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Chapter 480

Instead of immediately striking a conversation, Losha kept gazing at Lucy, more precisely at her sky-blue pupil . She noticed the change that occurred to her eye, which seemed to be very special and profound .

"That’s a dangerous eye you’ve got . "

Losha chuckled while sitting opposite of Lucy, who performed a bow to show her respect . Though they’re no longer master and disciple, that doesn’t change the fact that the woman before her did train her and impart her with powerful abilities .

"It’s a gift from Arthur . "

"You better use it wisely, it’s not something that should be used openly . "

Lucy agreed with Losha and nodded her head . After a short bout of silence, Losha spoke again:

"You seem very calm so you must know about your husband’s plans?"

"I can more or less guess what he’s up to . "

As she saw her disciple’s calm reply and expressionless face, Losha couldn’t help but ask .

"Aren’t you worried?"

"Why should I? I’m sure he’ll succeed in coming here and demolish this whole place . "

"Is that what you really want?"

"It was never about what I want but what they’re forcing me to do . "


"Sometimes, when I look at this army, I don’t regret accepting your offer . "

Aborak let out sigh as he gazed at the sea of motionless undead dominating the Itas Continent . Almost four hundred million undead, all ready to battle... just the sight of them made the Lich King feel confident despite knowing the fact that the enemy was none other than the White Specter Clan . Furthermore, it is for certain that a lot of more powers will ally with the specters to get rid of the dead army .

Most if not all people view death as something corrupted or evil, something that shouldn’t be exist . From their point of view, undead are nothing but abominations that should be erased from existence .

"You’re not having cold feet, right?"

Arthur, who was standing next to the Lich King, smirked at uttered those words, fully aware of the answer he’s going to hear .

"Why should I? Like you said, I’ve nothing to lose and there’s no way anyone of them can kill me, not even the Matriarch herself . "

Unlike normal undead, the Lich King Aborak has a soul though it’s different from normal souls and as long as it’s intact, it is practically impossible to kill him .

The commander of the army glanced at Arthur and asked;

"So, when are you planning to start marching toward the Divine Planet?"

"An important piece is missing, once I acquire it, we’ll be ready for whatever comes at us . "

"Oh? And what is this ’important piece’?"

"A corpse of a leader Black Turtle . "

Aborak pondered for a few moments before saying:

"I don’t think it’ll be that easy to find it . Most of the corpses of leader Divine Beasts are safely kept by the strong sects . "

Arthur shrugged his shoulders while speaking:

"If I can’t find it within two weeks then I’ll have to replace it with something else . "

Unfortunately, he has no leads and roaming the whole universe in search for the corpse is a waste of time and energy . Apart from the black turtle, he already got his hands on the other three, and the presence of the last one is crucial for the success of this war .

After all, he wasn’t confident enough in facing the Matriarch, however, the four Divine Beasts can certainly contend against her, especially if they’re boosted by a strong formation .

Not only will they face his strongest opponent, they’ll be the backbone of the army, protecting it from all four sides .


A week later, Arthur managed to get his hands on the body of the Black Turtle after a lot of effort . It was only through a fluke did he manage to acquire such a priceless corpse . It all started from a meeting with a wandering Minstrel that originated from the Bard Realm . Despite Arthur’s cold attitude, he was still able to become a friend with that Minstrel and after a short yet exciting adventure, the two managed to achieve their goals .


"What are you doing here?"

Arthur, still feeling weakened and barely able to move, questioned the silver dragon standing before him .

"Caretaker, I still have not completed my duty . "

Arthur frowned and asked again

"Your duty was to fool the past me and that’s it . You are not to appear before the old me anytime s-"

He stopped talking mid-way as he noticed something different about Yamak .

"You... you’re not the same one I left a while ago..."

"That is correct . "

Arthur gazed at Yamak for some time before letting out a sigh and saying:

"Anyway, why exactly did you save me? I’ve completed all the tasks and it’s time for me to go . "

"Caretaker, thy future is unclear yet there is no denying that thy time has not come yet . Before thou rush to the end, let us finish an old feud . "

With creased brows and tilted head, Arthur looked at the dragon with confusion

"Old feud?"

"Thou hast been preoccupied with fixing the past and forgot about a certain individual . Soon, he’ll strike again and I think it’s time to end it once and for all . "


"I am talking about ’X’ . When the war begins, he’ll want to acquire thy orb no matter the means and it falls on us to stop him . "

Arthur thought for a moment before saying

"Even if we interfere and try to kill him, it won’t change anything since I remember meeting him after the war . "


"Hey, uncle! Spar with me!"

Saly clung onto Wrath’s legs, wanting him to ’spar’ with her again . The middle-aged man tried to leave the room while dragging his heavy leg on which Saly was clinging like a monkey .

"Ugh! Leave me alone already!"

"Please! Just one more time! Come on!"

The little girl actually became good friends with one of the seven deadly sins . At first, he sparred with her out of boredom but she was actually a battle freak . Her attacks are not only deadly but are also aimed at his vitals... sadly, she didn’t know the meaning of a friendly spar .

Were he not a bit strong, he would’ve already been killed by her . Being a unique entity that lived for a very long time, Wrath doesn’t have a cultivation and his strength is always constant so he couldn’t gauge her strength but he knew for sure that she was a heaven-defying genius, furthermore, she was a Fenrir!

Nevertheless, he had trouble ’sparring’ with her without being a little serious . The problem was that he didn’t want to hurt her since she’s a friend of Leiu so every time they spar, he becomes a literal sandbag .

"I’m sleepy! Let go of me and go bother Dan instead!"

"No no no I want you to fight me! Fite meeeeeeee *bite*"


In the end, she ended up biting his thigh, causing him to shriek like a wounded beast . He angrily glared at her only for her to reciprocate with a playful smile while snickering at him .


"Everything is finally ready . "

Aborak gazed at the sleeping army of undead while waiting for Arthur to finish setting up the formation . Thanks to the ARK’s help and Arthur’s knowledge about formations, he managed to create a support formation which will lay the foundation for the whole army as well as the four soon-to-be-revived Divine Beast leaders .

The army was outrageously big but the Itas Continent could still fit 400 million undead, more or less .

"As long as the formation is active, your stats will be decreased by 15% . "-Claud

"It’s definitely worth it so I don’t care . "

Arthur burned the final piece of material using his Alchemy fire then he put his hands on the corrupted ground and started activating the newly built formation which enveloped the whole army, focusing specifically on the North, East, West, and South .

Bright and blinding lights rose from the ground and pierced the skies, causing a multi-colored whirlpool to replace the clustered clouds high-up in the air .

All that is left is to awaken the beasts so, with the help of his Quad-Spirit’s death abilities, Arthur quickly got to work . He floated at the center of the army and raised his arms in the air, closed his eye and unleashed an absurd amount of Nether Energy, emptying his outrageous pool within a few seconds!

The lifeless bodies of the four divine beasts, which were in position, were hit by the outburst of Nether Energy released by Arthur . A violent earthquake hit the Eastern Continent then spread to all corners of Astria, quietening down only after one full minute passed .

"Now this is a sight to behold, heheehehe"

Aborak, who was watching from the sidelines, chuckled with a soul-shaking voice and enjoyed the fireworks spectacle .

Slowly but surely, the bodies of the four divine beasts started shaking then rising in the air, each body emitting a different color .

The Black Turtle was enveloped by a green, semi-transparent barrier, the Vermillion Bird bathed in a sea of orange flames which emanated a suffocating heat . A golden cocoon enveloped the White Tiger and a majestic, overbearing aura circled around the roaring Azure Dragon .

The heavy tremor came to a sudden halt when all four Divine Beasts opened their eyes and roared simultaneously, excited to be revived and ready to battle .

Not only did the formation set by Arthur strengthen them, but it also replenished any energy they might lose and slightly increased their Health Recovery . The last piece of this unstoppable army was a ginormous Elemental Wheel which encompassed the whole land the undead were standing on .

The black arrow which was constantly rotating suddenly stopped at a grayish color, which caused the wheel to release an abundant amount of decaying aura that strongly resembled a fog .

This ’fog’ covered the whole Itas continent blocking anyone’s view and, at last, awakening this sleeping ’beast’ from its eternal sleep .

All at once, the undead felt the surging death energy and reacted to it with enthusiasm . The wraiths screeched, the skeletons banged their bony feet on the ground and the bone dragons flapped their wings and rose to the sky, rotating around Arthur in an orderly manner .

Arthur opened his only eye and gazed at the fog and the four bright light, each coming from a specific direction . He knew that everything went according to plan and it’s finally time to take the first step and start marching toward the White Specter Clan .

Without a doubt, there’ll be many who’ll try to stop him, however, their end will be the same as they’ll be turned into dust by this unstoppable force that he created .

Due to overworking himself, Arthur couldn’t help but spit some blood but it was nothing serious, he’ll recover in no time .

"As a commander, I’ll lead the way . "

Using a strange artifact in his possession, Aborak teleported the whole army, including Arthur, to a quiet forest located in the Green-Leaf World .

Arthur was familiar with this terrain and they could head directly from Green-Leaf to the Bard Realm, furthermore, Isadore will most likely not block his way so it is by far the best way to start from .

So, with the Lich King at the front, commanding the millions of undead, and Arthur at the center, the army finally started walking . Two Mythical Beasts could be seen following Arthur, one was a double-headed red lizard and the other was a white roc that had extremely lengthy wings .

The land was dominated by orderly skeletons, bone demons, zombies lords and so on, while the sky was ruled by the thousands of Bone Dragon, undead ships and most importantly, the four Divine Beasts, which stood at their initial position, ready to start battling at any time .

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