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Chapter 477

Neither of the two parties held a grudge against the other which made their conversation less likely to end up in a dispute or a battle .

"Let me introduce myself first . "

Arthur bowed again and said:

"Arthur MoonStar . "

The Lich King listened to his guest without saying a word . As for Arthur, he collected his thoughts then started speaking:

"I came here seeking your help . I’m in need of a good commander, someone who can help me win a war . "

In response, Aborak let out a chilling laugh before replying:

"Me? A good commander? I don’t know who told you that but that’s completely wrong . Furthermore, I’m in no position to involve myself in a war . "

Arthur didn’t give up yet, he smiled at the undead lord and stated:

"Perhaps you’ll change your mind if you hear what I have to offer . "

"Your trip was futile, I can’t help yo-"

Arthur interrupted the Lich King by saying

"Three hundred and sixty million undead and it’s still growing . That’s how big the army I need you to command is . "

Such a number, even for the Lich King, was outrageous because if you combine all the undead in the Underworld, they’ll barely reach fifty million . That number is constant, more or less, because necromancers from many worlds are summoning undead day and night, causing the number to plummet then rise .

Aborak studied Arthur’s expression, quickly discovering that he didn’t like a person who was joking . After a long silence, the Lich asked:

"How did you get your hands on such a big army?"

Arthur answered by raising his hand and summoning a normal skeleton warrior which sprung from a bottomless hole that appeared on the ground .

"You see, I’m a Necromancer and..."

A red light emanated from Arthur before a silhouette exited his consciousness and appeared before the Lich King . Feeling the thick Death Energy emanating from the figure before him, Aborak was truly shocked .

"A creature of death?"

"The name is Radolf . "

The red-haired youth bowed his head to the Lich King before he faced the motionless skeleton warrior . A red fog was released from the tip of the youth’s index, it enveloped the undead for a few seconds before it disappeared .

Not only did the undead’s appearance change, it became much stronger, equaling a person at the Heavenly Realm . The skeleton was clad in blood-red armor and it seemed to be more sentient .

"Radolf? The Mythical death creature?"

Seeing Aborak’s expression, Arthur’s smile widened . A few seconds later, another youth appeared next to Radolf, his appearance was similar to the creature of death but the aura around him was totally different .

Midolf felt pretty uncomfortable in this death infested castle but he still held himself from cursing outloud .

"If you accept my offer, these two will be your direct subordinates until the war is over . I’ll also hand half of the remaining Undead to you . "

For a long time, the Lich King maintained his silence and glanced at Arthur and the two youths . He seemed to be pondering about something .

"With almost four hundred million undead and two mythical creatures, just who are you planning to face?"

There was no need to hide the truth from a potential ally so Arthur spilled the beans the moment that question was asked .

"My main target is the White Specter Clan but there’s a strong chance many other powers will join in . "


As if he couldn’t believe what he heard, Aborak spent some time processing what he just heard before he sighed and said:

"I can see that you’re determined to begin this war but even if it was only the White Specter Clan, it won’t be possible to defeat them . An advantage in number won’t do you any good against Overgods . "

The Lich King paused for a slight second before resuming:

"Even if you stand a chance, no one will tolerate the presence of such a huge army of death in the Divine Planet . I doubt even Death will tolerate your actions . You’re asking me to wage war against the whole world..."

"Yes, I am but... you don’t have anything to lose, after all, they won’t dare attack the Underworld . "

Hearing this, Aborak flinched, focused his eerie gaze on Arthur while chuckling

"Hohoho it seems you know a few things . While it may be true that I have nothing to lose, I also have nothing to gain . "

"I told you I’ll give you half of the remaining undead army . "

"That is still not enough for all the trouble I’ll have to go through . The enemies I’ll make will surely cause trouble in here, one way or another . "

"Then, what do you want?"

"Why don’t you tell me the reason behind this large-scale war?"

Aborak dodged Arthur’s question by switching the topic, choosing to know about the whole matter before giving a definitive answer .

"I just want to get my wife back . "

"And I presume she’s the woman who was with you last time? If you only care about getting her back, there are many easier solutions...a war is a bit too extreme . "

"Unless you get rid of the root of the problem, it’ll last forever . "-Arthur

After that, the Lich King spent a while thoroughly thinking about everything while taking into consideration the pros and cons of Arthur’s offer .


The very next day, the Lich King of the Underworld left his castle and headed to Astria along with Arthur . No one but his closest confidants knew about his abrupt departure .

"You better manage things properly when I leave . "

A middle-aged man caressed a large creature’s head . Upon a closer look, this creature had an enormous body and a purple skin, it was none other than the legendary Void Behemoth, a mysterious and extremely powerful that is constantly hibernating in the Underworld, never interfering with the conflicts and silently watching from the sidelines .

Everything that happened between Aborak and Arthur was seen by the middle-aged man, who was interested in Arthur, or more precisely, something inside of him .

He stared at an illusory image which showed a grey-haired man opening a Spatial Tunnel and getting ready to enter it along with the Lich King .

The middle-aged man was able to see through everything so his gaze was focused on an almost non-existent violet light leaking out of Arthur’s consciousness .

"It’s almost satiated... its reaction will occur soon enough . "


As he came faced the sea of undead, Lich King Aborak was left speechless . He expected to see an army of normal skeletons but the countless bone dragons ruling the sky and the innumerable kinds of Undead roaming the desolate land left him flabbergasted .

The whole Itas Continent was overflowed with Undead, furthermore, more than a thousand ghost ships were on the Western coast of the continent, each one filled with Death Knights and Bone Demons .

To facilitate his control over the army of the dead, Arthur summoned to Lesser Lich Kings that will loyally follow Aborak’s orders .

As the Lich King began his job and emitted an archaic power that enveloped all of Astria, Arthur secluded himself in an underground cave and started readying himself .

Ever since he woke up from that long and vivid dream, there have been many changes that occurred to some of his powers .

The first, most noticeable thing is Dark Magic, which drastically changed, becoming more easily accessible . Perhaps witnessing Leiu’s use of Darkness affected Arthur’s Dark Magic, slightly changing its effects .

Thanks to spending a couple of years with The Nameless Knight, Arthur gained a skill the moment he woke up .

[Deceptive Of Darkness] is an area of effect skill that can only be used by Dark Magic-users . It basically festers everything around him with Dark Magic, corrupting every obstacle and sucking the energy of the environment . What’s fascinating about this skill is that it replenishes a third of his Mental Power in an instant . He also got a title called ’Brotherhood’ which boosts his stats by 20% if he fights with either Wolfram or Leiu .

Another pleasant change was a decent increase in his stats, which were further boosted when he possessed the lifeless Divine Beast that Radolf brought from another world .

He obtained [Dragon Breath], [Divine Dragon Breath] and the most helpful skill for a humanoid body was a movement skill called [Azure Step] which not only creates copies of himself to fool the enemy but it also grants him a significant increase to his movement speed and evasion .

The last piece of Arthur’s plan is the divine body of a leader Black Turtle . With four leader Divine Bodies in his possession, along with his knowledge about formations, he’ll create an unstoppable force that’ll act as a vanguard for the undead army .

Of course, the Elemental Wheel formation will be used to facilitate the flow of energies between the soon-to-be revived Divine Beasts .

4 Divine Beasts, 2 Mythical Creatures, 400,000,000 Undead, 3 Lich Kings and last not but least, a plethora of Mini-Nuclear Bombs, that is what Arthur intends to use against the White Specter Clan .


Information about the Undead Army: (ARK CALCULATION)

18,501 Bone Dragons (Peak Deity Realm-3rd Grade Immortal Realm)

85,997 Death Knights (Peak Deity Realm)

5,167 Bone Demons (1st Grade Immortal Realm-1st Grade Divine Realm)

13,652 Skeleton Lords (Peak Deity Realm)

500 Zombie Kings (Peak Immortal Realm)

350,458,920 Skeletons (Spirit Realm)

2,818,141 Blood Skeletons (Peak Spirit Realm-Peak Deity Realm)

1,007,972 Wraiths (Mortal Realm)

2 Lesser Lich King (Peak Divine Realm)

1 Lich King [Commander] (Peak God Realm)

Radolf (No Cultivation) (Mythical Creature (Death)

Midolf (No Cultivation (Mythical Creature (Life)

150,000 Zombies enhanced by miniature Elemental Wheels (Peak Immortal Realm)

4 Divine Beasts enhanced by a formation... Estimated strength: (Overgod Realm)

Quad-Spirit (Fire, Death, Dark, Earth) (God Monarch Realm)

Arthur MoonStar (Realm: 1-Star God Monarch)

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