
Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Tang Shiyou said: "according to the interest of 10 yuan per thousand yuan per day, I will lend you 7000 pieces of magic crystal, 1000 yuan per army, fair treatment. If you can come back as soon as possible, the interest will be less. If you don\'t return later, more than half a year, the interest will double. If my mechanical dragon is damaged, you should be responsible for compensation."

All the people were shocked and speechless. This mother is more terrible than usury.

If you only charge interest for one moonlight, 2100 pieces of magic crystal will be paid. Half a year later, the interest will be doubled. What a bitch Huge profits!

Looking at their ugly faces, Tang Shi said: "if it\'s too expensive, you can choose not to borrow it. My mechanical dragon is a treasure."

ASA looked at the other three and saw that they were all hesitant. He was obviously frightened by the number.

Finally, ASA clenched his teeth and made a decision, "borrow! It\'s a big deal. Just grab a little more. "

"Good! Have a good time! Jin Jue, prepare the IOU, let them sign and press their fingerprints, dare to default, and chase them to the ends of the earth. "

In the Tang Dynasty, the extra 3000 pieces of magic crystal stones were taken away with a wave of a bold hand, and the rest were distributed by themselves.

Qin lie, long Mian and Yan Xing, who had been in debt for two months in the moon god forest, were already mad.

The size of a giant mechanical dragon is very large. As long as there is enough energy, there is no problem for a giant mechanical dragon to carry hundreds of people behind it. In addition, the flying beast Qin lie captured is not the largest, but it is not small. The smallest one can carry several people at the same time, and the big one can even carry dozens of people at the same time.

In the last month, all the people made joint efforts to capture some flying beasts. By the time of the expedition, there were more than 30000 people, but none of them needed to walk or ride on land beasts. All of them could ride on flying beasts.

On the day when the army set out, it was the best time for all things to recover.

Yan Xu and Tang Dynasty led the people to see them off outside the main gate of Xia City.

Needless to say, the leaders of the seven armies, red eyed one by one, with their own soldiers, flew in the direction of their respective responsibilities.

While flying, you can hear their shouts.

"Brothers! Come with me! All for the magic crystal --! "

"Brothers! When you see the magic crystal stone, you can\'t let go of any of them. Even if you can\'t see them, you should find them for me -- "

"Magic crystal is our main purpose this time! Capture the city next! It\'s all for the magic crystal stone - "

a group of confidential officials standing in front of the city gate to see them off heard their excited shouts. They were all in a frenzy of cold sweat. They all secretly looked at the head of state and his wife. Seeing that they were calm and smiling all the time, his wife seemed to be in a good mood.

An official said in a trembling voice: "husband, husband Mr. Tang, aren\'t they going to attack some first-class cities? "

After a long time, the official didn\'t dare to call his wife out, so he had to change to "Mr. Tang".

"Yes." Tang Shi was in a good mood. He had already seen the rolling magic crystal. It was a good thing. As long as there were enough magic crystal, he could buy the whole Tianluo continent.

"But, but their goal seems to be There seems to be a mistake... " One by one, they are clamoring for the magic crystal stone. Shouldn\'t they cheer up the army and seize the city?

Tang said with a smile: "attack the city, find magic crystal, what a relaxed and comfortable thing."

A group of officials

When the soldiers left, the life of Xiacheng was as usual, and there was no change because of their departure, even no one was nervous. From the comfortable look of the head of state and his wife on the day of seeing them off, we can see that the battle was not enough to be afraid, and there was no suspense at all.

Everyone knows that it is more than enough for them to deal with those first-class cities with the strength of Xia City.

In particular, after the Tang Dynasty assigned those magic crystal stones to the former awakened warriors, they could draw energy from them, which made each of them excited. Once the power came back, they were no longer useless, they were still powerful warriors.

Although they were not elected in this war, sooner or later they will also welcome their own battlefield. Now what they have to do is to guard their own city and wait for those heroes to return in triumph.

Just a month later, the news of victory came back. The seven armies almost won seven first-class cities at the same time. They were heading for lesothe.

When receiving the war report, YanXu just took a look and didn\'t speak.

When the Tang Dynasty finished reading the war reports, it was a waste of resources, because from these war reports, there was no need to send so many people. When they saw their troops in the past, even two cities fell without fighting, they were directly frightened by the huge mechanical dragon, didn\'t want to fight, and surrendered directly.

The other three cities went out of the city only twice to meet each other. They realized that there was a great disparity in strength and did not resist for long, so they surrendered directly.Only the last two cities are tough. They are Louis city that ASA met and Carter city that Yanxing met. They fought to death and sent cavalry to lesothe city and Ghana city for help. Obviously, these two first-class cities should be vassal cities of lesothe city and Ghana city. That\'s why the resistance is so fierce.

However, in the face of absolute power, any resistance is futile. Before the cavalry for help arrived in Lesotho and Ghana, the cities of Louis and Carter had been occupied, and even the city gate was burnt to coke by the mechanical dragon.

Asaph was a great master. He had terrible strength and dared to resist him. He absolutely had to bear the consequences of his anger.

ASA did not keep his hand. He directly used the magic to lead the thunder and killed an enemy.

The city of Louis was really defeated. More than half of the generals were killed in the war, and they had to surrender when they were dying. They had to save their lives and wait for the rescue.

Unfortunately, ASA was not a soft hearted man. After the surrender of Louis, he did not leave the city master like other cities.

ASA directly killed the city leader and imprisoned all his bodyguards and ministers, which made him even empty his last dream. However, Yanxing was not as cruel as ASA. He just imprisoned all the prisoners, leaving 1500 people and a mechanical dragon to guard Carter city in case of problems.

The Tang Dynasty had no objection to their way of dealing with the city. They were responsible for the city. How to deal with it was up to them, as long as they could keep the city safe.

Yan Xu obviously thinks so.

This time, he sent Qin lie, long Mian and Yan Xing to train them. They can\'t stay in Xia City all the time. Xia City can\'t hold so many experts. Their position is the whole Tianluo continent.

Not surprisingly, the campaign went very smoothly.

It was another month, and the news of the fall of Lesotho came back. However, after counting the magic crystal stones, they thought that the number was still too small. They didn\'t think much about it. So they thought that if they came out, they couldn\'t go for nothing, so they pushed the front forward.

This time, it\'s not a single army battle, but a joint effort of the seven armies. No one dares to fight where they pass. They advance all the way and subdue the city all the way.

One by one, Xia Cheng responded in time. After the first one came back, YanXu sent soldiers to the cities that had been defeated.

Until half a year later, they attacked more than 20 large and small cities, including 6 secondary cities, 3 tertiary cities, 1 tertiary City, and the rest were primary cities.

In just half a year, the power of Xiacheng has expanded dozens of times.

Seeing that they haven\'t come back yet, YanXu can only issue an order to let them guard the existing city and not occupy it any more.

It\'s embarrassing to say that they have such strength, but Xiacheng doesn\'t have so many available manpower. If there is no credible person to guard the attacked City, I\'m afraid it won\'t be safe. Before consolidating the existing forces, YanXu doesn\'t plan to fight any more easily. At this juncture, Yanjing doesn\'t understand the request to withdraw troops. He calls YanXu and asks The situation is clear.

Yan Jing said bluntly: "now, the whole northern part of Tianluo mainland has almost been completely occupied by us, only two four level cities are left, so we can unify the north. Even if the front line is too long and the rear supply is insufficient, we are sure to take down the two cities in one go, and then slowly repair them. Now the armistice is undoubtedly an opportunity for them to breathe In case the two cities join hands to deal with us, it will also be a trouble. "

"How do you know they don\'t join hands now?"

After all, this push type war has lasted for half a year. The leader of the seven armies is so famous that many cities are frightened by the wind. Seeing that the cities are attacked by them, YanXu doesn\'t believe that the two level four cities have not joined hands, unless they have arrogantly believed that they can deal with the seven armies with the strength of their single city.

"If they join hands, they should be eradicated, so that the north can be peaceful." Yanjing insisted.

"I know it\'s going to be a matter of time, but not now." Yan Xu sighed: "how are the casualties over there?"

"There were 137 dead, 469 seriously injured and over a thousand lightly injured." It\'s very worthwhile for YanXu to nod his head at such a cost and achieve such a great achievement. It\'s impossible for the war to last forever. It\'s very good to control the damage to this extent. He\'s very satisfied.

He also knows that the present damage must be due to the holy light beads given by the Tang Dynasty, which is equivalent to the soldiers\' second life. In this way, 137 people can still be killed. It only means that their holy light beads have been used up, or even the holy light beads of their comrades have been contributed, so that some people will die.

"You need to rectify first, and wait until all the materials are in place..."


Just then, a loud noise shook the whole summer city!

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