
Chapter 127: Courting Death (1)

Chapter 127: Courting Death (1)

Chapter 127 – Courting Death (1)

Somewhere in the windy Mount Tai, Chen Yu faced the camera and said his opening remarks while standing underneath the huge metal arch.

Good morning, fellow friends in the livestream rooms. This is Transdimensional Review’s fourth official livestream. Thank you for waiting in front of your screens.

“The product for today’s episode is this big box next to me. Like you, I don’t know what’s inside this box. Now, let’s dispense with the nonsense and get to the unboxing.”

After saying so, Chen Yu reached out to the box and removed its seal. With Little Peach’s help, he quickly tore the delivery box apart, revealing a rectangular metal box.

The metal box was two meters tall and one meter wide. The metal was matte black and had low reflective properties.

Located at the top of the box was a mirror that seemed to be a solar panel.

There was also a thick, glass dome protruding out from the middle of the metal box, and through the glass, one could see a purple one-piece suit inside the box.

“This is...”

Straightening his mask, Chen Yu reached out for the console located beneath the glass dome. Immediately, a holographic projection appeared before him.

[Thank you for using the Haqiu Arms Company’s Full-coverage Special Protective Suit. Please register your fingerprint and bind your personal information.]

“It’s just a protective suit?” Mumbling to himself, Chen Yu stretched out his index finger and registered his fingerprint.

[Binding complete.]

[Protective suit integrity at 100%.]

[Hatch opening...]


Accompanied by the sound of strong airflow, the metal surface directed toward Chen Yu slowly opened, revealing the mist-shrouded protective suit inside the metal box.

[Air pressure normal. You may enter the cabin.]

“This thing is a little confusing for me.”

After sliding his finger a few times across the virtual console, Chen Yu found an option for instructions and clicked it quickly.

In the next moment, the hologram disappeared, and the entire box suddenly lit up brightly.

[Product introduction in progress. Please pay attention to the highlighted parts.]

[This product was produced by the Haqiu Arms Company in 2305. It is one of the best protective clothing available in the 24th century. It is capable of adapting to various extreme environments. Note: ultra-extreme environments such as black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, and stellar cores are an exception.]

[The current highlighted part is the protective suit’s maintenance pod. The pod automatically repairs and preserves the protective suit.]

The introduction voice stopped momentarily. The illuminated part of the metal box then darkened, while the solar panel above the box lit up.

[The current highlighted part is the maintenance pod’s solar charging panel. While in a sunny environment, the pod will automatically recharge itself.]

[The current highlighted part is the maintenance pod’s control module...]

Under the gaze of nearly 700,000 viewers, lights kept flickering on and off around the metal box. Five minutes later, the introduction of the maintenance pod ended.

[Please enter the cabin and put on the protective suit to proceed with the introductions.]

“Honestly, when I heard this was a protective suit, I felt a little disappointed. Now, though, it seems this thing is quite amazing.”

After saying so, Chen Yu carefully stepped inside the cabin. The cabin door then started sliding shut.

[Please put on the protective suit.]

Chen Yu turned around and faced his back to the camera before removing his mask. He then quickly put on the purple protective suit and the tight headgear provided.

In the next moment, his body was forcefully turned around by a pair of metallic arms, and various strange pieces of white armor were installed all over his body.


First, it was a breastplate.


Afterward, it was a backplate.







The whole process was like assembling building blocks. Under the two metallic arms’ swift actions, all sorts of accessories and armor pieces were strapped onto Chen Yu’s body.


With a muffled sound, a white helmet was locked onto Chen Yu’s head, tightly sealing the suit of armor. The cabin door then slowly opened.


Amidst the white mist, Chen Yu stepped out of the maintenance pod. He then carefully inspected the armor on his body under the dazzling sun.

[Crap! That thing looks way too cool!]

[You call this a protective suit?]

[It’s already stated clearly that the manufacturer is an arms company.]

[Can it resist nuclear bombs?]

[Isn’t this a goddamned power armor...]

[Stark: “???”]

Straightening his arms, Chen Yu walked a few circles before the camera. Through the protective suit’s voice transmission equipment, he said, “I know what everyone wants to say, but this thing really isn’t a power armor. Every piece of armor is very light. According to the instructions I heard in the cabin, the armor is filled with a Type-VI solid aerogel capable of isolating extreme temperatures and high radiation levels.

“The backplate is equipped with a lower-power plasma engine, which allows the user to traverse across extreme environments at a slow speed. The maximum speed of the suit is...um...

“Under standard atmospheric pressure, the suit can reach a maximum speed of 3,200 kilometers per hour.

“More than double the speed of sound...”

[This thing’s definition of “slow” really is an eye-opener.]

[Host! Fly a round for us! I beg you!]

[@Chengdu J-20, come quickly. Someone is about to overthrow you...]

[I look down on you uncultured country bumpkins.]

“As far as I know, this speed has completely surpassed even the most advanced fighter jets available in 2020. I can only say ‘as expected of technology from the future.’

“Now that we’ve gone through the unboxing and introduction sessions, we’ll proceed with the next topic–product review.”

Setting the floating camera into the auto-follow mode, Chen Yu continued, “Since this is a protective suit, I’ve thought up of plenty of ways to evaluate this product. But fret not, we have plenty of time. Let’s go through them one by one.”

After saying so, Chen Yu looked toward Little Peach and said, “I can only conduct the review by myself this time. Bring the maintenance pod to the ship and wait for me there. Also, leave the portal here; I still have uses for it.”

“You’ll do it alone?” Little Peach asked worriedly.

“Mhm. There’s only one suit. I don’t need you.”

“Very well, my King. Please pay attention to your safety!”

After gesturing an ‘OK,’ Chen Yu adjusted the engine pressure with the protective suit’s guidance system’s help. After that was done, he then executed a powerful jump.


Chen Yu instantly shot over a thousand meters into the air, the sonic boom left in his wake sending the dirt and gravel within a hundred-meter radius flying.

Swish... Swish...

The blue light jetting out of the backplate collided with the air to generate a recoil, allowing Chen Yu to hover in the air.

Reaching out to touch the blue “flames” coming out of his back, Chen Yu dully said, “From the front, it looks as if I’m spewing flames out of my butt... Is this stupid design really alright?”

[Flaming farts. Everything looks acceptable to me.]

[Haha, UP, if you haven’t mentioned it, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all...]

[That speed just now exceeded the speed of sound, right?]

[Hello? Superheroes?]

[Am I the only one that has noticed that the host isn’t altering his voice today?]

[I just entered the livestream. Is the host streaming a new movie?]

[Little kids shouldn’t watch this violent film.]

Lowering his head, Chen Yu gave Little Peach, who wore a stunned look on her face, a glance. He then faced the camera and spread his arms, saying, “This protective suit clearly has a special buffer installed. I did not feel the slightest discomfort during the entire acceleration process before.

“Well, then, let’s start the detailed review of this product. Firstly, let’s test the suit’s speed. We’ll see whether it can actually reach a top speed of 3,200 kilometers per hour.”

Pointing toward the east, Chen Yu said, “I’m currently at Mount Tai and roughly 300 kilometers away from Qingdao City. If I go at full speed, I should reach there in roughly six minutes.”

After saying so, Chen Yu faced east and assumed the classic Superman flying posture. He then pushed the jet engine to full throttle!


Along with a loud boom, the surrounding clouds exploded!

Chen Yu instantly broke through the sound barrier, transformed into a streak of light, and disappeared into the distant clouds and sky.

In the next moment, the floating camera that was suspended in mid-air chased after Chen Yu at an even greater speed, allowing the livestream’s 800,000 viewers to have a first-person experience of supersonic speed!

At the same time, the air-defense warning systems located throughout Shangdong Province sounded out one after another...

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