生活中的玛丽 高清

Chapter 43

Dinner time, foods were served on the table . Jiang mother busy picking up dish after dish into Jiang Qi and Jiang Lu’s bowl . Jiang Bu shakes his head watching them... why there’s no one willing to give the dish to him oh? Just as he was thinking about it, his wife picked a dish to his bowl . Jiang Bu quickly eat . Still his wife is the best .

Jiang Lu concentrated on continuously clipping the dishes into her mouth because the food today are too delicious . Jiang Qi also eat with relish because today Jiang mama also cooked several of his favorite spicy dishes . Therefore, Jiang Lu also can be considered as riding on Jiang Qi’s thigh to enjoy these good food . Mouthful after mouthful of food were being swallowed .

“Brother . . . why I never saw our President in the company this two days . ” Jiang Lu swallowed the last food in her mouth and asked .

Jiang Qi looks up: “He went on a business trip . You do not know?”

“I’m a newly appointed employee ba . ”

“How are you getting along with your co-workers?”

“Okay . . . not bad . My relationship with the few that came into the company together is not bad . But with the old workers are not so good . They seems like unwilling to acknowledge people . ”

Jiang Qi drink and said: “Get along properly ba . ”

“Hmm . Brother... I heard our president is really handsome? Really want to see him . ”

“He should have appeared in the Financial Magazine, right?” At this time, sitting at one side Jiang elder brother spoke .

“He never appeared on the magazine . ” Jiang Qi shakes his head .

“Brother . . . quickly tell me . ”

“He ah? Really handsome . ” Jiang Qi nodded his head couple of times .

Jiang Bu frowned: “Xiao Qi ah... how can you praise other man handsome . Now these days, which man will admit that other man is much more handsome than their own self . ”

“Why not... you’re too outdated . ”

“Wife... why are you against your husband ah?”

Jiang mother laughed: “It serves you right!”

Jiang father also nodded in agreement .

Whole family cheerful and happy, Jiang Qi a little bit miss Ke Yan . If Ke Yan can also be with him right now . . . it would be really great .

After dinner, Jiang Bu wiped his mouth and said: “Pa . . . Ma...tomorrow I got something to do . Your medical examination I let Yun Hui to accompany you tomorrow ba . ”

TLN: Pa = Papa = father, Ma = Mama = Mother ... . That is how I call my father and mother in law at home as well...

“Yes ah . . . Pa, Ma... I also idle at home . So, I accompany you to go ba . ”

“No need, no need ... we both can go on our own . Tomorrow you’re suppose to go back home to take your son back, right?”

“It does not matter . I can pick him up in the afternoon . ”

“Pa, Ma tomorrow need to go for medical examination ah?” Jiang Qi asked .

“Yeah . ” Jiang mother nodded . “It’s okay, we can go there on our own . ”

“Tomorrow I’ll accompany you to go ba . ” Jiang Qi proposed .

“You still need to work tomorrow . ” Jiang mother said . “Yes ah... no need to take a leave . ” Jiang father also said .

“It does not matter . Occasionally asking for leave only . Let me accompany you to go ba . ”

“Yes ah . How can we let you go there on your own . Outsider will say we are not filial to the two of you ba . ”

Jiang brother’s statement successfully blocked Jiang mother’s mouth . So, the next day Jiang Qi took a leave to accompany Jiang mother and Jiang father to the hospital for medical examination . Half a day time, a lot of test was made and it was finished at two o’clock in the afternoon . Fortunately today not a lot of people or they would have to finish much later .

After Jiang Qi sent Jiang mother and Jiang father back home, he received a call from Jiang Lu: “Brother . . . brother . Today treat me to dinner . Last time you’ve promised me de . ”

Jiang Qi said ‘okay’ to her .

Soon the time approaching the end of working hour . Company several front desk lady were looking at the computer in front of them while occasionally speaks to each other . One of the lady looks up and saw Ke Yan just got down from his car at the company entrance . Her voice could not help but raised up and said: “President has come back . ”

Once they heard this sentence, originally lazy sitting in front of the computer quickly tidy up their appearance and stood up . Once Ke Yan step into the company, they in unison greats him: “President good . ”

Ke Yan acknowledged to their greeting made all the front lady burst with pink bubbles excitement .

Walking into the office, Yang Shao Yu looking at Ke Yan sadly: “ I say Mr . President, why every time you and me walking together, beautiful woman would always automatically ignored me . ”

“Do not pretend to be poor, quickly do your work . ”

“ You do not go to see Jiang Qi ah? Didn’t they have a say... one day apart from the beloved one feels like three years have passed away, ba? You guys has not meet each other for several days already . ” Yang Shao Yu said with sympathy .

TLN: 一日不见如隔三秋 yí rì bú jiàn , rú gé sān qiū

Ke Yan sitting at his desk and open up a file: “You’re right... so later I will go back first . You stay and work overtime, prepare all the information for tomorrow meeting . ”

“Do not ah... no need ba... In fact, you see him tomorrow also the same ba . ”

“You can go now . ” Ke Yan ignored Yang Shao Yu’s words and dive straight into his work .

Yang Shao Yu sighed . How to have such a big mouth . Looks like tonight he has to work overtime ba . Tears flowing in his heart but outside still maintain a calm facade .

Ke Yan while completing his two days worth of works, looking at his phone . He really wants to see Jiang Qi de .

Kacha ----- the door that has just been close suddenly open . Ke Yan looks at Yang Shao Yu who came directly without knocking . Yang Shao Yu once go in, rush towards Ke Yan’s work desk and talked hastily: “Last night Jiang Qi and our new appointed employee engage in an affair . ”

Ke Yan looked at Yang Shao Yu with narrowed eyes . Yang Shao Yu see he looks at him reacted with “pei,pei,pei,pei” for several times . “Listen to me first . . . last night Jiang Qi and a beauty took a taxi together . I heard the rumour said, they were going home together . ”

“You listened from whom?”

Yang Shao Yu noticed Ke Yan’s voice turned cold, in his heart he prayed for Jiang Qi’s innocence . Otherwise, Ke Yan punishment would not be light .

“I heard people in the company talking . ”

“Call Jiang Qi up . ”

“Jiang Qi was on leave today . ” This time not only Ke Yan’s voice turned cold, even his face also turned cold . Up and down his body are discharging cold air . Yang Shao Yu swallowed his saliva feeling nervous . Just as he wanted to speak, Ke Yan suddenly stand and picked up his coat: “I’m off, you stay and work overtime . ”

Ke Yan drive his car out from the underground parking while calling for Jiang Qi on his phone . Not even twice the sound of ringing, it was picked up by Jiang Qi: “Ke Yan? What’s up?”

“I am back . ”

“Really? Where are you right now?” Jiang Qi asked in surprise .

“I’m at the company . ” Listening to Jiang Qi’s voice, Ke Yan’s voice could not help but turned soft: “Where are you now?”

“Me ah? Now I am outside . After dinner I will come back . ”

“Are you eating on your own?”

“No . . . I’m eating with Xiao Lu . I’m treating her for dinner . ”

“ . . . . . . Xiao Lu?” Right at this moment, Ke Yan really feels to beat on Jiang Qi’s ass .

“Nnn... yes ah . Jiang Lu . ” Jiang Qi suddenly thought maybe Ke Yan didn’t recognize if he said Xiao Lu, so he told him Jiang Lu’s name .

Jiang Lu? Seems familiar... After the phone was hanged up, Ke Yan still thinking where has he heard that name before but in the end he still cannot remember . After, he slowly drive the car towards home .

After finished their meal, Jiang Qi sent Jiang Lu back and it was late in the evening before he reach home . As he entered the door, he was quickly being hugged by Ke Yan . Ke Yan brings Jiang Qi to the sofa and asked: “ Jiang Lu is whom?”

Jiang Qi was surprised with the question, therefore he asked in confusion: “My sister ah . What happened?”

This time it was Ke Yan turn to be surprised . Maybe that’s why he felt like that name was familiar before .

“What happened?” Jiang Qi see Ke Yan did not reply, once again asked: “Why are you not saying anything?”

“Nothing . ” Ke Yan cheerfully take off Jiang Qi’s clothes .

“Is it?”

“Hmm . ”

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