
Chapter 455

Chapter 455

A few people had just finished their breakfast when the matter came.

YanXu didn\'t get Tang Shi into the awakening army. The awakening army had its own tasks, and the judges had their own things to do. Compared with the big scuffle of the awakening army, Tang Shi preferred to fight alone, but he could turn around and run. He didn\'t have to worry about this, pull that one, think about it, or the trial would be more suitable for him.

Now the whole blue crystal city is under the command of Yan Family in Yanlai city. Naturally, what the Tang Dynasty wanted to do will no longer be restricted by the president, nor by the frost City trial.

After discussing with YanXu in the Tang Dynasty, they decided to find out the location of the orcs first. The place where they had agreed to meet was destroyed, and they didn\'t see any trace of the orcs. If they didn\'t take the initiative to find it, it would inevitably make the orcs misunderstand that they would turn back. If the night elves took the opportunity to provoke the orcs to fight, the problem would be troublesome.

Outside of Wanyang City, there are many foreign tribes in the foreign regions. Fortunately, there are no orcs and light elves. This is probably the best news at present.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took the initiative to find the beast spirit people, and decided to take Qin lie and Zhan Rong together.

ASA will stay to take care of longmian. He will not leave his residence these two days.

YanXu receives the second uncle\'s task, and asks the awakening army of blue crystal city to rush to the north of Huazun region immediately to resist the foreign allied forces attacked from the north.

It\'s not only the blue crystal city that will be dispatched this time. Frost city and Luochuan city will send people to each gathering place. Ten thousand awakening troops will be sent to each gathering place, and three gathering places will form a total of thirty thousand troops to destroy the front lines of the foreign allied forces in the North. They must not be allowed to attack from the north.

There are still many gathering places in Huazun area that have not retreated into the five gathering places. As long as the defense line is broken by those foreign allied forces, the wolves will undoubtedly enter the sheep pen, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Huaxia city is the closest to the northern front, and it is also the most powerful force to intercept the foreign allied forces. If we send them there, we will have a good chance of winning.

This time, the three gathering places sent out all the attached awakening troops, led by the big leaders, who attached great importance to this operation. That Yan Xu just came back the next day, will take this task, go to the front.

Tang Shi thought, "we\'ll come with you and give us a ride by the way."

In the Tang Dynasty, there was almost no need to think about it. I also knew that YanXu would use the mechanical walking colossus to drive to the battlefield. It was so fast, convenient and labor-saving that I could take a "free ride". Why not? Qin lie and Zhan Rong have no problem. They just follow the way in Tang Dynasty.

Both of them don\'t have yuanneng now. They can\'t activate the mount card. They have to follow Tang Shi.

Yan Xu didn\'t refuse, just he also wanted to let Tang follow, so decided.

Once they leave, they should not come back in a short time. They will not retreat until this battle is over.

The order of Huaxia city to dispatch troops has been issued, and all the awakening troops are busy, counting the number, waiting for the time of departure.

The awakening army headquarters in Blue Crystal City, without the big leader, all things are decided by the three deputy leaders. The deployment was decided by the above. They had no right to question it, so they had to obey it. In addition, they also received an order from Yanlai City, saying that the leader of the blue crystal city was the big leader himself.

This makes the three deputy leaders puzzled. The news of YanXu\'s return hasn\'t been announced yet. They don\'t know that the big leader has come back. Yanlai city\'s order is to let the big leader of bluecrystal city lead the team by themselves. They think Yanlai city will bring them a new big leader, which worries them very much.

Feng Xi sighed: "up to now, the reason why blue crystal city can attach itself to Yanlai city so easily is because of the face of the big leader. How can we say that we are also the old part of the big leader. The military situation is urgent. It\'s not impossible to temporarily transfer us to the big leader. I\'m afraid that if we don\'t leave after the transfer, it\'s a trouble."

Zhao Yu tone tough, "yanlaicheng since accept us, is to see in the big leader\'s face, certainly won\'t give us to others to lead, I believe YanXu big leader, certainly will be our big leader, others, can\'t replace."

Zuo Jingyi didn\'t answer, but was thinking about another thing.

So far, Yanlai city has only accepted the two gathering places of bluecrystal city and yaoyu city. Other gathering places want to be attached to them, but they are all rejected. Then they all go to Shuanghua city and Luochuan city. These two gathering places have something to do with Yanlai City, otherwise Yanlai city will not accept them so easily.

Before the mission, the awakening army of yaoyu city was dispatched. They have been concentrating on the construction of Huaxia city. The main reason is that they have to postpone the construction because of the absence of the big leader.

Now suddenly, it\'s said that if we want them to send troops, we have to be led by the big leader himself. If we are not familiar with the big leader of their army, it\'s impossible to mobilize them. Since Yanlai city has given this order, there is only one possibility - YanXu may come back!

Just, think of this, only left crystal art a person, she just guess, also not very sure.

After pondering, she said in a voice: "dispatch troops, don\'t delay the military order."

Say, left crystal art takes the lead to get up to go out, no matter how, need to quickly Yanlai city to ten thousand awakening army point together.By the time YanXu arrived at the gate of Huaxia City, all 30000 people had gathered. In front of the other 20000 awakening troops, there were big leaders of their own teams. Only in front of the awakening troops of bluecrystal City, there were three deputy big leaders, but the big leaders were not there.

The mechanical Dragon flew all the way to the gate of the city.

YanXu was a big leader in military uniform. In the Tang Dynasty, he was wearing the most popular long clothes of awakeners. The materials were all taken from the mutant animals, which had a certain defensive effect. The style of the clothes was very gorgeous, and the image of a proper noble childe was also very expensive. People who could wear such long clothes were either well-known or rich local tyrants. On a whim in the Tang Dynasty, he turned over the clothes he had bought in Shuanghua City, which was very eye-catching.

Qin lie and Zhan Rong are the main foil. They all wear black cloaks and wrap themselves up tightly. They don\'t even show their faces. YanXu is also wearing a military uniform, so only the clothes of Tang Dynasty are the most conspicuous.

When the four of them appeared at the gate of the city, they immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

The three deputy leaders of blue crystal city are even more excited. Zuo Jingyi had guessed before, but he is excited at the moment, but he can keep the basic calm. It is Feng Xi and Zhao Yu, the other two deputy leaders, who are excited and run directly to YanXu and salute him.

YanXu stops, returns a gift at will, and goes on.

Feng Xi and Zhao Yu smile and walk forward behind YanXu. They never dream that the big leader sent by Yanlai city would be YanXu. They thought Yanlai city would send a temporary big leader to lead the team. Unexpectedly, YanXu came back!

Left crystal art a pair of beautiful eyes straight stare at Yan Xu, know he approaches, just respect a gift.

"Big leader, we\'ve been waiting for you for a long time." Zuo Jingyi\'s voice does not take any woman\'s unique soft, but appears upright and resolute.

Yan Xu "well" a, "hard three."

The three deputy leaders solemnly salute YanXu for what happened before. Now, after the rain, the leader comes back.

The situation here naturally attracted the other two big leaders. When they came a long way, they heard the laughter of "ha ha".

Tang Shi turned his face and looked at it. He couldn\'t help laughing. Unexpectedly, they were all acquaintances.

The middle-aged man who was the first to laugh was Lu\'an, the leader of Xianglong city!

In such a big disaster, Lu an was lucky to be able to retreat completely. The old knowledge of life and death suddenly appeared in front of him. How could Tang Shi and others not be happy?

The other one is also their acquaintance, who is also from Xianglong city. In addition to YanXu and longmian, the third one who passed the examination of the big leader is Zhang Yu, who was also one of the team members who escorted the researchers to Shuanghua city at that time.

Zhang Yu is not good at words. Seeing that he is all acquaintances, and what happened before Yan Xu, he has to come to say hello.

Lu an is forthright and straightforward. He takes Yan Xu up and down and says with a smile: "no matter how noisy it is outside, you are still you, just like what you saw in Xianglong city at the beginning. It hasn\'t changed at all!"

Yan Xu had no extra expression, but his eyes were very soft. He said, "you are the same. Hu Zha is still very personality."

Lu an a listen, serious Yan Xu, unexpectedly also can joke, can\'t help laughing.

"This time, we can finally see your real strength." Speaking of this, Lu an can\'t help but feel excited and can\'t help licking his mouth. His worship of the strong has not changed so far. People who can make him admire Lu an come over with a smack, among them there is Yan Xu.

Of course, there are rumors from the outside world. If you can really meet him, of course, he wants to see the strength of YanXu with his own eyes. He can\'t wait.

Yan Xu nodded, indicating that he would try his best.

When his eyes moved to Zhang Yu, he nodded.

Yan Xu nodded back.

After several people said hello, Lu an and Zhang Yu looked at the Tang Dynasty The two black cloaks around them are really too different. The habit of hiding one\'s head and showing one\'s tail makes people think of the devil attendants, so even the two of them can\'t help looking at the two black cloaks.

In the Tang Dynasty, they could only smile bitterly. If Qin lie and Zhan Rong were allowed to appear in public on such an occasion, they did not know what kind of reaction they would have. It would be troublesome for them to hide.

Yan Xu didn\'t talk much nonsense and asked directly, "how are you going to get there, two big leaders?"

"If you have a mount card, you don\'t have a mount card." This is the simplest way. Originally, there was a car to take the place of, but if you want to keep the team in order, the places they passed may not be flat enough for cars to drive by. It\'s troublesome. You can only use this stupid method.

However, from the end of the world to the present, there are many mount cards. Although flying mount is limited, there are many land mount. These awakened soldiers are selected and basically have mount cards in their hands, whether they are artificial mechanical mount or biological mount, as long as they can walk.We can imagine what a spectacular scene it would be when so many mounts were working together. However, the military situation could not tolerate them to go on their way slowly. They had to go there as soon as possible.

Yan Xu said: "I have better means of transportation. I don\'t know what you two think?"

Yan Xu said, has put out the mechanical walking Colossus, suddenly appear of the behemoth, the city gate of all people are shocked.

Such a huge mechanical giant, let alone tens of thousands of people, it is estimated that tens of thousands is not a problem!

Lu an and Zhang Yu watched for a long time, Lu an suddenly said with a smile: "it\'s really Yan Xu. Just came back and made such a big surprise. It\'s a sharp tool for travel!"

Yan Xu see two people are very satisfied, said: "in this case, let\'s go."

YanXu first on the mechanical walking Colossus, put down the ladder, let all the soldiers line up.

During this period, YanXu called Feng Xi over and asked him to go to the awakening soldiers in bluecrystal city to select 100 strong soldiers. He wanted to train some people who specialized in the mechanical walking colossus. Otherwise, he had to teach them again every time he changed people. He didn\'t have much time to waste on this matter, but obviously, the mechanical walking colossus might be used frequently in the future By now, these people can be fixed.

Feng Xi took the order to go. After everyone went to the mechanical walking Colossus, Feng Xi also came back, followed by the 100 people he selected.

Yan Xu looked, did not say anything, let them go up, to wait in the operation room.

A hundred people took orders and walked up the ladder in a neat line.

Finally, the three leaders, Tang Shi, Qin lie and Zhan Rong, surrounded by many people on the defensive wall, the city gate and the city gate. In fact, even in the gathering place, such a huge object can be seen from a distance. It\'s too big and the target is too obvious to be seen.

Those awakened people around are very excited. Such a big guy belongs to their gathering place, which means that the security of the gathering place has been improved again. How can we not be excited? Not exciting?

YanXu didn\'t know, almost all of Huaxia city\'s gathering places came out of the house. Looking at the big guy from a distance, they were shocked and kept asking the people around them what was going on. The superior sent people directly to the city gate to ask about the situation. After the report, their expressions were very subtle.

At the same time, the news of YanXu\'s return spread in Huaxia city.

YanXu was patient, and he handed over how to operate the robot walking colossus to 100 people selected from his soldiers. In the future, this operation room will be their work place. As long as they use the robot walking colossus to drive it, it is their work.

When they learned that they would control such a huge mechanical giant, they were very excited. With such a powerful weapon, they had the opportunity to control it by themselves, which was much more powerful than controlling their own cards. It was so face saving!

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