
Chapter 288: Tell Me More

Chapter 288: Tell Me More

Keeley dipped a wash cloth in warm water and began gently swiping at her friend's face. It took a few minutes to get all of the oatmeal residue off. She was about to get a second cloth to clean her own face when Aaron began doing it for her.

"I could have done it myself," she pointed out.

He didn't even answer properly, all he did was shrug. Keeley had his number. He wanted an excuse to touch her face. Considering what a cold person he normally was, he was surprisingly touchy-feely with her.

At any given moment he could be found holding her hand, playing with her hair, or having an arm around her. Aaron wasn't happy unless he was touching her somehow at all times.

He had always been more physical than vocal about his affection back in the day but he was never this bad. If she had to guess, she would say it was because of all the time they spent apart after he lost her so traumatically. It was almost like he was afraid she was going to disappear on him.

Her heart ached at the thought. He really did love her so much. She tried to reciprocate as best she could but she couldn't honestly tell him she loved him. Lying about that would be the cruelest thing she could do.

"Awww so sweet," Jennica cooed.

Aaron glared at her but otherwise let the jab slide. He had gotten a lot better about being teased by others over time. If someone had tried to do something like that to him a year ago he would have gone into Total Ice Mode.

"Do either of you want dinner right now?" he asked.

"I could go for some dinner," Keeley admitted. She was getting hungry again. These days she needed to have food in her stomach at all times in order to feel comfortable.

"What do you have?" Jennica asked curiously.

"Frozen lasagna or leftover stir fry."

"Lasagna," they said in perfect sync before bursting into giggles.

He shook his head at their antics but had an indulgent smile on his face. "Lasagna it is."

Aaron went into the kitchen to put it in the oven while Jennica set to work on Keeley's nails. She chose a nice soft shade of lilac that had been in her Christmas stocking a few months ago. Pastels had long been her favorite.

Once she finished, she offered to do Keeley's toes too since she couldn't bend down and reach with her belly in the way. It was an offer she couldn't refuse. Her old toenail polish was chipping terribly because it had been there since before Christmas. There was hardly any left.

It hadn't mattered much because she was always wearing socks due to the weather but during sandal season having painted toenails was a must. That was still a while away but who else was going to offer to paint her toenails any time soon?

Aaron had tried around Christmas time (she couldn't reach then, either) but it looked horrible so he ended up driving her to a salon to get a pedicure. Either way she got her toenails painted red and green and that was the important thing.

Keeley sighed contentedly as her friend worked. It could be kind of nice being fussed over at times.


Aaron confessed what he had done in order to get the extra 2% of the shares he needed the day before they were supposed to go out to dinner with Graydon Meyer—or Michael Gray, his long-lost brother.

Keeley was completely blindsided by the news but she had to admit the way he acted fond of Aaron without even knowing him made a lot more sense now. She wasn't happy about having to meet with him after everything he did but reluctantly agreed that he wasn't currently a threat.

"What are we supposed to call him now?" she asked as they got ready to go to the dinner. She was wearing a flowery maternity blouse and black leggings and had curled her hair and put on makeup for the occasion.

"He told me to call him Gray," he said with a shrug. "I guess he feels most comfortable with that because it's part of both names he has gone by."

Well, it was how he originally introduced himself to her. It made sense. She still couldn't believe he actually did as Aaron asked for such a simple favor though. The 2% of the shares had already been handed over to Cameron.

Once the babies were born and Aaron got the remaining 10% he would be able to kick his father out for good. Then the only person they would have to worry about was Lacy Knighton.

She trusted that Aaron knew what he was doing but it would still be super weird having to share a meal with a former enemy, even if he couldn't remember it. After putting on a pair of silver dangly earrings she deemed herself presentable and let Aaron help her put on her shoes. It was show time.

The restaurant Keeley chose was a strictly middle class Thai fusion place. Gray had come from humble roots so he probably wouldn't mind it and she had been craving some curry.

He met them in the waiting area with the most genuine smile she had ever seen from him. "It's so good to see you two! Thank you for coming."

"Thank you for helping me," Aaron said reluctantly.

"It was my genuine pleasure. You know I can't wait to see that man get what is coming for him. This simply sped up the process."

A waiter led them to a table. The Hales sat next to each other and Gray chose to be across from his brother. He ordered wine for the men while Keeley opted for water.

"So. Tell me more about yourselves," he said, swirling his wine around in his glass once it was poured.

They exchanged a glance. "Like what?"

"Hobbies, interests, more about how you met. Anything."

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