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Chapter 527

The only reason they didn’t attack was because Arthur and the rest looked like humans and their ruler, the shogun, instructed them to not act rashly when met with humans . While it’s true that parasites can look like humans, most of them usually have some deformities such as horns, tails, or elongated claws .

Apart from the male parasite, who wore a hood to cover his horns, the rest’s appearances were clear and it was impossible to mistake them for a Cthulhu .

"Who are you?"

A broad man took two steps forward and asked Vyncent, who stood at the front of the group .

"Greetings, we’re humans, just like you . We came here to seek shelter . "

His voice was toneless, containing neither arrogance nor politeness . He scanned the people surrounding him, his eyes momentarily resting on a slender figure at the back, silently watching them . He only felt threatened by that person, who most likely was a female .

After a short bout of silence that flowed between the two of them, the man slightly lowered his katana and said:

"It is too early to say you’re humans . We have a device that can test how much truth your words contained . "

Just as he finished saying that, he retrieved a circular object from under his thick armor . He pressed a few times on some specific locations, causing the object to emit a small white light which soon projected itself above it in the form of a single word .

’Human’ .

This simple looking device could determine the race of its holder . It isn’t flawless, however, most of the time it the results are genuine . Once he finished preparing the device, he handed it to the nearest person, Vyncent .

The bearded young man was about to take the device only for the opposite man to retract his hand for a moment while warning him:

"Any sudden movement and you’re all dead . "

In response, he just nodded his head and took the device . The process took around ten seconds before the word ’Human’ appeared in front of Vyncent, showcasing his true Race .

The next on the line was Lissandra, who successfully passed the test too . The broad man along with his companions became a bit relaxed when they saw the good results . Their weapons were no longer raised but they were still behaving with cautiousness .

Arthur didn’t know how exactly they did it but the parasites were able to trick the humans, somehow using the device to their advantage . In fact, as per the patrols’ request, the horned parasite removed his hood, showing his facial features, which totally lacked any kind of oddity, including the previous horns .

No one but Arthur knew that Lucy was a half-demon and half-white specter so they assumed that she’ll easily pass the test . To their surprise, the words ’Half-Specter/Demon’ actually showed above the device, causing everything to become a bit chaotic .

The broad man raised his katana and was about to point it Lucy only for the weapon to disintegrate into nothingness . With the exception of Lucy, the only man who hasn’t used the device yet walked forward, shielding the woman and saying .

"As far as I know, your enemies are the parasites and the Cthulhu . "

The man paid Arthur no attention as he treated back and signaled for his companions to ready themselves .

"Demon or Cthulhu, what difference does it make?"

Everyone raised their weapons and took a battling stance, patiently waiting for their leader’s order .

"You see now, my dear invitee . Humans are just as foolish as any other race, blinded by their stupid and hypocritical beliefs . If I were to choose, I would definitely side with the demons, Xyktia’s children . They are extraordinary magic users and a truly noble race who doesn’t rely on something as idiotic as religion to survive . They respect their Goddess but do not blindly worship her . "

Arthur paid no heed to the talking Timos, instead, his scarlet eyes shifted from the broad man to the slender figure standing at the back . Unlike Vyncent’s hunch, Arthur was able to feel that woman’s powers, which were carefully hidden but not impossible to detect .

"We came in peace and only want to cooperate . No need for pointless fighting . "

His words were directed to the female, who maintained her silence . As for the broad man, he refused to listen to reason as several thoughts rampaged inside of his mind . He started suspecting the others who came with Arthur, however, Vyncent couldn’t let that happen so he hurriedly explained:

"We traveled together but we were unaware of her race . Plus, they helped us kill a few parasites along the way . "

He stole a glance at Arthur before focusing on the humans’ leader . Even though he heard Vyncent’s words, the man remained skeptical and didn’t want to risk it .

"As you said, we don’t need to fight so why don’t you go away . "

"That is not a possible . Why don’t you call someone with authority, I’m sure I can be of great assistance . "

"I’m sorry but we don’t welcome you in our ranks . " Just as Arthur said his bit, a clarion voice resounded in the area . The woman standing at the back lifted her head and uttered those words .

"On what basis?" Arthur retorted, his single eye staring back at the woman, who, unlike the others, didn’t wear a thick armor but simple yellow cotton clothes that barely protected her from the coldness .

"Those are not my words but the shogun’s . " She didn’t seem to mind Arthur’s cold stare as she shrugged her shoulders .

"And where is this shogun? Too busy to say those words with his own mouth?" Arthur mockingly said, his head turning toward the sky-piercing fortress .

"We’re done here . Welcome the new humans and explain to them our situation . " She said her last piece before turning around and leaving, no longer bothering with Arthur, who didn’t bicker with her or try a more aggressive approach .

"I can say, with certainty, that this is the best result for you two . It is not a place that suits you both, your abilities will be heavily restricted and you’ll be treated with contempt . Despite its beauty, it is a rotten place full of arrogant people . "-Timos

As Lissandra and co were guided to the Frozen Keep, Vyncent turned one last time, exchanging gazes with Arthur .

’I’m sorry, Arthur, but just like you, I’ll do anything to survive and sticking with you and roaming this treacherous place isn’t exactly safe . ’

Due to the people around, he kept this thought to himself, nevertheless, Arthur was able to understand everything through the young man’s eyes . It’s not like he blamed him, after all, their deal was for Vyncent to guide them here, that’s it .

The young female parasite also turned several times, looking at Lucy and Arthur, hesitating . Were it not for the other older female parasite, who dragged her, she would have spoken for the couple .

"You could be considered homeless now so why don’t we play a game? I’m sure it’ll relieve your stress and freshen both of you up . "

Timos’ voice echoed inside their heads, causing Lucy to frown and Arthur to click his tongue .

Seeing their not-so-friendly reactions, Timos corrected himself

"Oh don’t misunderstand! This isn’t the game I was talking about when you two entered my humble abode . This one is different, harmless and without any consequences . This, I promise . If you win, I can give you a hint that will help you leave Riarravar . "

"And what if we lose?" Lucy asked, her tone showcasing her irritation . She wasn’t angry at Timos but at the humans, whose behavior is absurd .

"You win, you get a hint . You lose, nothing happens . "

"And you expect us to believe you?"

After a short silence, Timos said: "Then I’ll make you believe me . North-West of here, there’s an intact ravine that can benefit you . I’m sure it’ll make you change your opinion of me . "

The couple gave no response to the bored entity . They telepathically conversed and after an inordinate amount of time, they started heading North-West . After all, it’s not like they got anywhere to be .

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