
Chapter 333 - Offer

                   When the preparations had been completed, Ryan, Ricardo, and the others entered the dungeon. Fortunately, the dungeon\'s layout was pretty simple, and there wasn\'t anything decreasing their movement like the water in the mermaid\'s dungeon. As soon as the first mummy appeared, Ryan fired a bolt and electrocuted the monster. Soon after, the ice mage who looked like a kid in his teens fired an ice sphere at the monster\'s legs and froze it over.

"Now!" Ricardo shouted.

                  Ricardo and the other long-ranged fighters bombarded the mummy with magic and enchanted projectiles. Surprisingly enough, Ricardo\'s bow was pretty powerful and could fire Magma Arrows, but the cost was very high and not much useful against undead monsters. Regardless, the mummy died since it didn\'t have the chance to move from the spot.

"I guess the melee fighters are only going to fight against the boss," Ryan concluded, since ten or so fighters didn\'t participate in the fight. "In any case, this thing of being respectful in other people\'s country sure is tiring. I could have cleared those three dungeons in a single day if I had the chance."

"Isn\'t it good that you still respect others of your species even though you are more powerful than them?" Femradiel asked.

"I suppose so, but that doesn\'t mean that it is annoying," Ryan said. "With every passing day, I confirm time and time again that fighting solo is the way to go."

"You should have been born as a dragon with that attitude," Femradiel said.

        Maybe it was due to the fact that Ryan did whatever the hell he wanted in the past four months, but in the end, he made a mental note to avoid that situation again. He thought that obtaining three classes without doing nothing would be fun, but he was mistaken.

         After a few minutes, Ryan and the others finally reached the end of the dungeon, and there he saw Osiris sitting on a throne of bones… Ricardo didn\'t mention that he could do that.

"The trick to winning this fight is to do so as fast as possible," Ricardo said. "Osiris can summon other mummies, so we can let the fight last for long and we can\'t let him use his summoning skills."

        Ricardo looked at Ryan as I\'d he was saying that he would have to start the fight by himself. While he didn\'t mind that, Ryan wished that he had heard about it sooner. Regardless, instead of wasting time complaining, Ryan just moved toward the last part of the dungeon, running and firing his bolts.

 Osiris – Lv 155

 Health: 21000/21000

 Mana: 10000/10000

 Stamina: 5000/5000

 Strength: 5000

 Dexterity: 1000

 Speed: 1000

 Intelligence: 1000

 Endurance: 4000

 Control: 500                

 Mentality: 1500

 Luck: 500 

 Recovery: --

 Willpower: 1500 

 Coins: --

 Status: --

 Skill List

 Offensive Physical Skills: Tiring Touch Lv 150, Tiring Bandages Lv 130

 Passive Physical Skills: Stone Skin Lv 150, Bronze Skin Lv 120, Steel Skin Lv 100

 Spells: Summon Mummy Lv 150

 Support Skills: Pain Resistance Lv 350, Fire Resistance Lv 50, Cold Resistance Lv 50, Shock Resistance Lv 50, Poison Resistance Lv 250, 

       Osiris looked at Ryan, but before he could even think of attacking him, the bolts pierced its bandages and body while they electrocuted the beast. At the same time, Ricardo and the others positioned themselves around the boss.

        Ryan stopped attacking after precisely five seconds, and when that happened, Ricardo and the others joined the fight. Despite the risk, the melee fighters didn\'t hesitate and sliced apart Osiris\'s body bit by bit.

        Just in case, Ryan began to charge Power Shot. Nobody was paying attention to him anyway, so it didn\'t matter. However, in the end, nothing happened. Ryan sighed in relief when the boss died for two reasons. The first was because he didn\'t have to act and because that bullshit of being a nice visitor was finally over.

"Good work, everyone," Ricardo said. "It has been a long while since we fought against this boss and none of us suffered a single injury. The victory is ours, but the drop belongs to a single person, I believe no one can contest that the visitor deserves the reward."

        For a change, Ricardo cracked a smile on his face. While Ryan was happy for the loot since Osiris dropped a tome, those words and the others\' attention made him very uncomfortable.

"... Thanks," Ryan said and then forced a smile while he received the tome.

         Ryan wondered if that was a common thing around these parts. While he could understand the exhilarating feeling after winning a tough battle, those speeches were too cringe from his perspective.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill Summon Skeleton.

Effect: it grants you the power to summon an ordinary skeleton whose health, mana, and stamina will be equal to the level of the skill multiplied by fifty.

Cost: 100 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

"One of these hm, huh," Femradiel said, and for some reason, she seemed displeased. "I hate necromancers…"

       Ryan felt that he should ask why, but in the end, he decided not to. It was better if he keeps Furball and Femradiel at the same distance. Since Furball wasn\'t the type to share his problems, Ryan didn\'t have to worry about the distance between them, but things were a bit different with Femradiel. She was a sapient who was probably many times older than Ryan, so by default, she was a massive box full of issues that Ryan didn\'t want to get involved in.

        While Ryan was waiting for his turn to pick a class, Ricardo approached him. Since he looked a lot more relaxed than before, it was Ryan\'s turn to get tense.

"Gustavo told me that you are traveling around the continent and looking for dungeons like these," Ricardo said. "Do you think that you found all of them?"

"I don\'t know, I still need to check the extreme North of the continent," Ryan replied.

"How about you return here once you finish your search?" Ricardo asked. "We could use the help of someone like you. You can easily become my right hand and obtain several benefits."

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