
Chapter 274 - Not Going According To The Plan?

Kai leaped to the ground after confirming the spider\'s death and fell on his butt.

"Sir Kai, Congratulations!" Jacob smiled.

"It\'s thanks to everyone. Besides, my teacher did the most damage to this spider. If not because of that arrow that brought this spider to a half-dead state, it would be hard to win." Kai sighed.

"Tasha. Can you get Miss Via to this place? We can\'t delay much longer because the battlefield is a bit concerning…" Kai glanced at Tasha, who just teleported next to him. "She should be waiting in the east of this town."

"You are overworking yourself." Tasha let out a long sigh but still went to get Via.

Ria Ross also landed beside him after leaping through a few buildings. She looked at her own mess first. It was truly a spectacle to behold.

A crater with a one-hundred meters radius was made just because of an arrow. It had a depth of thirty meters to boot. To influence the landscape like that, it couldn\'t be done by someone other than his own teacher, Ria Ross.

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher."

"No. I was sitting outside the battle this whole time and used half of my magic power to give a killing blow. I was useless compared to you." Ria Ross shook her head.

"Ahaha… You are still amazing. Anyway, we need to launch our plan right away." Kai then glanced in another direction where Tasha brought Via perfectly timed with his glance. "Miss Via… I am sure you know what to do, right?"

As one would expect, for a new person coming here, their breath would be taken away by the giant spider\'s body. Via gasped before changing her focus on Kai. "Ye-yes. What should I do?"

"Give the signal to everyone to gather here."

"I understand." Via nodded and raised her hand. She made a small projection that could only be visible to the people around the area.

Kai closed his eyes for a bit, listening to everyone\'s footsteps. Some of them were still fighting the magical beasts but immediately left it after confirming the signal.

After another minute, he opened his eyes, seeing how the people started to come. When everyone had gathered, Kai smiled. "Because we have slain the spider, we are going to the next plan. Everyone here, except Tasha, will go with my Teacher and follow her instruction."

"Do you think they are coming with that thing?" Ria Ross narrowed her eyes.

"I don\'t know. At the very least, I know that even if they bring that animal, they will station him in a place that I can\'t hear. And he will be put into the same situation as me. In other words, each of us won\'t be able to probe each other." Kai nodded.

"If that is the case… I should be able to do it. I still remember what you want me to do." Ria nodded with a solemn expression. "All soldiers are now following me. We are going to the north of this city."

"Yes, Ma\'am!" They immediately followed Ria leaving the city.

Meanwhile, Kai took another minute to rest his strength before standing up.

"I can\'t understand your plan…"

"Just look at it. I am sure you will like it." Kai smirked. "Let\'s go to the East Army, I am going to borrow two thousand soldiers from them."

"Where are we going after that?"

"South. We are going to kill that scientist." Kai smirked evilly before giving another instruction to Via. "Put a cube with D-1-P-2 on it. That\'s my signal."

"Understood." Via changed the signal and expanded it so everyone could see it.

At the same time, the signal startled everyone on the battlefield.

Whether they were enemies or allies, they would see it even if they didn\'t want to see it.

This was a secret signal that only the commanders like Nathan would understand.

In the west battlefield, Ethan already noticed the disturbance when he saw the magical beasts get disrupted by something, making their movement a bit sluggish.

\'Without a doubt, the spider has died.\' When he thought about that, he saw the signal.

"Ethan!" Jose appeared before him almost immediately. She seemed to be rushing after getting the signal.

"Oh! It seems the situation will become a mess after this." Ethan smirked.

"I believe so… Anyway, I will be separating my soldiers into three parts."

"Yeah. Kai will need two thousand to kill that scientist. And we should start watching our backs because the situation on the east battlefield didn\'t go so well." Ethan nodded. "Five thousand soldiers, that\'s the maximum you can use to intercept if the army on the east battlefield got broken through."

"Alright. I will do my best to prevent them from ruining our formation." Jose nodded with a solemn expression. However, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes as she looked at the blue sky and muttered. "Besides, he… Never mind."

Ethan glanced at her and smirked.

On the other hand, Paolo\'s army also didn\'t do any better. Although they were able to lock the battle into a stalemate, Paolo was frustrated by the fact that he couldn\'t kill these two bastards.

\'Their power is too crazy even for me. If they are alone, I won\'t have any problem, but their movements are completely those who are used to fighting together. It seems they are a twin or something… Never mind, I can\'t recognize their animal face because of that blood.\' Paolo shrugged before he saw the huge signal in the sky.

He opened his eyes wide for a few seconds and grinned. The enemies were also startled by such a signal, but the professor immediately shouted. "Don\'t worry about that signal. It was coming from Graham Family\'s Via. It was harmless!"

The twins in front of Paolo heard it and started attacking him again. At the same time, Paolo grinned and shouted to his wife.

"Erica! Prepare for an interception!"

"Understood!" Erica nodded. "Five thousand soldiers. Follow me. We are going around!"

Erica led the army from the front. She was originally stationed behind Paolo as a reserve army, so her army was still energetic. In fact, the reason Paolo couldn\'t destroy the professor\'s magical beast army was that he only used five thousand soldiers.

The reason he reserved these five thousand soldiers was for this.

The soldiers looped around their left flank and struck the magical beasts from the left.

"Crush them! Make sure they understand the power of our army."

"Yes, Ma\'am!" The soldiers shouted, began their killing spree from the left side.

"What?!" The professor was dumbfounded, realizing that his own army started collapsing.

At the same time, the one who had it worse was Nathan\'s army.

"General… The situation is not looking good. Although the right-wing has the ability to stop them, they are getting suppressed by the enemies. The same as them, the left-wing almost got broken through. Around one thousand soldiers have been killed in that area…"

"One thousand soldiers?" Nathan narrowed his eyes.

"Ye-yes!" The man was scared because he thought Nathan was angry.

Yet, a smile suddenly appeared the moment the signal arrived. He looked at the content and laughed out loud. "Hahaha!"

"General? Do you know what that signal is?"

"That\'s the signal of our counter-attack!" Nathan paused for a moment, making everyone curious. He then commanded. "Tell Nadia and Ardus to proceed to plan D! They will understand what I mean."

"Ye-yes! Right at this instant." The man repeatedly nodded before informing the two wings.

"And inform that Isabelle Fisher to proceed with our next plan!" Nathan shouted.

The group began working their ass off because the battle reached the climax.

On the left-wing, Nadia saw the information sent by the change of the flag. The color of the flag was changed from white to blue, so she thought. \'It\'s plan D, huh… This is going to be interesting!\'

Nadia investigated her army\'s condition and realized she only lost around one thousand.

She smirked as if she had been waiting for this moment and shouted. "All soldiers! It\'s time to make a counter-attack. We are going to shift to typhoon formation! Make sure the back holds out!"

The moment they heard the order, the people started going around, creating something like a 2D typhoon. The soldiers were circling around the area, trapping the magical beasts inside them. With the Marlin Fish led his army in front, he got trapped inside this place, watching how his magical beasts got slaughtered from behind.

However, he only smiled as he immediately noticed a fatal flaw in this formation.

"Follow me!" He commanded the magical beasts and kept charging according to the original direction. He penetrated the ranks with speed faster than everyone\'s expectation, and before long, he arrived in the tail of the formation.


"Gyaa!" The soldiers screamed out of pain. They were the last line of defense that trapped him inside that dangerous formation. Yet, the moment he broke through, even with only half of his original number, he could change the tide of this battle.

"Hahaha! I have broken through!" He roared.

"What?!" Nadia opened her mouth in shock as if she didn\'t believe it just happened. She had underestimated the power of the protector along with its magical beasts.

Just like her, Ardus\'s army was also holding ten thousand magical beasts. The moment he got the signal from the main army, he immediately shifted the formation. The soldiers suddenly split into two, leaving only the back army to be the wall that blocked the enemies from breaking through.

If one looked from above, the formation looked like a \'U\'. And those two vertical lines suddenly pressed the enemies like a sandwich.

Unsi narrowed his eyes and checked the entire formation. Suddenly, he realized the weak point of the formation.

"Keep charging forward." He commanded it as well. Because of the sudden shift of the formation, the soldiers on the back didn\'t have enough time to prepare themselves, resulting in them being the weakest link of their formation.

That was why the moment the magical beasts struck them, they immediately broke through the army and headed toward Paolo\'s army.

"Good. It\'s time to obliterate these humans!"

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