
Chapter 92 - Book-2 -7 She Fainted

When Jasmine went back to their assigned room, she didn't found the girl they were sharing the room with, anywhere.

'Must've gone to her own group of friends.' She thought before taking a quick shower. ​​

Since the air here felt nice and refreshing and the temperature wasn't very hot, she looked out of the window at the empty garden and couldn't help but feel like walking there.

Giving in to the temptation, she went down and strolled in the garden for some minutes before her feet started to ache again.

Finding a secluded spot behind a large tree, she laid down, closing her eyes as she felt the mild soothing breeze.

She has always felt a deep connection with nature and couldn't help but smile when she felt the ground below her shaking as soon as she placed her hands on it.

It was as if mother earth was inviting her in her arms and asking her to sleep peacefully.

With her closed eyes and soothing breeze, she tried to mum her mind so that she can sleep.

Her mind has always been in chaos right from she woke up six months before.

Whenever she told her grandma about it, she would always say that everyone's mind is in chaos, and she needs to control her mind. However, she always thinks that there was some problem with her mind, no matter what her grandma says.

She would hear voices in her head. Voices, that didn't belong to her but sounded strangely familiar.

She was lost in her deep thoughts, trying to concentrate on her mind when she felt someone's presence near her.

Before she could open her eyes, the person spoke,

"Enjoying the weather?"

Opening her eyes abruptly at the familiar voice, her eyes widened when she noticed Alpha king again.

"Alpha king," She said without any expression before bowing. Seeing her bow to him like that, Damien knew that there was no respect in her eyes for him.

"Why do I feel like you are not bowing out of respect but because you had to?" He asked before sitting beside her.

"Don't I? I mean, I have heard about you. You are what, a year older than me? But I have to bow down to you. Apart from that, you are a werewolf king, and I am a-" Jasmine paused in between, remembering that her grandma had forbidden her from telling anybody that she is a witch.

"-and I am not even a werewolf. So I don't really get why should I bow you. But Alpha sam and everyone says that you need to be respected, so here I am bowing to you." Jasmine shrugged without even thinking twice before speaking her mind out.

"But you don't have to bow down to me. You are right, they bow down to me because they respect me. But they don't really respect me, they respect my position. What I want is everyone to bow down to me out of pure respect, not because they had to." Damien said with a deep meaning behind his words.

He was not unknown to the rumors that are spread in the kingdom about him. However, he never refuted any of them because he knew that the more they fear, the lesser will they try to get close to him.

Jasmine looked at the person sitting beside her and couldn't help but feel his loneliness creeping into her body. It felt like it was calling her. And she was really tempted to take that loneliness away from him.

"You know, you look like someone who needs someone to take care of you. You give a lonely feeling. " Jasmine commented after a long time.

"Yeah? Maybe that's because I lost someone very precious to me. My queen." Damien said, not even understanding why was he saying such things to a girl he has met for the first time today.

"Your queen? Isn't Ms. Laila still in the palace? I heard that former Queen wanted you to marry her." Jasmine said, remembering the gossips she heard when she was coming here.

"She isn't my queen. She'll never be. My queen, she died saving my life. That's what everyone says, but I believe she is still alive somewhere." He said, looking in distance dazed.

"If you believe she is still alive, then why don't you go find her? If she died saving you, it means she loved you more than anything. Isn't it your duty to find her if you believe in your love?" Jasmine commented, gazing at him, however, when she remembered she was talking to a king, she immediately apologized.

"You don't need to apologize. You are right. Actually, I have been indeed searching for her without letting anybody know about it. But all the searches have been futile so far. It's strange why I am telling you all this when I haven't shared this thing with my closest friend." Damien said, chuckling at himself.

"That's because sometimes strangers give you the shoulder of support and security that even the close ones can't," Jasmine said before standing.

"Are you going somewhere?" Damien couldn't help but ask as it has been a long since he could share his emotions with someone, and he wasn't ready to let go of that company yet.

"Just taking a walk. My legs feel numb sitting like that."

"Then, would you mind if I walk with you?" He asked, unsure of something for the first time after soo long.

He was feeling like a teenager again today.

"Will you tell me something about your love? I like hearing love stories." She asked involuntarily, wanting to know this alpha ling more as he had captured her attention.

And it didn't help when he had the same eyes as the man from her dreams.

"Are you bargaining with your alpha king now?"

"Maybe. Maybe I am."

Laughing at her confident reply, Damien shook his head before he started telling her about how he met Victoria.

He told her how naive and innocent she was, and before the time she knew she was a wolf and them werewolves, how funny she used to behave towards everything.

He told her how she has named him thunder and would tell him everything when he was in wolf form and would shy from the real person.

He told her how brave she was and though she was insecure regarding her love for him, she never took shit from anyone.

"And there was the time when I was being throned, and Laila had to stand by my side because everyone thought I hadn't found my mate and even I thought that Victoria had left me. That day, she had made a great entry and announced herself as my mate.

Though she never changed in her wolf in front of me, I always knew that she had a wolf and it was indeed true. She was a legendary wolf named Carla." Damien said, engrossed in his memories while walking forward.

Seeing that he wasn't getting any response from Jasmine anymore, he looked to his side before his eyes widened in shock when he saw her lying on the ground unconscious at some distance.

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