
Chapter 107 - The New Couple

Chapter 107 - The New Couple

Johanna was five minutes late in the office because of Conrad who insisted on doing a quick one in the bathroom, but it ended up taking more time. She's also starving because they didn't get breakfast. And the calories that they ate last night were burned throughout the night. She was sore but she tried hard to walk right and straight.

"Hey, Jo. It seemed like you were rammed last night." Conrad said as soon as they entered the elevator. She glared at him and he quickly looked away innocently.

"Get me food." She demanded him as she checked her phone for emails.

"What do you want?"

"Just order anything."

"Okay." He said submissively.

He escorted her to the office and ducked down to steal a kiss. She put her purse beside it and took out cash.

"Buy me stuff that I need. Buy condoms. I'll send it to you."

"You have lots of cash." He took it. "I'll save this for our hotel." He winked. "I'm keeping the change too."

She rolled her eyes. She left her office and sent the things that she needed to Conrad. She went to Keira's office.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." She told her. Keira only giggled.

"Well, you can be a little late," Keira said. "So, you enjoy the night?" She asked.

"I do. I enjoyed the date but somehow, he changed his mind and I forced him. Then, he insisted on taking a shower together early in the morning." Johanna said casually and stood close to Keira. "You have a recording with the rest of the top 10 until tomorrow." She said to change the topic.

"Hmm," Keira nodded. "What else? I am not meeting a few investors. Right?"

"Yes. But you have an event to attend with your husband that will be in three days."

"Okay," she nodded.

"And one of Charles will be there as well."

Keira looked up at her.

"Not the old man?" She asked.

"I think it'll be the CEO of the Charles Empire."

"Okay," she nodded. "I think he won't be as crazy as Wendy."

"We don't know what," Johanna said. "But there were good things said to Mr. Kennedy Charles. He seemed to pose more with orphans."

"Media can be manipulating." She said.

"Yes. Also, Conrad mentioned to me about the killing machine."

Keira turned to her and gave all of her attention.

"That's why he wanted to cancel the thing that we planned." She moved closer. "He knew well about this killing machine."

"Oh, crap. This is a mess."

"But at the moment, they aren't going to use it to move," Johanna said. "I think they are saving him not to kill you but to kill the top assassin, which is you-know-who."

Keira creased her brows.

"W~Why? Why are they after him?" Keira asked. She shook her head. "I can't lose him again."

"I know." Johanna hugged Keira. "Don't worry. We will sort this out."

Keira wrapped her arms around Johanna's waist.

"Don't get into your head. We only have to be careful." Johanna gently pushed her. "By the way, I tell Conrad to buy us cheat foods." She smiled. "He will pick it up to make sure that it won't be poisonous."

"Great." Keira tried to smile.

"We have to expect that lots of people are after his head. But, he survived fewer times than we expected."

Keira nodded.

"I have faith in him. He's a badass." Keira chuckled, but deep down, she's worried as hell. She didn't know what else her brother got into. A knock on the door made them stop and the door opened as MJ entered and bowed her head.

"Reporting, Madam."

"Hi, MJ!" Keira stood. "Did you have your breakfast?" She asked.

"Yes," MJ answered casually.

Johanna reached for her tablet.

"Conrad is buying some snacks. You should eat first. We will head to the recording room? on the 20th floor later." Keira said.


MJ was a little late when his fiance worked with her all night. She thought of not moving out of the bed and he spoiled her. But Keira needs her. Now that there's the killing machine on the view, they shouldn't let their guard down. And her beloved was caring enough to escort her here. Now, she's inside Keira's office and the first thing she hears is the cello accompanied by piano playing. She thought that it's familiar, but after she heard it further, her eyes dilated.

Johanna noticed her expression.

"Are you alright?" Johanna asked.

"Y~Yes. It's just that the music was good."

"I composed it two nights ago," Keira said.

"Composed," MJ murmured and she remembered the same one that Harvey was playing. Her eyes widened even more as she got it. She stared at Keira for a while and there's a resemblance of Harvey. Is she Harvey's sister?

"Well, you might be just hungry," Johanna said. "Conrad will be here."

"I'm suddenly starving. I only have salad today. Thinking of carbs… damn. I could eat now."

"Well," Johanna shrugged. Someone knocked on the door and it opened. Vanessa's head popped from the door.

"President, there's a person in the reception area. He said that he's your cousin."

"Oh," Keira nodded and checked her phone. "Tell him to wait." She said to Vanessa with a smile. Vanessa nodded and closed the door gently.

"Cousin?" Johanna creased her brows.

"It's that ass that we were talking about. He said that he's collecting money for his wedding." Keira answered.

Johanna laughed.

"What the hell?" Johanna sighed. "Well, I should go down and escort him?"

"Yes, please. In the recording room. Away from people's eyes." Keira said. MJ opened the door for Johanna and Keira followed as she followed.

They waited in the recording room as MJ stood next to the door.

"I didn't know that you have a cousin," MJ said.

"It's a distant cousin." She shrugged as Keira sat down and checked a few things on her tablet.

MJ had to be careful so she could protect Keira at every cost.

"Don't worry, he won't bite," Keira said. "He's just too playful." MJ nodded and in a few minutes, Johanna came back and the teenager-looking tall guy opened the door letting Johanna in first. Then, he followed and closed the door. But he stopped when MJ stood in front of him to check on him.

"Oh, do I have to be searched on?" Harvey asked. MJ froze and stared at him. He smiled and removed his cap and scooped her face to kiss her but MJ quickly dodged and pushed him down in a swift movement. "Ow! Babe, it's me!" He complained.

"Babe?" Keira exclaimed as Johanna gaped and she covered her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" MJ asked coldly.

"Babe, let my hand go." Harvey pleaded.

With Harvey's arm twisted to his back, he could still make a move to push MJ but he didn't and dramatically cried.

"Why did you call her Babe?" Keira stood.

"She's my woman!" Harvey answered.

"Wo~woman?" Keira was shocked as Johanna.

"MJ, you should have stepped on him too and beat him up. That's not the way a boyfriend calls his girlfriend a woman!" Johanna said as Keira agreed.

MJ let him go as Harvey acted like he's hurt and pouted at MJ who showed no expression as she stood straight. Harvey pushed himself up and gave that pleading eyes to his fiancee. She remained deadpan and then glared at him. She's angry right now for not telling her. But she was taken aback when Keira pulled Harvey's ears as Johanna pushed him to the sofa and the girls started beating him up by pulling his hair and biting his arm. Harvey shrilled in horror.

Suddenly, the door opened as Conrad entered in shock.

"What the hell?!" Conrad exclaimed as the two stopped and fixed themselves. Keira glared at her brother. "Wow, beat him up more, Jo! I would like to see your amazon side." Conrad grinned as he put the food on the table.

Johanna gave him a deadly glare. She's hungry and cranky.

Keira sighed.

"Alright, I'm starving," Johanna said as she sat down and opened the foods that Conrad bought.

"Geez," Harvey wiped off the bite that they gave to him. "I need to make sure that these two don't have rabies."

"Just why did they attack you?" Conrad asked.

"That's because, this asshole, just mentioned that MJ is 'his woman.' It's not right." Keira explained shortly.

"Okay," Conrad nodded. "But they are together."

"You idiot!" Johanna glared. "It's not right to call someone a woman, if you were close to each other, having a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship! It's offensive." Johanna frowned at him.

"Well, the time that my husband used to call me that, I felt like a mistress." Keira sat down as she signed Conrad and MJ to sit down.

Harvey stood as he pulled MJ to his side and hugged her. Johanna and Keira sneered as they took their food and stood. Conrad did the same. They were ready to leave but MJ pushed Harvey. Johanna sighed.

"Thank God! I feel like my food is going to decline my stomach." Johanna said.

"Or the other way around." Keira laughed. "Harvey, don't make out in my office!" Keira demanded.

Harvey rolled his eyes.

"Why can't I? You were doing more than that in public with Alessandro."

She groaned and shook her head. Her stalker brother.


"Anyway, I am here to collect my gift," Harvey said and extended his hand to Keira.

Keira sighed as she took out her black card and gave it to him.

"2 million dollars," Keira said. "That's your money and it doesn't come from me."

"Just two million!" Harvey exclaimed.

"Yes! You have to be thrifty when you want a grand life." Keira said as she crossed her legs. Then, she took out a box under the table and gave it to him.

"Your husband is way more thrifty. He only gave me 500k pesos to buy plushies in the mall." Harvey complained. Keira glared at him.

"He gave you money?!" She scolded.

"Yeah," He shrugged.

"No! You ask for money!" Keira seemed to be angrier at her brother.

"Don't be grumpy. He gave it to me as a gift." Harvey grinned.

"What's with collecting money?" Johanna asked. Harvey smiled as he pulled MJ closer to him.

"I'm going to build a family with my baby," Harvey answered with those heart eyes.

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