
Chapter 486: New Help

Chapter 486: New Help

“Please accept your newbie pack. Do not miss out on this one and only chance. Great prizes await you!” This was the second time Gu Jun encountered that statement in his mind. Looks like the foundation borrowed the format of the system in his mind and used it to channel the new power into Gu Jun. The statement was very video-game esque. It went against the whole mysterious, glorious impression of the City of Dusk. He anticipated something more subtle and graceful from the foundation but then he realized, the format was thus because his subconscious made it so. The ‘newbie pack’ was Gu Jun’s way to accept and digest this new power.

Based on his past experience, Gu Jun worried that he’d get a new power, called Strong Lips, that would improve his CPR or so on... His eyes glanced at Cai Zixuan who was still reciting a poem. Gu Jun could not remember where the poem came from. In any case, putting these rambling thoughts aside, there was finally hope that Monitor could be saved!

“Wait a minute, there’s a new update.” Gu Jun told the rest. “I’ve just received the power from the foundation.” He told them to wait as he hurried out from the room. He left the building and came to an empty field. He even told the guards to stay a distance away before he clicked to accept the newbie pack. That way even if he exploded, no one was in his proximity. Even though he trusted the foundation, there was no telling if this was a prank by Nyarlathotep or not.

Once he clicked to accept, his brain suffused in gold and several new notifications pinged.

“You’ve obtained 1 Inverse Yellow Sign.

“You’ve obtained, ‘Mental Pillar Training Manual’.

“You’ve activated the training module for a new investigative ability, Autopsy.”

Gu Jun calmed himself and looked at this new system closer. It was similar to the old system with some changes. As he studied it, this thought popped into his mind, ‘No, this is not the foundation’s creation. It merely has edited and improved the existing system. The foundation fixed some of the broken functions and added new ones.’ The host profile had returned, he could check his vitals; the ability tab had returned as well, with Hands of Dexterity and Strong Heart; the surgical job list made its return too. These were not created by the foundation, they were part of the original system made by Son of Steel. However, the investigative ability list was something new. It appeared to be something to help Gu Jun investigate the truth behind the tragedies, to get closer to the truth of the universe. He clicked on the list, and this popped up.


Level: 1/9

EXP: 0/5000

Introduction: By performing autopsy on different mutated creatures, you’ll improve your mental power and gain a deeper understanding on the secret of life.

Note: Repeated autopsy on the same creature inside the morgue will only provide you with limited EXP. You need to walk around and see the world. Gain contact with different life forms, both dead and alive. Gain more understanding of their nature. Of course, dissection is the most effective way to improve your EXP, but sometimes using a ruler to gauge another person’s skull also can increase your EXP.

Triggered Mission: None.”

‘A class in autopsy? This is quite suitable for me.’ Gu Jun thought perhaps it was specifically tailored for him. To be honest though, it had been quite some time since he’d been to the autopsy table. The Carlot Instrument in his backpack had almost rusted. The thought of starting another autopsy did excite Gu Jun. During the final battle, most of the living flying polypus hydroids had exploded and been absorbed by Shub-Niggorath. Both worlds only managed to collect some pieces. There were a few intact tentacles and that was that. The situation was the same with the Byakees. There was not even a single mutated locust left. Gu Jun decided to start the autopsy soon. However, compared to before, the way to gain EXP was slightly different, there was now a ‘triggered mission’ tab. ‘This thing requires more investigation.’

Gu Jun exited the investigative ability list and turned to the system mission list. He noticed it had changed quite a lot. There was no longer the delineation of normal, difficulty and abyssal. Instead there was a greyed out tab, dubbed “New Mission”. A window of explanation appeared when he hovered over it. “The mission system will occasionally come up with new missions, this is completely up to the host’s luck and environment. The missions will be of varying difficulties. Completing the mission will help digest the system’s power and reward the host with power to break through the spatial limitation to get to the City of Dusk. The host needs to fight and grab for the chance.”

Gu Jun dissected the explanation further. It sounded like the system would one day help him gain access to the City of Dusk but he’d to work hard for it. Other than that, there was no more new function. In the newbie pack, there were 2 more things. Gu Jun now turned towards them with his heart pumping. From the name themselves, it sounded like the things that he needed at that exact moment.

Mental Pillar Training Manual floated up in his mind, it was a scroll in faded gold. He unfurled the scroll and scanned through it. Joy overwhelmed him. The new technique was priceless, it was going to be valuable to the frontline as well as help bond the two worlds together. However, it was no help to the monitor. Next to the scroll, there was a yellow talisman. He clicked on it. It had on the spiral triangle used by the Yellow Brotherhood but it was upside down.

Gu Jun took a deep breath, a play was supposed to go according to its chronological order, arc 1, arc 2, arc 3. On stage, act 1 would always be followed by act 2 and so on... Just like life. Even though the time was more like a circle and not like a line, humanity could only comprehend it by seeing it as a linear line.

For the monitor, it appeared like she had gone to the 3rd arc, almost to the end. If things were to be inversed now...

Gu Jun thought about it and then decided to retrieve it. Soon a yellow talisman materialized in his right hand. The power of the foundation was indescribable. ‘How do these people still retain their humanity while having access to so much power?’ He tightened his grip on the talisman and read its instructions that popped up in his mind. Then he strode back into the building. He walked very fast because through the talisman, he could feel the monitor’s scene ending. It made him panic. When he entered the room, Wu Siyu, Cai Zixuan and Uncle Dan looked over. Gu Jun raised the talisman and said, “The foundation just broke through and gave me some help. I don’t think the monitor will last any longer if we don’t do something. Try this, it should work. Uncle Dan, I need you to report this to the command central.” The 3 moved to oblige.

“Dirty-minded Yu, if I show any sign of mental exhaustion, I need you to lend me your mental power.”

“Of course.” Wu Siyu rolled up her sleeves as she stared at the talisman. “Sad that you won’t get to kiss her now.”

“I never wanted to do that in the first place, plus it would have been useless...” Gu Jun chuckled, “Am I sensing some jealousy?”

“But, it worked for me last time.”

“Our situation was different. I remembered it as quite a fond kiss.”

“Hmm, perhaps you’re right.” Wu Siyu said to herself.

“A fond kiss...” Cai Zixuan nodded and recited, “A fond kiss, and then we sever; A farewell, and then forever!”

Uncle Dan rolled his eyes. It was one thing for the couple to flirt with each other, why did you have to join in, Cai Zixuan?!

Gu Jun turned back to the mission. Holding the talisman, he walked to Wang Ruoxiang’s bedside. He focused and reached his right hand to draw on an inverse yellow sign on Ruoxiang’s forehead. One would easily think he was some kind of shaman.

But sometimes supernatural diseases required supernatural cures. At least Wu Siyu, Cai Zixuan and Uncle Dan wished that was the case here.

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