
Chapter 1052: Qingfengs Promise

The little girl screamed ’Grandpa, grandpa!’ as she witnessed her grandpa’s sacrifice. She sounded incredibly tragic and helpless.


The cruel armoured man then pierced the little girl’s heart onto the ground with his long spear, as the little girl hopelessly looked at the sky with tears in her eyes.

"Why, why, why do you want to kill me and grandpa?" asked the little girl with tears in a shaky voice.

"Because you’re all the descendants of the self-cultivators from Earth," the armoured man replied with a cold-blooded cruel smile.

"Bastard, you won’t even let an eight year old girl go," Qingfeng said angrily as tears ran down his face.

These self-cultivators from the other stars were absolute bastards. They massacred all the self-cultivators on Earth, from the elderly, to women and children.

Although these scenes had happened throughout Earth’s long history, Qingfeng trembled as if he experienced this first hand.

Not only did Qingfeng tremble, Flower Fairy and Xianzhi, who were beside him, also shook in anger.

However, this was only the beginning, as more brutality was to come.

One of the black-cloaked self-cultivators raised a newborn into the sky with his spear, and paraded it to the other self-cultivators.

As for the newborn’s mother, she was already brutally murdered by the evil self-cultivator from the other dimensions.

"These invaders are bastards! They wont even let an one year old baby live," Qingfeng’s face grew pale, with his fists firm but his whole body trembling in anger.

The self-cultivators that invaded Earth were all supremely powerful. They had killed Earth’s Celestial Emperor, countless saints and immortals, and destroyed the Heavenly Court on Earth.

This great battle was called the Battle of Ruins. Earth was crippled, and the Heavenly Court was toppled and turned into a pile of ruins.

The powerful self-cultivators above the saint level were all killed, and the majority of Earth’s cultivation techniques, powerful spiritual devices, treasures, and immortal fruits were all ransacked.

Earth’s self-cultivation culture was lost, with over 99% of the self-cultivators being killed and only a few survivors being able to hide away in the corners of Earth, never to surface again.

With the lost of the self-cultivation culture and spirit essence on Earth, only low-tier vital essence was left. Without an environment to train in, Earth became a self-cultivator’s hell.

Over time, saints and immortals became the myths passed on between generations. People told it like they were fairy tales, and believed that they only existed in fiction.

From then, Earth had developed their civilization on a "cultivation-less" foundation. With thousands of years of progress, humans invented airplanes, trains, cars, ships, rockets, bombs, phones, computers, and had completely forgotten about Earth’s once glorious past.

Qingfeng, Flower Fairy, and Xianzhi all felt sad when they saw Earth’s past.

They had no clue that Earth had such past. It was once so powerful, but now it was weak and had been laid to ruins.

Earth might have advanced technology, but the Celestial Emperor, immortals, and saints have all became myths.

Qingfeng was furious when he realized that his ancestors had been killed and butchered.

Images of the universe disappeared, and the palace returned to normal. Qingfeng had just witnessed what happened on Earth in ancient times, but everything was so vivid in his memory as if he had personally experienced it.

"The three of you are all chosen ones, so here are three cultivation techniques: "Heavenly Immortal Chant", "Lotus Immortal Chant", and "Wind Immortal Chant" for the three of you," said a weathered but simple voice that sounded in the palace. The source of the voice was nowhere to be seen.

Three energy light globes appeared in the sky, with one going into each of Qingfeng, Flower Fairy, and Xianzhi’s minds.

The three then kneeled down to carefully absorb the techniques. Qingfeng had obtained the powerful Heavenly Immortal Chant, which allowed the practitioner to reach the immortal level. Cultivation techniques were different from spells as the techniques turned the vital essence present within the Heavens and Earth into one’s own, whereas spells channeled vital essence from inside one’s body to attack.

There were ten levels to the Heavenly Immortal Chant, and every level had a training realm that corresponded. The first level was the True Spirit Realm, the second was the Earthly Spirit Realm, the third Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the fourth was the Spirit King sword.

Qingfeng was at the initial stage of Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the technique that suited him best was the Heavenly Spirit Realm techniques. He found the relevant section in the Heavenly Immortal Chant, remembered it, and began practicing it.

Both of Qingfeng’s hands slightly lifted, forming a hand seal from the Heavenly Spirit Realm and his chest slightly lifted as he began to breath in the vital essence from the Heavens and Earth.

Large amounts of vital essence from the sky and Earth rushed into Qingfeng, and his body devoured it all like a whale swallowing water. It frantically sucked in all the vital essence around the space, allow his strength to quickly increase.

Qingfeng’s spirit nucleus was undergoing dramatic change, the once black core had a scratch before, but after massive amounts of vital essence was sucked in, two scratches appeared as he ascended into the intermediate stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

After Qingfeng had reached the intermediate-stage of Heavenly Spirit Realm, the vital essence in the air continued to enter his body, forming massive amounts of vital essence that cracked a third scar onto his core.

Three scars were the symbol of later stage Heavenly Spirit Realm. Undeniably, the vital essence inside this room was too powerful and dense, as it didn’t take long for him to reach the late stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"This Heavenly Immortal Chant truly is powerful! No wonder it’s the cultivation technique that could turn practitioners into immortals." Qingfeng sighed as he stood up.

He felt enormous power inside of his body, of about forty thousand kilos of force; he definitely could kill a late stage Heavenly Spirit Realm demonic beast with one punch now.

Along with Qingfeng, Flower Fairy and Xianzhi had all accomplished their trainings.

Flower Fairy had reached the early stage Heavenly Spirit Realm, and so did Xianzhi.

Flower Fairy trained in the Lotus Immortal Chant, and Xianzhi in the Wind Immortal Chant, these were all extremely powerful techniques that only immortals could acquire.

"Thank you ancestors for the cultivation techniques. What can I help you with?" Qingfeng asked as he bowed in respect.

The weak and elderly voice said, "You are Earth’s self-cultivators, I hope you’ll make a sworn oath that if you ever become a saint or immortal, you must avenge your ancestors, and kill the murderers from those one hundred stars."

Qingfeng nodded, even if that voice didn’t insist, he was determined to kill them.

"I, Qingfeng, hereby solemnly swear, that if I ever become a saint or immortal, I will head to those hundred stars, and kill all those that have attacked and murdered those on Earth." Qingfeng bit his tongue after the declaration, dripping one drop of blood into the space and disappearing.

Both Flower Fairy and Xianzhi sworn an oath as well. They were Earth’s self-cultivators, so naturally they had to avenge Earth’s ancestors.

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