
Chapter 491 - Reaching An Understanding

Kai looked at the bird in silence before narrowing his eyes, finding something was wrong with the bird.

The wolf also noticed it and said, "(Damn, you. You don\'t even recognize me?)"

The eagle finally came to his senses before looking at the wolf with a frown. "(What are you doing here? This is my territory.)"

"(I know. I\'m here to guide a person to see you.)" The wolf shook his head and glanced at Kai.

The eagle then turned to Kai, finding he was a human. The eagle became a bit agitated as he asked, "(Why would a human trespass my territory? Since you want death, I will give you.)"

"(He is no ordinary human. He is a King.)" The wolf stopped him before any fight started, not wanting the eagle to die.

Kai, on the other hand, noticed something inside the cave. The breath was weak. This creature had a small size, but he could see a similar shape to the eagle before him.

Hence, he asked, "(Do you have a problem? I can hear someone with a similar body like you inside the cave and its breath is very weak.)"

The eagle widened his eyes and opened its wing, trying to stop Kai from entering the cave as if he was hiding something.

The wolf then realized and asked, "(Your Son… Did something happen to your son?)"

"(He is fine. He is the son of the great me. There\'s no way he will die from the fall.)" The eagle let out a loud cry until its voice cracked a bit, indirectly telling both of them that he wasn\'t fine.

Kai thought for a moment and said, "(Maybe I can see him first and ask a specialist to see whether I can help or not?)"

Kai offered his help in order to gain the trust of the eagle, but the eagle rejected him immediately. "(I won\'t trust you!)"

"(He is the king.)" The wolf reminded him before helping Kai convince the eagle, "(I know that you don\'t trust anyone with that pride of yours, but isn\'t it fine just to let him see your son? It\'s good that he can help him.)"

The eagle hesitated again and glanced at Kai and the cave back and forth.

After a while, the eagle nodded its head and stepped aside.

Before entering the cave, Kai actually took out his Device, calling his Teacher instead of Evan.

"What? Do you need anything from me?"

"Actually, I would like to ask a question. Do you know anything about eagles?"

"How random… And why the heck are you even asking me that kind of question? Don\'t tell me. You can listen to magical beasts\' conversation right now… I know that your ears are abnormal, but this one is beyond ridiculous."

Kai chuckled and asked, "Can you?"

"I am not a vet. You should ask a vet for this, but since it\'s unprecedented for a human to talk to magical beasts, I guess it will bring a lot of controversy because of you. I will call my friend once and ask something necessary about it. What\'s this all about?"

"There seems to be an injured eagle, but I don\'t know the exact details."

"Okay. I will ask him first. You can check the eagle."

"Understood. Thanks." Kai hung up and asked, "Can I meet your son?"

Seeing Kai asking for his permission again even though he had stepped aside, the eagle finally stopped his attitude, knowing that Kai respected him. He then nodded. "Please."

The eagle didn\'t follow him inside even though he was still worried.

Kai smiled and thanked him before entering the cave. The light was quite dim, so he used his Device to generate more light for him to see the front.

He walked closer and closer to the eagle\'s son, which had the same appearance as its father, except for the size. Before him was a small eagle half of a human\'s size, but he realized that he was covered with blood.

There were some wounds around his wings and body.

When the eagle saw him, he became vigilant, albeit his body was too weak to even move. He simply remained laying down on the ground as he heard Kai\'s voice.

"(Don\'t worry. I won\'t hurt you. Your father is outside as well. I just want to look at your condition.)"

Knowing that his father had given him the permission as well as having no strength to fight back, the eagle dropped its guard and let Kai do whatever he wanted.

Kai then took a few photos of him and sent them to Ria Ross to be examined.

Ria Ross only gathered the information without leading the conversation to Kai meeting an eagle to protect him. At the same time, she realized that the condition was not bad at all.

After a long pause, Ria Ross asked him to bring him outside to treat him while checking whether he had an internal injury or not since she couldn\'t help him if he had one.

Kai agreed with her and asked, "(Do you mind if I bring you outside? It\'s too dark to understand everything.)"

As soon as he gave the permission, Kai gently lifted him up and carried him to the outside, surprising both the eagle and the wolf.

Before the eagle became angry, Kai had put his son down while pressing a few areas according to Ria\'s instruction.

He soon heard a series of roars echoing in the area. It was a normal reaction since he had just used his Device to call his teacher.

Since he didn\'t want anyone to bother Kai, the wolf offered himself to calm the rest.

On the contrary, Kai pressed the eagle\'s body gently while asking, "(Do you feel pain here? If you do, just blink twice."

The eagle surprisingly didn\'t blink even when Kai pressed all the areas suggested by Ria.

Knowing that the wound was just superficial, he assured the father. "(There\'s no threat from the inside. As long as we patch up the wound and let him recover for a while, I think he will be fine.)"

The eagle looked at him for a while, but Kai could feel the relief from his eyes and the sound of his heart.

Since there was nothing to wrap him, Kai tore both his sleeves and pants, leaving him with only a sleeveless shirt and short pants.

He washed them with the water he brought to barely disinfect them before slicing the clothes to a few pieces and drying them off by blowing Sound Wave to generate wind, allowing him to wrap all the wounds.

The eagle son felt excruciating pain during the whole process, but he found out that the bleeding had stopped after Kai poured water on the wound and wrapped it.

He realized that little pain was worth enduring because he could see that his son should be fine after a while.

The mighty eagle finally lowered its head and said, "(Thank you, Human King.)"

"(It\'s fine. My Teacher and another person gave a helping hand.)" Kai winked his eyes.

The wolf also returned and saw that everything had ended before turning to the eagle, revealing Kai\'s purpose. "(Eagle… He actually wanted your help to cross the ocean.)"

"(Crossing the ocean?)" The eagle furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Kai. "(I\'m sorry, Human King. Although I want to help you, I don\'t think I can fly that far. The best I can do is to cover a great distance before the needs to rest.)"

Kai then opened his map and showed him his plan. "(Actually, this is my plan. I\'m going to this big island to start the journey and land on this small one to rest for a while. After that, I can continue the journey for a while before dropping to the ocean, making my way there to avoid anyone from seeing you. But if it\'s not possible, then I will try to ask someone else or go there by myself.)"

The eagle narrowed his eyes and didn\'t really understand the map. However, he could see Kai had a plan.

"(I don\'t know much about the distance and what you\'ve shown me, but I can try to take you to the first one to judge whether I can complete the journey or not. What do you think?)"

Kai smiled and nodded. "(That would be great. The distance from this place to the edge of that island was half of every flying session, so it\'s a good way to judge it. And I really appreciate your help.)"

Seeing that the eagle and Kai had come to an agreement, the wolf said, "(I can watch over your son until you finish your trip.)"

The eagle nodded and knew that even though the wolf was not his friend or enemy, he indeed could trust him as he was a wolf of principle.

Kai\'s heart was also moved, knowing that the beasts were actually caring for each other. He then said, "(I think you should relocate from here sooner or later. If possible, go to the east as far as you can go. I don\'t think they will be able to reach that area for at least a few decades… Unfortunately, I don\'t have enough strength to stop their expansion in my current state.)"

The eagle and wolf looked at each other and nodded. The wolf replied, "(In that case, we will leave the area. It\'s not that rare to migrate from one area to another anyway. After you complete your objective of course…)"


Kai, the wolf, and the eagle felt like they had reached an understanding. Besides, both of them could ask the other beasts to follow them to the east to avoid dying.

At the same time, Kai could also clear this place from magical beasts peacefully, allowing him to produce a big result for his mission.

It was a win-win situation.

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