
Chapter 34 - Sniper

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Sleep Resistance.

Effect: Decreases the effectiveness of tiredness and spells that might induce you to sleep by one point per level.

You obtained 01 status point.

Ryan felt a little better after learning that skill, but he was still exhausted. It wouldn\'t be weird if, at some point, his body gives up completely, and he falls asleep during the next battle. Not only that, but Ryan also had to worry about his goals. His first goal was to free Daniel\'s father, and the second was to enter the goblins\' dungeon. However, how would he kill the goblins so exhausted?

"I will leave my future problems, for the future me…" Ryan said and then shook his head.

Since he wouldn\'t have time to pick the arrows one after the other from his quiver, nor did the quiver had enough space for one hundred arrows. Ryan aligned them in a straight line near the goblins\' camp. While shooting, he would be exposed, but as long as he fires them fast enough, he wouldn\'t be surrounded… possibly.

"I guess this uncertainty is the price I have to pay for not cooperating with Daniel," Ryan said and then massaged his eyebrows. "I wonder what mother would have done in this situation… she liked both of them quite a lot, so I can imagine her forgiving Daniel and Mia and even forcing me to find reasons to make me do the same."

That kind of thought was dangerous before a battle, so Ryan shook his head and then prepared himself. He was one hundred meters away from the goblins\' camp, and the only thing he could do to attract them was to use Flame Arrow and burn their fences. Unfortunately, he couldn\'t exaggerate, or he might burn the prisoners as well.

Fifty minutes after talking with Daniel, Ryan took a deep breath, and when his focus reached the peak, he fired Flame Arrow. As expected, his arrow flew in a straight line and hit the fence. A few seconds later, the whole fence was on fire. Ryan didn\'t know if it was thanks to his power or if the material they used was really that flammable. Either way that worked well for Ryan.

Some goblins appeared and then tried to extinguish the flames with some buckets of water, but they got hit by wooden arrows and then were forced to stop. It was kind of surprising that Ryan could hit enemies from so far away, but since they were close to each other, Ryan was only tried to draw their attention; he didn\'t get impressed.

You obtained four coins.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Art of Sniping.

Effect: Increases the chance of hitting targets over long distances when they are not aware of your presence by one percent per level.

You obtained 01 status point.

"A skill like Arrow Shower would really come in hand at times like this, but I can\'t get ahead of myself," Ryan said while he was quickly picking the arrows and shooting them.

You obtained four coins.

You obtained four coins.

Much to his surprise, one of every two shots were killing a goblin. Still, Ryan had to keep concentrated because the goblins finally noticed his presence and were heading toward him. He didn\'t know if that was their max speed, but they could run ten meters per second. Things would be complicated if he doesn\'t kill at least one per second, but Ryan could always burn the entire area if the worse comes to the worst.

However, it looked like Ryan wouldn\'t have to worry about that. In the distance, he saw Daniel\'s group approaching. Since they were noisy, the goblins quickly noticed them and were forced to split their forces into attacking Ryan and Daniel\'s group. Ryan didn\'t know why, but only twenty goblins headed toward him while thirty headed toward Daniel\'s group. He only noticed why when he saw that the flames were burning half of the fences of the camp. Goblins were trying everything they could to stop it.

You obtained four coins.

You obtained four coins.

Ryan suddenly received those notifications when he was nocking an arrow. His last attack didn\'t kill a goblin, so he received those coins because the fire he started killed two others.

"It is only obvious, but I guess all humanoid monsters are weak against fire," Ryan said.

Ryan didn\'t know why he was so calm, considering that ten mad goblins were running toward him, but his lack of worry only increased when his arrow hit the head of a goblin and killed the beast. It was probably because those monsters were dumb enough to run at him in a straight line, and thanks to it, he couldn\'t imagine himself missing the targets. Still, that happened two times… and when four goblins were twenty meters away from him, he was forced to use Flame Arrow and burn the grass in front of them.

Goblins grunted in pain when the grass began to burn in front of them, automatically burning their bodies. Of course, they didn\'t burn to death in just a few seconds, but Ryan bought enough time to fire four arrows and hit their heads while they were rolling on the ground.

You obtained four coins.

You obtained four coins.

You obtained four coins.

You obtained four coins.

Congratulations! The skill Accuracy has leveled up.

Concentration Lv 4 ➞ Lv 5

Effect: Increases the chance of dealing a critical hit by one percent per level.

You obtained 01 status point.

Congratulations! The skill Flame Arrow has leveled up.

Flame Arrow Lv 3 ➞ Lv 4

Effect: Summon and fire a Flame Arrow without having to use a bow. The damage caused will be (dexterity plus your intelligence) x 20%.

Cost: 05 mana

You obtained 01 status point.

"… I just hope that the prisoners managed to escape in the middle of the confusion," Ryan said while he was watching the fences of the camp falling and burning.

It looked like Ryan had gone a bit too far, so he could only pray that he didn\'t cause any death among the prisoners.

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