
Chapter 121: A Choice (3in1)

Chapter 121: A Choice (3in1)

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Lonelytree

“Ol’ Xiao, are you going to give it another try?” Elder Tong asked chillingly. “How many times do we have to go through this before you are willing to believe it?”

“We must not do another trial.” Prof Shen hurried to say. Gu Jun was mentally drained, and he looked positively sick. Wu Siyu also did not look any better from the aid she had lent him. Prof Shen truly cared about the two of them as he would his own children. He hurried to bring them over to their seats to sit down.

“No... there is no need to have another trial...” Xiao Sihui finally found his breath again, but the voice that came out from his throat was barely above a whisper. “The illusions that I saw... were of a place that Gu Jun mentioned in his previous mission report. It felt like I was being sucked into it. My soul was being consumed by something. I am sure that was the work of abnormal energy... There is no other explanation...”

Yao Sinian, who had suffered from minor illusions earlier, said darkly, “I was probably too familiar with the spell that he used, so I was sucked into a whirlpool-like abyss.”

The rest of the review group and Overseers had a hard time believing what they were hearing, but they had seen what happened earlier with their own eyes. It was not too long ago that Leader Xiao had been standing proud like a preening peacock, but now he had wilted like melted ice cream in the sun. Looking at him, they could not help but worry about his state. The medics had rushed forward to physically inspect Xiao Sihui, Yao Sinian, Gu Jun, and Wu Siyu. However, Xiao Sihui shook his head to deny them their help. “It’s useless. The damage is all in the brain.”

“Looks like you have really gotten it this time.” Elder Tong sounded sarcastic when he said that.

“After that, naturally...” Xiao Sihui turned to his subordinates and announced hoarsely, “I personally believe that human beings can master ESP and can control as well as utilize that power through necessary training.”

The group could not hide their surprise anymore. The Overseers did not say anything, but the members from the review groups were bursting with questions. Instantly, the lab was filled with a cacophony of inquiries. Xiao Sihui silenced them with an order. He sighed before adding, “Ol Tong, Ol Shen, your theory is right. Phecda needs to control this kind of energy, especially now when the abnormal energy has shown such a resurgence in activity...”

“The best time for that would have been thirty years ago, but now is the second-best time.” Elder Tong’s tone had stopped being so sharp. “We must start the Spell Department immediately, gather resources to find talents, and conduct research and training. It is a bit too late to start now, but it is better late than never.”

“Of course, of course, you’re right...” Xiao Sihui nodded and mumbled. They were too late to come to their senses about something as important as this. Gu Jun had almost lost control earlier, and he looked like he had the energy in his body drained out of him from just one attempt at the spell. It was not even a complete spell! Xiao Sihui understood that it would be a long time before they could see results on how to utilize ESP outside a lab, how to cultivate the mastery of spells, and so on. And then it would require even more time to spread this news and knock down prejudice across the nation. But at least now they had a beginning.

After getting another moment of rest, Xiao Sihui was feeling more like himself. Thus, he turned to Elder Tong, Gu Jun, and the rest and informed them seriously, “Tonight, all of you will have to follow me back to the headquarters and start on building the foundation for the Spell Department. You must complete the preparation work for the organization for this unique Special Mobile Force unit. Do not worry, I guarantee that the headquarters will throw their full support behind you.”

Prof Shen was very excited when he heard that. Before Gu Jun could say anything, Prof Qin interrupted with nervousness. “Leader Xiao, Ah Jun is needed more desperately in the Eastern State. Do you mind if he comes with us first?”

Yao Sinian also added, “Due to the uniqueness of Ah Jun’s background, and the possibility of connection between the Nightmare Illness and Lai Sheng Company, his presence in the Eastern State might bring some momentous breakthrough in dealing with this illness.”

“Ah Jun can participate in the research in the Eastern State through long-distance communication.” Xiao Sihui already had other considerations, and he stated his preference very clearly. “The headquarters also requires his presence.”

Prof Qin and Commander Yao were both silenced immediately. This was because this understanding of the research of spells had now been pushed to the forefront of Phecda’s agenda. With the immense talent in ESP that Gu Jun had showcased, he was now certified as one of the most precious resources Phecda had. He would be the central pillar that formed their study of spells.

On the other hand, the transmission zone of Nightmare Illness appeared to only limit itself to the Eastern State. If Gu Jun was unfortunately infected by it when he returned, it would be an irreplaceable loss to Phecda. Joining the research into the Nightmare Disease through long-distance communication should be the perfect solution, but...

“I need Ah Jun for sure,” Elder Tong stated clearly. “The early days of a new department will mostly be dealing with the red tape. It is fine for him to not be there for it, so it is dependent on the young man himself where he will feel more valuable.”

Before Gu Jun who was deeply frowning could say a word, Xiao Sihui ushered him into a lab room to have a private chat. “Ah Jun, follow me, we need to have a little talk.”

The door closed with a bang. The rest could see them conversing through the clear glass, but they could not hear the exact conversation.

“There are certain complications that I am not allowed to reveal before the rest, but you have the right to know about them,” Xiao Sihui told Gu Jun seriously. “The headquarters will not be sending any large-scale reinforcements to the Eastern State. If anything, more support will be provided for existing Phecda members to evacuate from the Eastern State. Before we understand fully the pathology of the new illness, that will not change. Currently, our strategy is to monitor the communication and human flow, isolate the patients, and gradually contain the number of new patients in the hopes that the epidemic will slowly dwindle out. Of course, the research on how to cure and eliminate the source of the illness is not only conducted in the Eastern State’s labs. In fact, more profound research is being conducted at the headquarters. In other words, the headquarters are doing the more important work in combating this illness.”

At this point, Xiao Sihui’s tone turned kind and friendly. It was clear that he was trying to persuade Gu Jun, “Ah Jun, if you go to the headquarters, you will get the best treatment due to your talent. We will figure out a way to cure your brain stem tumor and provide you with the best assistance that we can give.”

Even though the soundproof room prevented any eavesdropping, the people in the outer room could hazard a guess that Xiao Sihui was making a list of pros and cons for Gu Jun. Either choice came with its own reasoning and consequences; no one could tell right now which would be the better choice. On the one hand, it was the headquarters that would offer the best protection and high salary; on the other hand, it was seemingly endless days spent in isolation in a ghost town. Comparing the two, no one would have blamed Gu Jun for choosing to go to the headquarters. In fact, many would have agreed that it was the wisest choice considering the scenario.

But if the choice was presented to them, how would they choose? This question flashed across the minds of some of the researchers and the members of the Overseers. None of them dared say with complete honesty that they would risk their lives to go to the Eastern State.

As they say, to look after others, one must first look after oneself.

If the doctor had fallen ill from the disease himself, how was he expected to help the others?

“Leader Xiao.” Gu Jun gave a deep breath. His mind was still fuzzy, but he could not pinpoint the reason. “I am a student of medicine. Because of that, I know that you will never truly understand the pathology of an illness without having actual clinical contact with the patients. Furthermore, you need close contact for ESP to work. For me personally, the only real place that will bring forth an actual breakthrough in the study of the Nightmare Illness is at Eastern State.”

“I understand where you are coming from.” If this was any other situation, Xiao Sihui would feel admiration toward the determination shown by Gu Jun. “Having passion in your work is a good thing, but you should try to see the big picture.”

Xiao Sihui did not want to be so blatant with his words, but for now, Gu Jun’s life had become more important than the lives of these patients. Gu Jun was a clever person, and Xiao Sihui believed he would understand what he was getting at.

“Even though you entered Phecda as a clinical doctor, that does not mean that you have to stay constantly on the frontline.” Xiao Sihui continued trying to persuade him. “The work of every single department at Phecda is very important, but in this day and age, the Spell Department is only going to get more and more important. With the talent that is gifted to you, you should be assigned a new role. Do not feel pressured into making any decision that you might regret!”

Due to the sincerity in Leader Xiao’s voice, Gu Jun decided to place himself in the picture that Leader Xiao had painted for him. If he stayed in the safe and comfortable headquarters, the days would continue as they had for the past month. The hours would be spent doing research, experiments, and training. He would be spared from the stress of dealing with the scary and twisted patients directly.

‘That did not sound like too bad a choice, right?’

But the pictures of some faces and incidents rushed before his eyes. They were the guilt and regret that wrought his heart when he was faced with the death and suffering of his patients, the immense joy and relief that he felt when he managed to save someone’s life. At the end of the day, this was not a choice that was as hard as he thought. Perhaps a clever person would make the more logical choice, but Gu Jun... had never seen himself as a clever person before.

“Leader Xiao, I need to return,” Gu Jun said in an even voice. “I came here for this special training to become better at being a doctor, not to hide behind others. All the training is so that I can perform better on the frontline. It is because of how things are in the Eastern State that I need to return there with Prof Qin and contribute in any way that is required of me.

“I am a doctor and my Hippocratic Oath compels me to aid the patients in the best way that I believe possible. I cannot shirk from responsibility due to the danger and risk.”

“...Okay then.” Xiao Sihui gazed at Gu Jun for a long time before he nodded unwillingly. “I will figure out a way to answer to the headquarters. Promise me you will be careful in the Eastern State. Take care of yourself. The Spell Department still requires your talent.”

“Thank you for your understanding,” Gu Jun answered sincerely.

After the two walked out from the room, Xiao Sihui announced the result of their discussion to the rest of the room. “Ah Jun will follow Leader Yao and Prof Qin back to the Eastern State.”

Instantly, the gazes that Zhang Danjie and the rest levelled at Gu Jun gained an extra layer of complicated respect. Gu Jun was exactly as his profile suggested.

Prof Qin felt a great relief and consolation in his heart. Yao Sinian whispered to him in admiration, “Ol Qin, you sure have made a great choice that time.”

Now that the decision had been made, they had no time to waste. Gu Jun instantly bade farewell to the group who would be returning to the headquarters.

“Sigh...” Wu Siyu looked at Gu Jun. From her point of view, Gu Jun had made a dumb choice, but for some reason, she also thought it was quite a handsome deed that he had done. She lowered her head and leaned on his shoulder. She sighed like a ghost. “I know you always have balls of steel, but don’t you die on me. According to legend, if one twin dies, the other will soon follow. Our current ESP connection is not worse than actual twins. For your information, I still have a lot of life to look forward to, so please remember that. By the way, I did not realize you have such broad shoulders before this.”

“Then you have to be careful as well.” Gu Jun could not help but chuckle. “Researching spells is going to be much more dangerous than operating a surgery.”

“Oh well.” Wu Siyu shrugged. Then she tapped on her temple as she moved away. “There’s a headache coming.”

“Ah Jun, do not take any unnecessary risk, you hear?” Elder Tong said. At this moment, even the mist of alcohol could not hide the sincerity in his tone. “If you encounter that nightmare, do not attempt to solve it on your own. Do not even think about doing something as dangerous as that. If it is looking for you, then do not let it find you.”

‘It?’ Gu Jun questioned himself. What was Elder Tong referring to? The transmitter of the nightmare?

In any case, Elder Tong informed him that he had already shared his opinion with Prof Qin, and he would be participating in the research from long distance should there be any update. After parting with Elder Tong, Gu Jun went to have a talk with Prof Shen and the rest of the lab members. Through the month of special training, he had learned a lot, and he was very thankful for what Prof Shen’s crew had done for him. Prof Shen had the same words of concern as the rest; he reminded him again and again to take care of himself.

After that, Gu Jun departed from the Medical Building and returned to his dormitory to pack his bags. Other than the suitcase of clothes, he only had a backpack of items, and most of them were medical journals. As the day was winding down, he carried his bags and followed Prof Qin and Commander Yao to the cross-county vehicles that would take them to the nearby military airfield. The weather was horrible, and it was pouring heavily. Thunder and light appeared to spread cracks across the darkening sky. Thankfully, rain never stayed for long in the Northern Deserts, so they should not miss their flight schedule.

In the car, Prof Qin advised him, “Ah Jun, you should make use of this time to rest.”

But it sounded like Prof Qin could use his own advice. He did not look so much better himself. “It will be very hectic once we arrive in the Eastern State.”

“Okay.” Gu Jun looked out through the car window. The yellow sand was being ravaged by the storm, and darkness seemed to be encroaching upon them.

He knew that the Eastern State was already a place of enormous danger.

Nightmare Illness...

When Gu Jun had his discussion with Leader Xiao, he appeared heroic and formidable, but that was just a front. He was afraid of death. Of course he was. But he was even more afraid of hearing about his friends’ passing while knowing he could have done something about it. The days where he could not take Cai Zixuan’s soup again, where he could no longer hear the chiding comments from Wang Ruoxiang, the awful dad jokes from Prof Gu, the surprising offense Xue Ba took at not being treated as a scholar, Uncle Dan’s salacious jokes...

He was not Landon. He was not that concerned about the truth of life or the universe.

He was just a banal man. He was more concerned about the safety of his friends.

They were fighting on the frontline, and there was no way he was going to hide at the rear.

Gu Jun focused his gaze. Lightning split the dark clouds in the sky, briefly illuminating the world around them.

In that isolated city, the patients were still struggling in the swamp of pain, searching for a doctor’s aid, waiting for hope to arrive.

No matter the illness, no matter the headquarters’ decision to support them or not, he was more than willing to join the others to slice away the dark clouds, to morph into that shining blade of light.

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