right when he was lecturing him, he was too rush in the past, wanting to meet with Lucy and Saly as soon as possible .

He disregarded his own life, which is something Lucy would definitely be angry about if she ever found out . He didn’t think of the consequences of losing his own life, the grief and sadness it’ll bring to his family .

A widowed wife in an unknown world and a fatherless girl, who already had her share of tragedies .

As he stared at her mesmerizing blood-red eyes, Arthur gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead and said:

"Many, many things happened . Every second of every day I thought about you, I wanted to find you so I made terrible mistakes, I was too rush and inexperienced . The joy I’m feeling right now is simply incomparable, however, coming here was at the cost of a dear partner, that was the greatest mistake I did, sacrificing a comrade . . . "

As he uttered those words, Arthur held Makaze and unsheathed half of it, showing to Lucy how it became broken and lacking its original aura . Its aura was restored thanks to the Oath but it wasn’t entirely recovered, it was barely enough for it to not be considered a broken blade that is akin to trash .

Lucy looked at the dark blade and caressed it gently, in response, the blade emitted slight vibrations, barely noticeable . Thanks to the Soul Bond, the blade registered Lucy as an ally . Though it wasn’t hostile toward Lucy, only Arthur is able to wield this dark blade, ever since the oath has been sealed, there’ll be no second master to this blade .

"We all make mistakes, Arthur . Regret has no medicine, and it’s meaningless to dwell on past mistakes even if they cost you dear things, what matters if learning from them and moving on, moving forward . I did many horrible things in the past too, I have killed innocent men just because they touched me or tried to help me but I misunderstood . Until I met you and fell in love with you, I never regretted what I did but after all that happened, I understood how to differentiate between good and evil . You did not lose Makaze forever, furthermore, you have me beside you . With us together, we’ll definitely find a way to fix it!"

Arthur wasn’t surprised but Lucy said, he knew her character and knew how she thought . Out of nowhere, he wrapped his arms around her and said

"There’s no denying it! Hahaha, you’re definitely the woman I fell in love with!"

After he fully enjoyed that hug, embracing her warm body and smelling her unique fragrance which somehow calms his heart . Arthur said:

"As for fixing Makaze, there is actually a way but it’s not a walk in the park . "

Lucy patted her chest proudly and claimed:

"With you and I together, there’s nothing we can’t achieve, whether it’s fighting armies of Gods or Sovereigns . "

Arthur burst out laughing as he saw her comical act . It’s been a long time since he had enjoyed a conversation with her . Knowing her attitude, only with him would she open up and talk however she wants, she would directly voice out her thoughts no matter what they were and in front of other people, strangers mostly, she would remain silent .

Both husband and wife chatted about unimportant stuff for a few dozen minutes before Arthur teleported himself and Lucy to what was supposed to be their house .

With Lucy pinpointing the exact location, both of them appeared inside the house . The first person that met them was Miya, the girl Arthur kidnapped from the granny of the Underworld .

She was taken from her home and thrown on Earth, not a good fate but from Lucy’s words, the girl was quite popular here, plus, she managed to adapt quite fast .

The green-haired girl who was in pajamas, had a messy hair and drowsy, froze from shock, even the bottle of milk she was holding fell on the floor, though before it hit the floor, it was stopped by an unknown force and put gently on a nearby table .

"Long time no see, girl . "

The relationship between Arthur and Miya wasn’t deep to begin with, moreover, they were enemies so it’s expected for the girl, who was usually pretty composed, to become dumbfounded .

After the passing of five years, Miya had no hopes of going back to the Underworld, neither did she imagine Arthur coming back any time soon .

In fact, her memories of him were very little as they met for a short period of time and barely interacted . Contrary to Arthur thought, Miya was on friendly terms with Lucy and she even considered her as a Senior .

Surprisingly, Miya didn’t feel that ominous and malicious aura around Arthur . When he kidnapped her and possessed her last time, the aura was suffocating and made her feel uncomfortable, to say the least .

There was some kind of serenity emitting from him, it was pretty unusual and unexpectedly refreshing . He looked a bit different with the addition of the scar and the longer hair but apart from that, everything else was the same .


No matter how she tried, words couldn’t leave her mouth . Arthur, as if he remembered something, said with an apologetic tone:

"Now that I think about it, I never introduced myself properly . "

He performed a slight bow and said:

"I’m Lucy’s husband and Saly’s father, the name is Arthur MoonStar . We’ve started on bad terms but I do hope you forgive us for our past actions . Kidnapping you was necessary for our survivor, we needed an assurance . "

The drowsiness vanished from Miya’s eyes, with her mouth half-open and a shaken expression, she could only stare at the man before her without uttering a word .

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