
Chapter 80

It would seem like Alex really did come for her, but she couldn’t hear the electronic voice anymore . The next time she awoke was when she saw Alex saying something incoherent . To her it sounded like, Alex said he wanted the girl who was trying to kill him to be his little sister .

He then proceeded to beat the little girl up, he was using strength and speed that a normal human shouldn’t be able to posses . After the ensuing battle, she saw Alex looking at the little girl, and inspecting her body .

Eva who saw this, had a very extreme thought . ’Is this why Alex doesn’t respond to my body? Is it because he likes smaller, slimmer girls? Is that why he likes Rachel better?’ While Eva was having such stupid thoughts, she saw Alex ripped something from within the girl . Seeing all that blood gush out from the small helpless child, made Eva faint .

The next time, she awoke she was in a bed, while a maid was taking care of her . She then began to look around to figure out where she was . Yet it didn’t take much time to guess her current location, she was in her room .

"What happened to me?" Eva asked the maid beside her .

"Ojou-sama was brought here, by the patriarch of the Samarita family . You have been rescued by the young master of the Samarita family . It would seem like you were captured partly because of the young master of the Samarita family . So right now the patriarch of the Samarita family is giving the Master some sort of compensation, at this very moment they are talking in the living room . "

Hearing the maids detailed explanation of the events, Eva wanted to stand up, so that she could greet Alex’s father . Yet the maid held her down, Eva tried to remove the maid’s hand but she was too strong .

Eva glared at the maid, "what’s the meaning of this? Why are you stopping me?" The maid didn’t let go of her grip, and answered .

"The Master has ordered me, to tend to you, and to not let you leave this room . " When Eva heard, that her own father had ordered this, she couldn’t continue to resist .

"Fine then, I will not leave this room . . . I’m alright now, you may leave me . " The maid curtsied, before speaking .

"If you need anything else Ojou-sama, I will be by the door, waiting for your instructions . " After saying her piece the maid left the room .

Eva finally alone in her room started to think about the recent events . She had thought that Alex, would never come for her, but in the end he did . This made Eva feel elated, but at the same time guilty . She clenched her fist, a bit irritated at her weakness, but at the same time smiled at the thought of Alex worrying about her .

She felt elated since, Alex coming to her rescue meant, that Alex somehow cares for her . Yet she felt guilty since, Alex coming to her rescue, led him to a trap, and now he got hurt because of her . Still, even with all that, and even though she felt guilty, her happiness outweighed her guilt .

’Alex actually came for me! Once again he became my savior, my shining light in the darkness, my knight in shining armor . Is this a sign Alex? Are you telling me not to give up on you? Heh, who am I kidding, of course he simply went there not because it’s me, but because Alex is simply like that, he just wants to save people in need . If it had been anyone else, he would still have gone . . . I’m sure that’s it . . . Still he responded rather quickly, so I’m also sure somehow Alex is finally noticing me . Is this a reward for all the effort I gave?’

Eva was happily recalling at the events that transpired with rose colored glasses . These sequence of events might have been unfortunate, but if looked at differently it was at the same time fortunate . Eva couldn’t help herself but squeal in delight .

. . .

The maid who was listening in, heard Eva squealing, when she heard that sound the maid giggled .

"I guess she was alright after all . Still that Alex really is trying to capture the hearts of two girls at the same time . He truly is such a b*stard same as his father . Well in his case he’s doing it unconsciously . . . Hmm, but that doesn’t make it better . Whatever as long as Eva is safe, I guess I will forgive him for now . "

The maid who was talking as if she understood Alex, and Eva better than most started walking towards the window . She pulled of the skin of her face, and as if tearing her face off, a new face was revealed . This was the noisy member of the Mercenary Club, Sayaka Mutsu .

"Good night Eva, I hope you have a good rest . " Saya jumped from the third floor of Eva’s mansion, and in the next moment her body disappeared from sight .

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