
Chapter 468

Chapter 468

In the Tang Dynasty, he controlled the mechanical dragon and flew to the other side where there was no fog. YanXu didn't remove the barrier pillar. A spherical defensive barrier surrounded the mechanical dragon all the time, completely enveloping the mechanical dragon and the four people on its back in the barrier and flying quickly towards the distance.

The flying speed and altitude of the mechanical dragon can't be compared with that of the "beetle", but now, their most satisfactory aircraft has been destroyed, and the time is getting less and less. If you fly to the King City of the gruer domain with a mount, you don't have to do anything there, and the space law of the whole Terran domain has completely collapsed.

In Tang Dynasty, he thought about it and finally decided to buy another "beetle"!

If time goes by, everything will be over. Now is not the time to save money and energy!

The new "beetle" appeared in the hands of the Tang Dynasty. Before the white fog spread here, the Tang Dynasty asked YanXu to put away the border God pillar, and the mechanical man dragon landed. The nearby area was still within the scope of the battle between the two creatures, and no other exotic animals appeared nearby.

In the Tang Dynasty, the "beetle" was activated, and a brand-new aircraft appeared in front of a few people. Not to say much, just like the first time, a few people quickly got on the beetle through the oral passage.

In the operation room, Tang filled the slot with energy cards one by one, then started and flew.

This time, he won't fly at a lower altitude. The closer he is to the ground, the greater the danger. The flying mount can't fly so high, and only the "beetle" can fly so high. Even so, it is not absolutely safe. If they encounter flying beasts, they will be in great trouble.

After all this, the beetle flew up into the sky, disappeared in the clouds, and began to fly in parallel. A few people were greatly relieved.

It's just that everyone's face is very ugly. They didn't go deep into the territoriality of tiris. They were attacked by such powerful creatures. It's almost unthinkable that there are no living people in the whole territoriality of tiris, and they have been completely occupied by foreign animals.

They can't figure out what's going on, how can creatures outside the aranka mountains appear in the Terran realm?

Even before they left the Terran realm, they opened the barrier with the blood of YanXu. Even if the blood of hundreds of ancient peoples could be used as a "pass order", it did not mean that those creatures could cross the aranka mountains and enter the Terran realm.

They sat in the small living room, did not speak, now the situation is very not optimistic, the law of space here has broken, just like a piece of ice, as long as there is a crack, the crack will be bigger and bigger, until finally, the whole ice completely smashed!

Tang Shi sat on the carpet, leaned back against the sofa, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and suddenly laughed, "I don't believe it if it's not written by odafar."

Qin lie murmured, "I don't believe it either."

"For various reasons, remove all the awakened people in the gathering place, and the rest are just waiting to feed the beasts." Zhan Rong said coldly.

That's what audafar wants most, isn't it?

It seems that they were all wrong before. Originally, they thought that odafar concentrated his forces to attack Huazun because YanXu was in Huazun and Hogarth's bone burial place was in Huazun. So he couldn't tolerate Huazun. He would first attack Huazun, and then slowly clean up the other three areas at his disposal.

Now think about it, where is it? He's doing it in all directions!

Needless to say, there is no such realm now. It has been completely occupied by other animals. There is no living one to see. No one will come here any more.

However, after the territoriality of tiris, is it the turn of gruer? They are attacked only a few days away from the gruel territory. It is estimated that in a short time, those exotic animals from outside will be able to kill in the gruel territory. At that time, those gathering places with no resistance ability will only become the food of exotic animals.

What a vicious plan!

There are still no clue about the disappearing awakening troops in the gruer region. There are so many people and so many strong people. It should not be said that they will disappear if they disappear. Now they are gone. I'm afraid they are in danger.

The awakening army of the three domains killed people in huazunyu. They obeyed orders and commands, made contributions to their own domains, and made war contributions. They left all their family and friends in the gathering place. What happened? They left, leaving those old and young sick and disabled, the final result, will only be the mouth of the beast.

In this way, the plan to destroy the Terran may really come true. After all, the Tirith domain no longer exists, and all the people in it are gone.

The next is the gruer domain, followed by the tahama domain and the Huazun domain, which are pushed forward layer by layer. In the end, even if the Huazun domain still retains its fighting power, can it restore this doomsday situation?

It's totally impossible. In the face of those creatures outside, even a few of them have to run for their lives. Who in huazunyu can resist the attack of these creatures?

They are not the saviors. They can't save everyone, and they don't want to save the hateful Outlands. However, knowing such a cruel thing, they are still very sad. They feel sad for the same people!They are still waiting for the return of their families, waiting for the high-level deployment of the awakening army to garrison their gathering place, but they do not know that the significance of their existence is just to lead the outside creatures into the food of the gruer region.

The meaning of their existence is to be eaten.

In the Tang Dynasty, even after two generations, in the face of this fact, the mood still fluctuated greatly, let alone Qin lie and Zhan Rong.

The two of them, pale and silent, sat down on the sofa.

Only YanXu's eyes were still firm. Seeing their dejected appearance, he said, "it's enough to save what we can."

Yes, Huazun domain is being invaded by the Allied forces of the three domains, and many people have been killed. They killed the soldiers and ordinary people in Huazun. They killed, burned and destroyed all the places they passed. What's their pity? They won't die. It's estimated that Hua Zunyu will die in the end.

Now, their main purpose is to find ASA and longmian, kill odafar, and then rush back to Huazun to make final preparations for that day.

This time, they did not stop. According to the ancient map of Jiuhuang, the beetle flew straight to the King City.

On the other hand, ASA and longmian have already arrived at the King City of gruer, and successfully mixed into the city.

Asaben was a man of the Golmud, and his appearance and language told all.

Long Mian wrapped himself up tightly. When he was examined by the awakening army at the gate of the city, he pulled down his hood and untied the black cloth around his face. After staring at longmian for a long time and asking for relevant information, ASA's answer was perfect, so that the awakening army could not find any mistakes and could only let them in.

Now all the blood awakeners in Huazun realm are summoned away by leaders with high blood purity, so it's not surprising to see the people in Huazun realm in gruer realm. However, only if the blood awakeners are not suspected, otherwise, they will be arrested immediately.

ASAR's identity to longmian is also a blood awakener, and he will guarantee that there will be no problem.

The awakening army of the inspection didn't trust ASA at all. ASA casually mentioned the name of the commander of the awakening army, which scared the door guards of the inspection. Seeing ASA's bearing, he knew that his identity was not simple and he didn't dare to neglect. He quickly let people in. After ASA entered the city, he didn't go back to ASA's family directly. Odafar hated him to the bone. He was not here Some days, I don't know how to deal with the ASA family. It's estimated that when he comes home, he will be surrounded by the awakening army.

Maybe it can lead odafar to us. If so, it's best. I'm afraid that they will be caught, but they won't see odafar. ASA won't do such a loss making business. After entering the gruer domain, all the actions are very good for ASA. Longmian just follows him and doesn't tell him what to do.

Compared with the desolation of other gathering places, Wangcheng is very busy, full of traffic and people. ASA casually found a hotel to stay, and he used the unique contact information of ASA family to leave a signal to the servants of ASA family in the king's city, asking them to wait for him at the designated place.

In this way, ASA and longmian went to the king's city hand in hand when they were all right. ASA didn't realize that he was just hanging around in the street. He also covered up for himself, for nothing else. He was afraid that he didn't find odafar, but let odafar find him first.

A few days later, ASA took longmian to a place. He walked around for a long time in a box and entered a shabby watch shop. The shop has a small front and old decoration. Obviously, it has existed for many years.

When they entered, on the counter stood a bearded man with a brown beard, a cloth hat and a pair of presbyopic glasses. He was 50 or 60 years old, with a beer belly, and was repairing his watch with a screwdriver.

Hearing the footsteps, he just raised his eyelids and continued to repair the watch, just like he didn't see them.

ASA stood in the shop and looked around. There were no other guests, just the three of them.

ASA then went to the counter and looked at Dahu mending his watch.

Bearded raised his eyelids again and looked at him, "but what about the watch? Now the watch line can be completely replaced by the bakery. I can't fill my stomach with the most expensive watch. I think I can make more money by opening a bakery than a watch shop. I can really consider changing the industry. "

It's really strange that people still open this kind of shop. It's cold and dusty everywhere.

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