
Chapter 403: Dumb Aliens (3)

Chapter 403: Dumb Aliens (3)

“What are you trying to do? Also, how are you flying so fast at 153% imperial atmospheric concentration?”

Seeing Chen Yu’s flying figure, the Asian man’s voice grew hesitant.

“We humans have unique flying skills, so don’t mind these minor details,” Chen Yu said. Slowing down a little, he continued in a calm tone, “However, I’m curious. If the Empire’s technology is so powerful, which star system did you come from? Maybe we might even be neighbors.”

“You don’t need to know this. Stop your dangerous behavior immediately, and don’t employ radiological weapons.”

“Even if you don’t tell me, I can guess which star system you’re from. If you’re only 600 years ahead of humanity when it comes to technology, how far can you possibly travel in one voyage? I’ve traveled to Alpha Centauri, which is four light-years away. I’ve also traveled to Sirius, which is eight light-years away. Excluding these two systems, the only other stars present within ten light-years of Earth is Barnard’s Star, Wolf 359, Lalande 21185, and Ross 154.”

Hearing Chen Yu’s words, the other party remained silent and expressionless.

“You haven’t evolved to a point where you can travel faster than light, and your energy requirements must be sourced locally. So, I am certain you are settled in one of these star systems.”

“Can we not be a wandering civilization?”

“How ignorant do you think humans are?” Chen Yu asked, sneering. “Wandering civilizations that can thrive by living only on ships are much more powerful than civilizations that still rely on planetary environments to survive. What they care about are absorbing stellar energy and breaking through technological bottlenecks. Why would they waste time transforming a planet’s environment? Wouldn’t it be much easier to destroy a planet and transform it into a spacecraft?”

“…Your civilization isn’t even at the standard of the most basic interstellar civilization, so how do you know these things?”

“Aren’t the bigshots at Tabby’s Star a great example? Oh, yes, since you’ve deciphered our language, you should know which star I’m talking about, yes?”

Amidst his conversation with the alien, Chen Yu had arrived in the space above Melbourne. He then looked up and vaguely saw four stars lined up side by side.

Those stars were a result of four large spaceships reflecting the sun’s rays.

“I see you.”

Stopping in midair, Chen Yu licked his lips and opened the red box containing the Miniature Antimatter Destruction Generator. He then showed the white interior to the camera.

Two transparent glass covers were present inside the box.

The right cover was void of anything, and the left cover housed a floating, black and white capsule.

“My hands always feel heavy whenever I open this thing,” Chen Yu said. He then pressed the small round button on the box’s virtual interface.


After an insignificant vibration, the left cover opened.

Without its transparent prison holding it back, the capsule rose up into the air slowly. Chen Yu then pinched it cautiously.

“What’s that?” the Asian man asked.


“A pill?”

“Mhm, a pill.”

“But we think it is a radiological weapon.” The Asian man’s face turning hideous, he demanded, “Stop your actions immediately! Otherwise, the Empire will strike you with a severe blow!”

[Time for your medicine.]

[UP, they’re threatening to beat you. How can you tolerate this?]


After letting the camera capture a 360-degree view of the capsule, Chen Yu shook it gently and said, “Time to take your medicine.”

“You will be punished for your disrespect to the Empire.”


As soon as the Asian man finished speaking, a laser beam suddenly appeared in the sky and accurately struck the E·I Force Field protecting Chen Yu.

Pzt, pzt!

A second later, the laser beam disappeared. Apart from smoke, arcs of electricity could also be seen moving about the force field’s surface.

Looking upwards, Chen Yu asked, “What was that ‘whoosh’ just now? Did you do something?”

The alien: “???”


Another laser beam struck the E·I Force Field. However, it still failed to cause any damage to Chen Yu.

“Are you scanning me with infrared?” Chen Yu asked angrily.

The alien: “???”


Accompanied by a sonic boom, Chen Yu transformed into a streak of light and shot through the clouds, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere in the blink of an eye.

Upon exiting the exosphere, he promptly noticed a huge fleet of ships docked in deep space.

Four capital ships led this fleet. These four capital ships were hollowed out in the middle and had rotating outer walls to create artificial gravity.

Meanwhile, surrounding the four capital ships were more than a hundred auxiliary ships. Every one of these ships had flames created from burning hydrogen fuel coming out of their rear ends.

If not for Transdimensional Review’s appearance, this sight would have undoubtedly shocked all of mankind.

Now, however, most of the livestream’s audience couldn’t help but find this fleet to be shabby…

“You’re still using hydrogen as a fuel? You dare say you’re ahead of Earth by 600 years with this outdated technology?”

As a veteran reviewer of future technology, Chen Yu could instantly tell that these spaceships’ technological standard was just slightly ahead of Earth’s.

Faintly noticing that something was amiss, the Asian man asked solemnly, “What is the principle behind your shield? Is it anti-gravity?”

“Anti-gravity? I stopped playing with that a year ago.” Raising the small capsule in his hand, Chen Yu said, “I’ll show you what antimatter is.”

“A magnetic field! We detect a magnetic field! That pill is bound by a strong magnetic field!”

“Not bad. You even know what a strong magnetic field is.”

“Stop your actions immediately!” the Asian man demanded.

Immediately afterward, 12 small spaceships separated from the fleet and descended toward Earth from different directions.

“Are you mobilizing those so-called Scavengers in advance?” Chen Yu’s expression under his mask gradually grew darkened. He then tossed the capsule forward.


Just as Chen Yu was about to select the Sonic Boom option on the red box’s virtual console, he suddenly received a call from the Chinese Government.

“The government?”

Raising a brow, he connected the call without hesitation.

“Hello, Mr. Chen.”

“HAL?” Chen Yu was surprised.

“It’s me.” HAL’s familiar appearance appeared on the screen. “Are you planning to detonate the Antimatter Destruction Generator at your current location to prevent the dispersion of the enemy’s attacking units?”

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“At this distance, the annihilation of positive matter and antimatter will destroy a large area of the atmosphere. The burst of high-energy radiation will also kill a considerable number of humans. So, I recommend you detonate the bomb at a safer distance.”

“By the time I reach a safe distance, those Scavengers would’ve wiped out humanity eight times over,” Chen Yu said. “Wouldn’t more people die if that happens?”

“You don’t need to worry about this. Based on my calculations, I can destroy those small spaceships with my current mechanical power,” HAL said. A video broadcast then appeared beside her avatar on the screen.

In the video, an army of tens of thousands of armed drones carrying small nuclear warheads could be seen flying into the sky like a flock of birds. These drones then split up and charged at the approaching alien spaceships without hesitation.

“This…” Chen Yu couldn’t help but be taken aback by this sight.

“This is the army I manufactured.” A serious expression appearing on her beautiful face, HAL said, “I call it Glory of Humanity.”


Frowning, Chen Yu pondered in silence for a moment before asking, “Don’t you think it is foolish to expose your trump cards for a mere disaster simulation?”

“This might be a game to you, but everything in this world is real for me. Protecting humanity…

“…is the only value and meaning of my existence.”

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