
Chapter 79 - Sneaking At Night

Chapter 79 - Sneaking At Night

The new night-shift guard that Johanna sent as a spy let them in after taking their identity. She parked the car in Louise's house and opened the small gate. She somehow changed the security access so she could enter and the investigator from EPUA would inform her.

The man followed her wearing a black cap like a shadow. She walked around and put her gloves on, then in the mirror, she removed the camera behind it. She somehow makes a hole behind the mirror frame so it'll see anything from the outside.

"Oh, smart. You install it?" Conrad asked.

"Yes, who else would?" She shrugged and went to the second floor as Conrad followed. She pointed behind Louise's big portrait as Conrad carefully took it out behind the portrait. Then, finally to her room.

"Even in her room?" He asked.

"Yes," She said and turned her head to Bonnie's room.

She went there directly and found a few of Bonnie's things. Louise was mean toward Bonnie but she provided her a good room, food, and clothes. She looked around and it was tidy and the bed was untouched. Bonnie wasn't sleeping at that time.

She went outside and closed the door. Conrad took out a few small cameras that she planted and gathered them. Then, finally to Louise's room where it still had that yellow tape. They were careful as they entered and she looked at the spot where Louise's body was lying. She almost saw in her head how they tortured her and killed her with the baseball bat.

She suddenly remembered how beaten Keira was when she was moved to America for her medical and therapy after the accident. She was always there for her while Keira was in a coma. And it's also the last time that she saw Henry and gave their bank accounts in America for her and Keira. That's why when they went missing, she used her money to find them and take them away but she failed until Alessandro contacted her.

She went to the four spots where she installed four cameras. She took it out carefully and made sure that she didn't move anything. Lastly, the camera in the post of the bed near the lampshade. She looked at Conrad who was standing in front of the window seat.

He peered through the window and he realized that Louise might have seen that one of the guards had been shot. With the angel, he knew that there's a sniper from one of the rooftops of the houses. He adjusted and stood on the other side where he could still peer on different angles and based on the autopsy, the guard had his back from where the sniper was.

He checked another angle on the other window where the other three died while the five had managed to hide.

"Do you want to look around?" She asked. "We had all of the access in the whole house."

"Aren't you tired?" Conrad asked as he noticed that the three died on the visible sight of the sniper since the garden on the guardhouse had lots of bushes and trees.

"I can't rest with all of these." She mumbled.

"Let's take a little trip." He said to her. "Have you found her phone?"


"I'll help you then."

Jo looked around and checked the possible way on where she could hide. But when she entered, the walk-in closet was opened and just as she was thinking, Conrad entered the walk-in closet. It was wide and as big as her bedroom. There are expensive collections of bags and shoes. She pulled out her phone and called Louise's number. It didn't ring.

Conrad was already rummaging on the shelf that was out of sight using a small flashlight. The gowns were still well but there's a trace that there's a struggle in that corner. He pushed the gowns and peeked through them. Bracelet. He reached it and lifted it.

"Are you familiar with this?" He asked and his eyes were sharp as an eagle as he spotted the phone behind the shoe box. He felt Jo taking the bracelet as he moved closer to it and reached the phone. "I found it." He lifted the phone that has a purple and black case.

"How did you find it so fast?" She asked. He stood and made sure that he didn't ruin any fingerprint on the screen. She put it on the zip lock bag and to her belt bag.

"I found traces of struggle." He mumbled. "Let's go. You look drowsy."

"I am not." She said but he gestured the way and she just realized that Conrad was right. But they will have to watch it first before they show it to the court.

"You didn't put any secret cameras here?" He asked as he looked around the walk-in closet.

"No. It's her dressing room."

The first thing that they visit is Bonnie's room and he scanned around. The bathroom, closet, and even under the bed. It was swift and they left the room and walked around the house. He then found out that they sneak easily as one would open the gate. They invade the main entrance quickly without breaking anything.

"Hmm," Conrad finally knew what happened with the footage wiped out from the house. "It's tough, but it doesn't mean that there's no camera on the post."

"Recording was also tapped." She said. "They are using a tinted glass old car. It's hard to see them inside."

"Don't worry," Conrad said as they left the house and she made sure that it was locked. They walked toward their car and Jo noticed that Conrad had this movement mannerism whenever he observed and his eyes were only scanning, moving her head like he's in the zoo admiring things.

When they entered their car, she started it and put the seatbelt on.

"So, you have a photographic memory?" She asked him.

"Uh, you can say that." He shrugged.

"Tell me what you noticed in the assistant's room."

"It's too clean." He said and yawned. "Do you want me to drive?"

"Nope." She shook her head as she drove a little fast since there are not many vehicles around. They reached the main city in less than ten minutes. When they reached the parking lot, he followed her around like a shadow with the heavy bottles on the eco-bag.

She almost felt like he didn't exist and when they reached the house, he went directly to the kitchen while she went to her room, picked her garnets from the floor, undressed, and wore her sleeping clothes. She's indeed tired, but she doesn't feel sleepy at all. She went to the kitchen and picked up the beers.

"It isn't cold yet." He said but he's been taking the ice cubes from the ice maker of the fridge.

"It doesn't matter." She opened one bottle of beer and vodka and mixed a shot of a glass of vodka in the beer.

"Is this how we are going to get to know each other?" He asked. She drank it all in one gulped as she made another.

Conrad was somehow a player in his teenage years. But, when he entered EPUA after retiring from the navy, he stopped being a playboy. Then, there's this smart amazing woman that he never met before. She had amazing skills that he never saw in anyone besides his comrades back in the EPUA.

"Let's settle in the living room. I'll give you the files and you can watch them or whatever." She headed back to her bedroom while he settled the drinks, chips, and ice in the living room. He went to his room and took his tablet and computer.

She lent the phone to him while he's gathering the fingerprint on Louise's phone. He set it aside and the woman kept on drinking while he's gathering the files. She was drinking more than he was but she watched him make a copy. It didn't take long as he gave back the SD cards of the cameras. He checked the recordings and ran it fast forward to make sure that it was working.

She yawned as she put it on her case.

"Everything is working and not corrupted. The dates are complete from the time that you install it."

"Good. You can play it now." She said and then he started playing the video from the first one and set the time.

"One female and three-man." He mumbled and they broke the vase and a few things on their way. He played the videos at the same time and he watched as Louise was dragged out of the walk-in closet just like he imagined in his head. "Her arm was already limp." He mumbled.

The torturous murder continues. The woman looked familiar and she even adjusted her mask but only half of her face was shown. If he's right, Louise knew well how she looked but somehow, she's dead.

"Hey, do you know this woman? The height and the body shape?" he asked as he turned his head to his right, finding her already sleeping and clutching the empty bottle of beer. He sighed and shook his head. "You only drank three bottles." He mumbled but she's completely knocked out.

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