
Chapter 108

"What is it Lilitth?"

"Umm, Onii-sama can I play with you?"

"Hmm you can, but what about your friend? Don’t you need to accompany her?" Alex looked at Niki who was beside Lilitth .

Noticing the attention shifted to her, Niki smiled elegantly as she looked at Alex . "Do not worry about me Lilitth’s onii-sama, I am content to just watching you two play . "

"Oh right I forgot about something . . . I’m sorry due to the excitement awhile ago, I haven’t introduced myself properly . I am Lilitth’s older brother Alexander, but you can call me Alex . Thank you for being friends with Lilitth . " Even though he was saying such things, Alex’s expression remained stoic, his voice as well remained indifferent . The content of what he said and his facial expression as well as his tone of voice doesn’t match, which made Niki a bit perplexed .

Niki who was stunned for a second, regained her senses and curtsied . "Nice to meet you Alex . I am Niki Rayheart, I as well am sorry for the late introductions . " As Niki was surprised by Alex’s indifference, Alex was surprised by Niki’s mannerism that wasn’t like any child he had seen .

Once Niki was done introducing herself to Alex, Oliver and Kei went near to see what the commotion was about . When they heard Alex’s explanation, the two were a bit embarrassed that they actually forgot to introduce themselves to Niki .

Once Kei and Oliver were done introducing themselves, Niki did the same thing twice . It was after this, Kei who was really embarrassed stood in front of Lilitth, who tilted her head in confusion .

"Um, I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself to you . I’m Kei Kaido, a clubmate of your brother . It’s a pleasure to meet you . " Kei who was flustered after talking to Niel’s cute little sister, had remembered that he hasn’t introduced himself to Lilitth as well . So while flustered he bowed his head and extended his right hand forward, It now looked like he was asking for a handshake or something similar .

Lilitth who saw Kei’s flustered reaction, found it funny and started giggling . Kei who had his head bowed, looked at Lilitth who had started to giggle . When he saw the giggling Lilitth, he found it so cute . Actually it was not just him who found it absolutely cute, the surrounding people who were playing in the arcade got distracted by Lilitth’s giggling and looked at her .

When they saw the doll like girl giggling, the people wether they be boy or girl, were entranced by Lilitth . Niki who saw the reaction of the people smiled happily .

’As expected of my friend, she was able to captivate everyone here with just her laugh . Still I bet I could do it better, but she really isn’t that bad . ’ Niki even in this situation was comparing her cuteness to Lilitth’s cuteness .

Lilitth unaware that people were staring at her, took Kei’s hand and shook it . "I’m Lilitth Samarita, Alexander Samarita’s little sister . Thank you for being friends with onii-sama . "

Kei lifted his head, and stared at the little girl who looked like an exquisite doll, but now in his eyes Lilitth turned into a little angel somehow . Some people wanted to approach Lilitth, after seeing her amazingly cute smile .

When Alex noticed the approaching people, he sent them away by glaring at them and sending out his bloodlust . The people who saw Alex’s glare felt all the hair in their body stand up . It was their primal instinct that told them, if they get near they will die . In the end no one was brave enough to approach the danger zone .

"Okay now that our introductions are over . Can we start playing?" When Kei heard what Alex said, he finally noticed that he was still holding Lilitth’s hand, which he immediately let go off .

"Oh right, I’ll just be going over there playing the new fighting game . " Kei retreated immediately out of embarrassment .

"Oh right I need to return to my position and secure the top score . " Oliver went to a different shooting game, aiming for the top score .

"Um, so onii-sama can I play with you?" Remembering that Alex hasn’t answered her, Lilitth asked him again .

"If it’s alright with Niki, I’m fine with it as well . " Alex looked at Niki waiting for her answer .

"Like I said before, please don’t mind me . I just want to watch you two play . " Alex nodded at Niki when he heard that she hasn’t changed her answer .

When the two siblings got in front of the game they finally noticed that Lilitth was too short to point the gun at the screen, so Alex took one of the stools in front of a different game that no one seems to be using and placed it in front of the game he was going to play .

"Here Lilitth use this . " Lilitth stood on the stool and was now able to point the fake gun at the screen . Alex inserted the tokens for both of them . When the game started they chose the co-op option of the game .

The two did the same thing as Oliver and skipped the games cut scene . When the terrorist appeared, Alex reflexively shot them all with extreme precision . Lilitth who was watching Oliver do it, tried copying the way he was shooting but it resulted in shots being missed .

When it was time to reload, Alex with his years of training automatically registered the gun in his hands a peacemaker so he reflexively tried to reload it, the same way as he would reload an actual peacemaker . While he was doing this, he was doing some evasive action as if he was truly being fired by real guns .

When he finally got a hold of himself, and remembered that this was a game it was too late . Lilitth who was inexperienced with holding a gun both in game and real life was useless . So in the end the sibling got to see the game over screen only a few seconds after the game started .

Niki who was watching them, was at first impressed on how cool Alex looked as he fired the toy gun . But was greatly disappointed when he couldn’t reload and was actually dodging video game bullets . Alongside his ever stoic face made the whole scene quite hilarious .

"Do you two want to try another game?" Niki suggested since, she didn’t want them to embarrass themselves, and of course embarrass her as well .

"No need . " The sibling were in sync as they answered Niki . Once again Alex put some tokens into the game machine and started the game .

This time when the game started Alex same as before was able to precisely hit every target, and when it was time to reload he had done so properly, and so quickly to boot .

Lilitth who had difficulty hitting the targets before had adjusted her aim to fit her frame . Now she was able to fire accurately at the enemy as well, albeit slower than Alex .

Niki was amazed at how much the siblings improved after one game . It was like they were totally different people . Some people who were watching Oliver trying to achieve a high score, shifted their focus on the siblings .

It was amazing, they weren’t even damaged as the game progressed, and they accuracy which is shown after every stage says they had a 100% accuracy . This made the people in the arcade excited . Can the two of them finish this gun game without getting hit once, and without missing a single shot .

The people were truly excited some of them even started to video the two . Oliver who had finally acquired the top score in the game he was playing, noticed the commotion . He went and looked at what was happening, when he saw it was Alex and Lilitth playing he stood beside Niki to watch .

’Wow, your good even in this kind of thing? Alex you really are like a character from some novel or game . ’ Oliver was deeply impressed by Alex’s skill as well as Lilitth’s . But what truly impressed him was that the realization that everything Alex has done seems to be done so perfectly .

It wasn’t long before Kei noticed the gathering crowd as well . He stood beside Oliver and for some reason even started cheering for Alex and Lilitth, which made other people cheer for them as well .

It was the final stage of the game and both still had perfect scores, the final boss had appeared at this point even a veteran who had played this game for years would have made a mistake . Yet Alex with his unchanging expression made the final boss look easy to beat . Lilitth who was supporting him hasn’t made a mistake as well .

Just one more hit and the game was over, and as usual Alex finished it flawlessly . When the final shot was made the surrounding people screamed and applauded in excitement .

The manager of the store who was watching as well, decided to give Alex and Lilitth a chance to pick any prize of their choosing . Once the two had picked randomly the manager asked if he could take a picture of them right beside the game they beaten .

The two agreed and had their picture taken not only by the manager, but by the surrounding people as well .

"That was amazing my comrade, and you as well little sister . " Oliver said in excitement .

"You were really good at this Lilitth . . . You as well Alex . . . You looked cool . . . Well not as cool as my nii-nii" Niki praised Lilitth, and hesitantly praised Alex as well .

. . . .

"I want to try that next onii-sama . " Lilitth pointed at a fighting game, that was different than what they played back home .

Alex and Lilitth approached the game, and sat on opposite sides . The people who were watching them awhile ago as they play the shooting game, once again surrounded the two . They felt like this two would do something extreme again .

When the two played a versus match against each other, they decided to choose random characters . When the people saw that the two had chosen random, they felt disappointed . Since the only people who choose random were either newbs or someone who wanted to practice .

And as expected when the match started the two started to press random buttons without hitting each other . The round ended with a draw since no one was able to hit the other . When the crowd was about to disperse, the thing they saw next was amazing .

Lilitth the little girl suddenly initiated a perfect combo in which Alex wasn’t able to block at all . The character Alex chose wasn’t even allowed to hit the ground . This made the crowd open their mouths in amazement .

Is it really possible to keep the opponent in the air without hitting the ground even once? What was that? Was that a bug? Is the little girl using a bug character?

The people who usually played this game, thought that the little girl had found a bug in one of the character’s combos . Which they decided to try later after the sibling were done playing . Yet what happened in the next round shocked them again .

Alex who was using a different character did the same perfect combo that didn’t allow the opponent to hit the ground .

Everyone who was watching the siblings were unsure what the hell was happening, but it was awesome . Some game bloggers who were at the scene were praising God for their luck to have met the Samarita siblings .

The two then started to play all the games in the arcade, which even attracted some people who were outside the arcade .

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